Video switchboard type 735B can operate in two modes: inter-
nal or external, to select the mode use the d. key on the video
switchboard, the d. key will remain lit in external mode, whe-
reas the LED will switch off in internal mode.
1) External operation: each call from the main entrance panel
will be sent directly to the interphone / monitor cable riser
without being intercepted by the switchboard.
However this condition still allows the receipt of porter calls,
calls direct to the switchboard and signalling of conversa-
tion in progress between external entrance panel and inter-
nal interphone / monitor.
Call direct to video switchboard from main entrance
panel: if the video switchboard is operating in external
mode, it is possible to receive calls from the main entrance
panel using the direct call number, see “Device number” pa-
Porter calls: if the video switchboard is operating in exter-
nal mode, calls to the concierge are still recorded and di-
splayed on the LCD screen in the log section.
Fig. 13
Fig. 14
2) Internal operation: all phases are activated and allowed by
the switchboard operator.
To make a call from the video switchboard to one of the in-
ternal users, dial the user's number using the keypad and
press the bell key.
Direct call to video switchboard from main entrance panel: if
the video switchboard is operating in internal mode, all calls
from the main entrance panel are intercepted by the swit-
chboard which connects to the external station, displaying
the image from the station and the called number, or the
name associated with the called number (fig. 13). Calls to
the video switchboard are announced with a programmed
To answer the call and communicate with the entrance
panel, simply press the “ ” key on the capacitive keypad
or lift the handset.
To forward the call to the internal user, the switchboard ope-
rator should proceed as follows:
Press the “ ” button which puts the entrance
panel on hold, the called digibus address is shown in the
keypad box and this internal user can be called by pressing
the key . Once the internal user has answered, he/she
can be put through to the entrance panel by pressing the
“Connect” key on the internal user communication screen
(fig 14) .
When the entrance panel icon is yellow this indicates that
the entrance panel is on hold.
Call from user to video switchboard: using the lock key
with the handset raised or with the speakerphone button
pressed (Wide Touch has a specific key for call to video swit-
chboard) a porter call is sent to the video switchboard.
To enable communication with the internal user, the con-
cierge should dial the caller's number, or select it from the
calls list, and then press the bell button. the calls list can
display up to 10,000 different calls.
Note: remember that internal users can only send a call to the
concierge if they are not already engaged in another conversa-