Festool RS 300 EQ Operating Instructions Manual

Power sanders
Operating Instructions Manual

This manual is also suitable for

CE-Konformitetserklæring. Vi erklærer på eget
ansvar at dette produktet er i overensstemmelse med
følgende normer eller normative dokumenter: EN 50 144,
EN 55 014, EN 61 000 i henhold til bestemmelsene i direktivene
98/37/EF, 89/336/EØF.
EG-Konformitätserklärung. Wir erklären in alleiniger
Verantwortung, dass dieses Produkt mit den
folgenden Normen oder normativen Dokumenten
EN 50 144, EN 55 014, EN 61 000 gemäß den Bestimmungen
der Richtlinien 98/37/EG, 89/336/EWG.
455 789/01.03
EY-standardinmukaisuusvakuutus. Vakuutamme
yksinvastuullisina, että tuote on seuraavien
standardien ja normatiivisten ohjeiden mukainen: EN 50 144,
EN 55 014, EN 61 000 direktiivien 98/37/EY, 89/336/EY
määräysten mukaan.
EG-konformitetsförklaring. Vi förklarar i eget ansvar,
att denna produkt stämmer överens med följande
normer och normativa dokument: EN 50 144, EN 55 014,
EN 61 000 enligt bestämmelserna i direktiven 98/37/EG,
EG-conformiteitsverklaring. Wij verklaren op eigen
verantwoordelijkheid dat dit produkt voldoet aan de
volgende normen of normatieve documenten. EN 50 144, EN
55 014, EN 61 000 conform de richtlijnen 98/37/EG,
CE-Dichiarazione di conformità. Dichiariamo sotto
la nostra esclusiva responsabilità che il presente
prodotto è conforme alle norme e ai documenti normativi
seguenti: EN 50 144, EN 55 014, EN 61 000 conformemente
alle normative delle direttive 98/37/CE, 89/336/CEE.
Owiadczenie o zgodnoci CE. Niniejszym
owiadczamy z ca³¹ odpowiedzialnoci¹, ¿e wyrób
ten odpowiada nastêpuj¹cym normom wzglêdnie dokumentom
normatywnym: EN 50 144, EN 55 014, EN 61 000 zgodnie z
postanowieniami wytycznych 98/37/EG, 89/336/EWG.
Äçëùóç óõììüñöùóçò ÅÊ. Ìå áíÜëçøç ôçò
óõíïëéêÞò åõèýíçò äçëþíïõìå, üôé ôï ðáñüí ðñïéüí
óõìöùíåß ìå ôá ðáñáêÜôù ðñüôõðá êáé ìå ôá
ðñüôõðá ðïõ áíáöÝñïíôáé óôá ó÷åôéêÜ Ýããñáöá ÅÍ 50 144,
ÅÍ 55 014, EN 61 000 óýìöùíá ìå ôïõò êáíïíéóìïýò
98/37ÅÊ, 89/336/ÅÏÊ
felelõsségvállalás mellett ezennel tanúsítjuk, hogy
a jelen termék megfelel az alábbi szabványoknak ill.
szabványdokumentációnak: EN 50 144, EN 55 014,
EN 61 000 a 98/37EG, 89/336/EWG irányvonalak
rendelkezései szerint.
Leitung Forschung und Entwicklung
Management Research and Development
Direction de recherce et développement
Festool GmbH
Wertstr. 20
D-73240 Wendlingen
Dr. Johannes Steimel
EC-Declaration of Conformity: We declare at our sole
responsibility that this product is in conformity with
the following standards or standardised documents:
EN 50 144, EN 55 014, EN 61 000 in accordance with the
regulations 98/37/EC, 89/336/EEC.
CE-Declaração de conformidade: Declaramos, sob
a nossa exclusiva responsabilidade, que este
produto corresponde às normas ou aos documentos
normativos citados a seguir:
EN 50 144, EN 55 014, EN 61 000 segundo as disposições
das directivas 98/37/CE, 89/336/CEE.
CE-Déclaration de conformité communautaire. Nous
déclarons sous notre propre responsabilité que ce
produit est conforme aux normes ou documents de
normalisation suivants: EN 50 144, EN 55 014, EN 61 000
conformément aux prescriptions des directives 98/37/CE,
Çàÿâëåíèå î êîíôîðìíîñòè ÑÅ. Ìû çàÿâëÿåì â
åäèíîëè÷íîé îòâåòñòâåííîñòè, ÷òî äàííîå èçäåëèå
ñîîòâåòñòâóåò òðåáîâàíèÿì ñëåäóþùèõ ñòàíäàðòîâ èëè
íîðìàòèâîâ: EN 50 144, EN 55 014, EN 61 000 â ñîîòâåòñòâèè
ñ ïîñòàíîâëåíèÿìè äèðåêòèâ ÅÑ 98/37, ÅÝÑ 89/336.
CE-Declaración de conformidad. Declaramos bajo
nuestra exclusiva responsabilidad que este
producto corresponde a las siguientes normas o documentos
normalizados: EN 50 144, EN 55 014, EN 61 000 conforme a
las prescripciones estipuladas en las directrices 98/37/CE,
Prohláení o souladu s normami CE. Prohlaujeme
na vlastní zodpovìdnost, e tento výrobek odpovídá
následujícím normám nebo normativním dokumentùm:
EN 50 144, EN 55 014, EN 61 000 v souladu s ustanoveními
smìrnic 98/37/EHS, 89/336/EHS.
EF-konformitetserklæring: Vi erklærer at have alene
ansvaret for, at dette produkt er i overensstemmelse
med de følgende normer eller normative dokumenter:
EN 50 144, EN 55 014, EN 61 000 i henhold til bestemmelserne
af direktiverne 98/37/EF, 89/336/EØF.
Seen at Ideal Tools.
Seen at Ideal Tools.
Technical data RS 300 Q / RS 300 EQ
Wattage 280 W
Speed 10,000 / 4,000 - 10,000 rpm
Power stroke 20,000 / 8,000 - 20,000 rpm
Sanding stroke 2.4 mm
Sanding base 93 x 175 mm
Degree of protection / II
Weight 2.3 kg
The specified illustrations can be found at the
beginning of the operating instructions.
1Before using sander
1.1 Safety instructions
Read the safety instructions on the
attached sheet before using the sander.
Always wear protective goggles
because of possible dangers when
The manufacturers handling and processing
instructions must be observed without fail if
explosive or self-igniting dusts are likely to
occur during sanding.
The electric tool must be connected to a
suitable dust extraction unit and applicable
safety regulations must be observed if dusts
dangerous to health are likely to occur during
Wear a dust mask for your own safety.
1.2 Correct usage
The sanders are designed for sanding wood,
plastic, composite materials, paint / varnish,
filling material and similar materials.
Metal and materials with an asbestos content
must not be processed with these tools.
The machines must not be damp nor operated
in a damp environment for electrical safety
The machines may only be used for dry
The user bears sole responsibility for
any damage or accidents resulting from
incorrect use.
1.3 Noise and vibration information
Typical values established in compliance with
EN 50 144:
Sound pressure level 76 dB(A)
Measured acceleration <5 m/s²
The noise level can exceed 85 dB(A)
during work.
Wear ear protectors!
2Electrical connection and operation
The mains voltage must correspond
with the voltage on the rating plate!
See Fig. 3 for connection and disconnection of
the power cable.
Always switch the machine off
before connecting or disconnecting
the mains lead!
The switch (1.1) acts as an ON / OFF switch
(I = ON / 0 = OFF).
For continuous use it can be engaged with the
lateral locking button (1.2).
Pressing the switch again releases the lock.
3Electronic control
The RS 300 EQ has an electronic
control with which the rotational speed
can be varied step-free.
This allows the sanding speed to be adapted
to the optimum level according to the material
The speed is set using the rotary control button
The numbers on the rotary control button
represent approximately the following
stroke/orbit speeds:
18,000 rpm 4 15,200 rpm
210,400 rpm 517,600 rpm
312,800 rpm 620,000 rpm
4Dust extraction
Dust extractors prevent large
accumulations of dust in the air in the
working environment and dirt collecting
in the workplace.
4.1 Inboard extraction
The machines are fitted with inbuilt extraction
as standard.
The sanding dust is extracted through suction
openings in the sanding base (2.4) and trapped
in the turbo-filter (1.5).
The turbo-filter has to be changed when it is
so full of dust that the extraction power
Inserting a turbo-filter
-Push the front cardboard section of the tur-
bo-filter with the sealing lip (1.4) onto the
extraction nozzle (1.9) of the filter holder
-Insert rear cardboard section with slot (1.6)
onto the retaining strip (1.7) of the filter hol-
-Push the filter holder with its opening (1.11)
as far as it will go onto the extraction nozzle
(1.3) of the machine and clamp tight by
turning rotary knob (1.10).
Seen at Ideal Tools.
4.2 External extraction by an extraction
In order to avoid frequent changing of the tur-
bo-filter when carrying longer sanding jobs, it
is possible to connect a Festool extractor to
the unit instead of using inbuilt extraction.
In this case, the extraction pipe (Ø 27 mm
(1.8)) of the extraction unit is connected to
the suction nozzle (1.3).
5 Special sanding pad
The standard sanding pad (93 x 175 mm) can
be exchanged for a special sanding pad. Loosen
the four fastening screws (2.2).
The special sanding shoe is mounted in such a
way that the extended side protrudes over the
front edge of the sander.
Please use the enclosed countersunk screws
to secure the STF 93 x 230 sanding pad instead
of the standard oval-head screws.
5.1 Sanding pad STF 93 x 230
The special application of this sanding pad is to
sand in narrow spaces, e.g. between the
louvers on folding shutters or behind heating
The protruding part of the sanding pad is 60 mm
long and has a Stickfix coating on the top and
Stickfix sandpaper rolls in grit sizes P 50 to
P 180 are available for these applications.
These rolls are 12 m long and can be cut to
the desired length by the customer.
Cut through the Stickfix adhesive coating on
the back and the carrier material using a sharp
The sandpaper can then be simply torn off.
Please note that this sanding pad cannot be
used in conjunction with a suction unit.
Please secure with the enclosed countersunk
screws instead of the standard oval-head
5.2 Sanding pad STF 93V x 266
This sanding pad has a protruding triangular
point with an edge length of 93 mm it was
developed for sanding in corners and edges
though can also be used on flat surfaces thanks
to its continuous Stickfix coating.
Affix the triangular abrasive STF 93V to the tip
followed directly by a normal sanding strip STF
93 x 178.
In order to obtain maximum use of the
triangular abrasive it can be rotated at random
on the end of the sanding pad.
The STF 93V x 266 sanding pad is fastened
with standard oval-head screws.
Please note: The STF 93V x 266 sanding pad
has been specially developed for work in
corners and on edges.
Experience has shown that this leads to uneven
stress on the tip of the sanding pad.
This inevitably leads to the generation of more
heat than when working on flat surfaces since
the same force has to be distributed over a
smaller surface.
You should therefore work with reduced
pressure, otherwise the Stickfix coating on the
sanding pad and abrasive can become
6Attaching sanding material
6.1 Stickfix abrasives
The appropriate Stickfix sanding paper and
Stickfix sanding felt can be fastened quickly and
easily onto the Stickfix sanding base.
Always use original Festool sanding materials!
The self-adhesive sanding material (2.3) is
simply pressed onto the sanding base (2.4)
and held safely in place by the Stickfix sanding
base velcro surface.
6.2 Clamped sandpaper
Start clamping the abrasive on the back of the
tool by raising the clamping lever (1.12) and
thus opening the clamping device.
Insert abrasive up to limit stop and lower
clamping lever into initial position.
Place the abrasive on the sanding pad, pull
taught and clamp on the front.
Not perforated abrasives can be perforated by
the Festool Lochfix.
7Operating instructions
Never overload the tool by using too
much pressure!
The best sanding results are achieved when
applying moderate pressure.
The sanding performance and quality depend
mainly on the choice of the right sanding
Festool offers the appropriate sanding material
for all applications (see Festool catalogue).
We recommend the following settings on the
rotary control (2.1) for electronic machines:
rotary control setting
- sanding work
5 - 6
-sanding with max. drive
-sanding old paint
-sanding wood and veneer prior to painting
-interim sanding of paint on surfaces
4 - 5
-sanding of thinly applied primer
-sanding of wood with sanding vlies
-sanding edges on wooden parts
-smoothing primed wooden surfaces.
Seen at Ideal Tools.
3 - 4
-sanding full wooden and veneer edges
-sanding in the grooves/rebates of windows
and doors
-interim paint sanding on edges
-pre-sanding natural wood windows with
sanding vlies
-smoothing wood surfaces with sanding felt
prior to staining
-rubbing down stained surfaces with sanding
-rubbing down or removing excess lime paste
with sanding vlies
2 - 3
-interim paint sanding on stained surfaces
-cleaning natural wood window grooves with
sanding felt
1 - 2
-sanding stained edges
-sanding thermoplastic synthetics
8Maintenance and care
Always remove the plug from the
mains supply socket before
carrying out any work on the
The cooling air vents on the motor housing
must always be free of blockages and clean to
ensure air circulation.
Any maintenance or repair work requiring the
motor housing to be opened may only be
carried out by an authorised service workshop.
Our equipment is under warranty for at least
12 months with regard to material or
production faults in accordance with national
In the EU countries, the warranty period is 24
months (an invoice or delivery note is required
as proof of purchase).
Damage resulting from, in particular, normal
wear and tear, overloading, improper handling,
or caused by the user or other damage caused
by not following the operating instructions, or
any fault acknowledged at the time of
purchase, is not covered by the warranty.
Complaints will only be acknowledged if the
equipment has not been dismantled before
being sent back to the suppliers or to an
authorised Festool customer support
Store the operating instructions, safety notes,
spare parts list and proof of purchase in a safe
place. In addition, the manufacturers current
warranty conditions apply.
We reserve the right to make changes to the
technical data contained in this information as
a result of ongoing research and development
Seen at Ideal Tools.
Festool GmbH
Postfach 1163
D-73236 Wendlingen
Wertstraße 20
D-73240 Wendlingen
)(07024) 804-0
Fax (07024) 804-608
Seen at Ideal Tools.
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Festool RS 300 EQ Operating Instructions Manual

Power sanders
Operating Instructions Manual
This manual is also suitable for

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