Running the Diagnostics
General Output Modes
The four modes for running the diagnostics are parity, page, line
echo, and disk ignore. The modes are turned on and off by typing
commands. Since all modes function as switches, the same
commands disable the modes that enable them. For example, if you
typed PM (uppercase or lowercase) to enable a mode, type PM
(uppercase or lowercase) again to disable it.
By default, parity interrupts are disabled when you initially
load the diagnostics. To enable parity interrupts, type the
letters PE (uppercase or lowercase) after the "command»" prompt
and press the RETURN key. (To disable parity interrupts if they
are on, type PE (uppercase or lowercase) after the "command»"
prompt and press the RETURN key.) Parity interrupts are always
disabled after an error message.
By default, the diagnostic output scrolls automatically (page
mode is off). With page mode on, you can scroll output manually
to allow more time for reading output. To turn page mode on,
enter the letters PM (uppercase or lowercase) after the
"command»" prompt. With page mode on, the following prompt
appears at the bottom of each full page of output:
<l=next line, e=disable page mode, anything else=next
Press 1 to see the next line, press e to disable page mode, or
press any other terminal key to go to the next page.
Line echo prints all display output on the printer, if one is
present. To enable line printer echo, enter LE (uppercase or
lowercase) after the "command»" prompt. If any of the
diagnostics return an error, line echo automatically disables.
(Line echo is not valid for the clock test. )
By default, disk ignore mode is off. With disk ignore mode off,
if a disk drive is not present and you try to run a test sequence
that includes a disk test, the diagnostics return an error and
terminate. With disk ignore mode on, the diagnostics return a
message and continue to run. To turn disk ignore mode on, enter
DI (uppercase or lowercase) after the "command»" prompt.