Below are not suitable
Cutlery with wooden, horn china or mother-
of-pearl handles
Plastic items that are not heat resistant Older
cutlery with glued parts
cutlery items or dishes
Pewter or cooper items
Crystal glass
Steel items subject to rusting
Wooden platters
Items made from synthetic fibres
Below are of limited suitability
Some types
after a large number of washes
Silv er a nd al umi num p arts ha ve a
tendencyto discolourduringwashing
washed frequent ly
Dishesanditemsofcutlerymustnotlie insideoneanother, orcover each other.
To av oidd amage to gl asse s,th eym us t not touc h.
Lo ad large ite msw hic h are most difficult to c lea nint oth e lower bask et.
The uppe rbas ket i sde sig nedto ho ldm oredeli cate and lighter dishwa re suc h as glasses , coffee
Lo ng blad edk nives stored in a n upr igh tpo sitio nare ap otent ial haza rd!
Lo ng and/ ors harp items o f cutle ry such as carving kniv esm ust bepositi oned
h orizon ta llyi n t he upp erb asket .
P lease do not ove rload yo urdishw asher. T his is importan t f org ood result sa ndf or
r easonab leconsu mpti onof en ergy.
Load items such as cups, glasses, pans etc.
With the opening facing downwards so that water
cannot collect in the container or a deep base.
Consider b uy ing ut ensils which are iden t ifi ed as dishwasher-proof.
Us e a mil d de te r g e nt tha t is d es c ribed as 'kind to dishes'. If necessary, seek further
information from the detergent manufacturers.
For particular items, select a
programme with as low a temperature as possible.
To prevent damage, do not tak e glass and cutlery out of the dishwasher i mmed iatel y
after the programme has e nde d.
(For best perf ormance ofthe di shwasher,fol lowthe seload inggu ide li nes.
Featu res and ap pearance of baske tsand cutler yba sket smay vary fr om your mod el.)
Scrape off any larg ea mounts ofle ftover food. S often remnants of b urnt food inpa ns.
It is no t necess ary tori nset hed ishes under running water.
Pl ace objects in the dis hwasher i n fol lowing way :
1.Items such a scups, g lasses, pots /pans, e tc.a re faced dow nwa rds.
2.Curved i tems, or ones wi threces ses,shoul dbe loaded aslant so th at water can run off.
3.All utensils are stacked securely and can not ti po ver.
4.All utensils are placed in t heway t hat t he spr ay ar mscan rotate freel y d urin gw ashing.
Ve ry small itemss houldn otb ew ashedi n the dish was her as th eycould eas ily f all outof the basket.
To prevent water dripping from the upper basket into the
lower basket, we recommend that
you empty the lower basket and then the upper basket. This will reduce water dripping from
the upper basket on to the contents of the lower basket.
Suitability of cutlery and dish types
Before and after loading the dishwasher baskets
Removing dishes