2-2 Raystar 120 GPS Receiver
2.2 Installation Procedure
Beforecommencinginstallationensureyouhave thecorrect unit for
yourapplication.Appendix B identifies the correct version ofthe
Raymarinecannot beresponsiblefor incorrectoperation dueto
incorrectunit specification. Always state which modelyou have
whenmaking anycommunication withRaymarine oraregistered
GPS Receiver Installation
TheRaystar 120GPS Receiveris designed toreceive thesignals
emittedfrom thesatellites in adirect path.Ideally, theunitshould be
search lights, or otherstructuresthat couldblock line-of-sight
reception of signals.The heightof theGPS Receiver isnot as
importantas it’shaving aclear viewhorizonto horizonfor optimum
signalreception.Infact,thelowertheunitcan bemountedandhavea
clear view tosatellites,the better. Themore stable theunit, the easier
itis totracksatelliteslowerto thehorizon.
thesupplied surface mountkit.
Whenmounting theGPS Receiver flushto adeck surface,avoid
areas where theunit will betroddenupon orwhere it maypresent a
tripping hazard.
Whenplanningthe locationfor theunit,considerfinding a
convenientpathwayfor runningthe interconnectingcable between
theGPS Receiver andthe displayunit orto therest of anintegrated
system.Ideally thecableshould berunin amanner suchthat it is
hiddenfrom view and,if possible, be ina directpathto thepointof
connection. Itis importantto keepthecableseparated from other
shipboardcables asfar as possibleto prevent interferencepick-up.
Note:Mounting on themastof asailboatis notrecommended.
81170_2.BOOK Page 2 Thursday, July 19, 2001 2:36 PM