Note–Connection impaired
Afterthe speaker andterminaldevice have
been paired,aconnection is established
automatically. If the Bluetooth connection
is notestablishedautomatically,check
•Check the Bluetoothsettingsofyour
terminaldevice to seewhetherHama
Speaker is connected.Ifnot, repeat the
steps listed underBluetooth pairing.
•Check whether yourterminaldevice
and the speaker are less than 10
metresapart. If not,movethemcloser
•Check whether obstaclesare impairing
the range. Ifso, movethe devices
closer together.
•Check whether the audio cableis
connected to the speaker. If so,
disconnect it.
4.4 AutomaticBluetoothconnection
•Make surethat your Bluetooth-capable
terminaldevice is on andBluetooth is
•Make surethat your Bluetooth-capable
terminaldevice is visible for other Bluetooth
•Make surethat the speaker is locatedwithin
the Bluetooth rangeofmax. 10metres.
•Switch on thespeaker (1). The device
willemit asoundand the status LED will
ash, conrmingthat the deviceisready
for operation.
•Aftersuccessfulconnection,the LED
indicator will ash.
•Start andstopaudio playback on your
terminal deviceorusing Play/Pause(2) on
4.5 Hands-freefunction
Youcan use thespeakerasahands-free set
for yourmobilephone.For this function,
the mobilephonemust be connectedtothe
speaker via Bluetooth.
•Make surethat yourmobile phoneis
connected to theBluetooth speaker.
•Ifyou receive acallonyourmobile phone,
an announcementofthe telephone number
•Press Call (5) to acceptthe call.
•Press Call (5) again to end the call.
To increase the call quality, make surethat
youare nearthe speaker with your mobile
phone during thecall.