The operation of Airflex rotorseals at
maximum air pressure combined with
maximum speed should be avoided.
Consult the factory for details of specific
application data.
Prior to performing any maintenance on
the rotorseal, make sure the equipment
is in, and will remain in, a safe condition.
4.1 Wear Limits
4.1.1 The Airflex rotorseals are lubricated for life
and require no maintenance. If a rotorseal has
become ineffective after prolonged service, it
can be restored to good operating condition
by rebuilding it.
4.2 Rebuilding
4.2.1 A replacement kit is available to allow the
rebuilding of these rotorseals in the field.
Airflex rotorseals are manufactured of quality
materials which are held to precision toler-
ances. NOTE: Only genuine Airflex rotorseal
parts should be used. The rotorseal should be
removed from its mounting and repairs should
be made in a clean, dust-free environment.
4.2.2 Disassembly
4.2.3 Remove the snap ring (11). This can be done
w ith the aid of snap ring pliers. Insert the pins
of the pliers into the holes in the snap ring.
Compress the ring enough to insure that the
groove in the housing (1) will not be damaged,
and remove the snap ring.
4.2.4 Refer to Figure 1 for bearing arrangement.
Remove shaft (3) and bearing (9) and/or (9A)
from the housing (1) by holding the hex
portion of the shaft in a vise w hile striking the
housing gently w ith a light mallet. Rotate the
housing while striking to reduce the tendency
of binding the bearing in the housing.
4.2.5 Remove the spring (4), spring stop (5), "O"
ring (6), and seal (7) from the housing (1) w ith
the aid of a small w ire hook.
4.3.1 Clean all the parts thoroughly after disassembly
w ith a grease cutting solvent.
The manufacturer of any grease cutting
solvent publishes a Material Safety Data
Sheet. This sheet must be read and
understood before using the product.
4.3.2 Inspect the lapped sealing end of the shaft (3).
This sealing surface should be free of scoring
and excessive w ear. Inspect the bearings (9)(9A) for roughness, end
play and contamination. They should be
in good condition, free of rust, and should re-
volve smoothly w ithout any tendency to bind.
4.3.3 If the shaft (3) or the bearings (9)(9A) are in
poor condition, they must be replaced. If
these tw o parts require disassembly, remove
the shaft external snap ring (8) and press the
bearings from the shaft.
4.3.4 Inspect the housing (1) for damage from the
outer race of the bearings (9)(9A) rotating.
Replace the housing if necessary.
Only genuine Airflex rotorseal parts
should be used (Bearings or shaft can be
obtained from the factory separately).
4.4.1 Assemble the spring (4), spring stop (5), " O"
ring (6), and seal (7) as show n in Figure 1,
making sure the " O" ring seats properly on the
chamfered surface of the seal. Re-pack grease cavity in the housing (1)
of rotorseals with Alvania #2 Oil grease or
equivalent. All unsealed bearings must be
packed (refer to parts list).
Failure to follow this lubrication procedure
may result in rotorseal damage or failure.
RS 9010 PDF Format 4
(Revised September 1998)