ESAB MEI 21 User manual

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  • What safety precautions should be taken when using the ESAB MEI 21?
    What is the purpose of the drive motor in the ESAB MEI 21?
    How do I adjust the pressure of the feed rollers in the ESAB MEI 21?
    What is the maximum wire feed speed of the ESAB MEI 21?
    What is the purpose of the wire guide in the ESAB MEI 21?
Valid for serial no. 535--xxx--xxxx0444 392127 080828
MEI 21
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êâàëèôèöèðîâàííûì ñïåöèàëèñòîì ESAB .
Íåîáõîäèìî èñïîëüçîâàòü òîëüêî çàïàñíûå ÷àñòè, âûïóùåííûå ôèðìîé
Çàïàñíûå ÷àñòè ìîæíî çàêàçòú ó áëèæàéøåãî ê Âàì ESAB, (ñì. ïåðå÷åíú íà
ïîñëåäíåé ñòðàíèöå äàííîé áðîøþðû).
-- 9 --
1 DIRECTIVE 10........................................................
2SAFETY 10...........................................................
3 INTRODUCTION 12...................................................
4 TECHNICAL DATA 13.................................................
5 INSTALLATION 13....................................................
6 OPERATION 13.......................................................
6.1 Connecting the wire conduit 13.................................................
6.2 Replacement/Insertion of filler wire 14..........................................
7 MAINTENANCE 14....................................................
7.1 Inspection and cleaning 14....................................................
8 ORDERING OF SPARE PARTS 15......................................
DIAGRAM 17............................................................
ORDERING NUMBER 18.................................................
WEAR PARTS 19........................................................
-- 1 0 --
ESAB AB, Welding Equipment, SE--695 81 Laxå, Sweden, declares that Wire feed unit MEI21 from
serial number 535 (1995 week 35) onwards are constructed and tested in compliance with the stan-
dard EN 60204--1/ EN 12100--2 in accordance with the requirements of directive (98/37/EEC) and
standard EN 60974--10 (Class A) in accordance with the requirements of directive (2004/108/EEC).
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --------
Kent Eimbrodt
Global Director
Equipment and Automation
Laxå 2008--08--12
Users of ESAB welding equipment have the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that anyone who
works on or near the equipment observes all the relevant safety precautions. Safety precautions
must meet the requirements that apply to this type of welding equipment. The following recommen-
dations should be observed in addition to the standard regulations that apply to the workplace.
All work must be carried out by trained personnel well--acquainted with the operation of the welding
equipment. Incorrect operation of the equipment may lead to hazardous situations which can result
in injury to the operator and damage to the equipment.
1. Anyone who uses the welding equipment must be familiar with:
S its operation
S location of emergency stops
S its function
S relevant safety precautions
S welding
2. The operator must ensure that:
S no unauthorized person is stationed within the working area of the equipment when it is
started up.
S no--one is unprotected when the arc is struck
3. The workplace must:
S be suitable for the purpose
S be free from drafts
4. Personal safety equipment
S Always wear recommended personal safety equipment, such as safety glasses, flame--proof
clothing, safety gloves.
S Do not wear loose--fitting items, such as scarves, bracelets, rings, etc., which could become
trapped or cause burns.
5. General precautions
S Make sure the return cable is connected securely.
S Work on high voltage equipment may only be carried out by a qualified electrician.
S Appropriate fire extinquishing equipment must be clearly marked and close at hand.
S Lubrication and maintenance must not be carried out on the equipment during operation.
-- 1 1 --
Read and understand the instruction manual before installing or operating.
Arc welding and cutting can be injurious to yourself and others. Take precausions when welding.
Ask for your employer’s safety practices which should be based on manufacturers’ hazard data.
S Install and earth the welding unit in accordance with applicable standards.
S Do not touch live electrical parts or electrodes with bare skin, wet gloves or wet clothing.
S Insulate yourself from earth and the workpiece.
S Ensure your working stance is s afe.
FUMES AND GASES - Can be dangerous to health
S Keep your head out of the fumes.
S Use ventilation, extraction at the arc, or both, to take fumes and gases away from your breathing zone
and the general area.
ARC RAYS - Can injure eyes and burn skin.
S Protect y our eyes and body. Use the correct welding screen and filter lens and wear protective
S Protect bystanders with suitable screens or curtains.
S Sparks (spatter) can cause fire. Make sure therefore that there are no inflammable materials nearby.
NOISE - Excessive noise can damage hearing
S Protect y our ears. Use earmuffs or other hearing protection.
S Warn bystanders of the risk.
MALFUNCTION - Call for expert assistance in the event of malfunction.
This product is solely intended for arc welding.
Class A equipment is not intended for use in residential locations where
the electrical power is provided by the public low--voltage supply
system. There may be potential difficulties in ensuring electromagnic
compatibility of class A equipment in those locations, due to conducted
as well as radiated disturbances.
Do not dispose of electrical equipment together with normal waste!
In observance of European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment and its implementation in accordance with national law , electrical equipment
that has reached the end of its life must be collected separately and returned to an
environmentally compatible recycling facility. As the owner of the equipment, you should
get information on approved collection systems from our local representative.
By applying this European Directive you will improve the environment and human
-- 1 2 --
Read and understand the instruction manual before
installing or operating.
ESAB can provide you with all necessary welding p rotectio n and accessories.
The MEI 21 is a wire feed unit for mechanized TIG welding.
The unit consists of the following components:
1. Tube frame
2. Feed unit
3. Drive motor
4. Reel holder
5. Cable
6. Wire conduit
The MEI 21 is designed for wire diameters Ø 0.6 to Ø 0.8 mm.
The reel holder (4) will accept reels with an outer diameter of 200 mm and a width of
60 mm. The cover, which is removed to check or change the wire, is held by snap
A DC motor (3) with gear wheel drives the two feed rollers through a cog.
The DC motor is provided with a pulse transducer with feedback coupling to the
welding power source.
The feed rollers have two tracks for wire and each track is designed for a determined
wire dimension.
Two pressure rollers, which provide the necessary friction between the wire and the
feed roller, are mounted in a spring mechanism that allows the pressure to be
Motor cable ( 5) is provided for connecting the MEI 21 to the welding power source.
MEI 21 is controlled over the welding power source.
-- 1 3 --
MEI 21
Length of wire conduit 4.2 m
Wire feed speed 0.1 -- 2.6 m/min
Operating temperature -- 1 0 t o + 4 0 ˚C
Dimensions L x W x H 490x 380 x 430mm
Weight with 5kg reel 15 kg
Weight without reel 10 kg
Continuous A--weighted noise pressure 58 dB
Rated voltage
48 V DC
Wire reel
Outer diameter
Reel width
Width of hub
Hub hole diameter
200 mm
60 mm
60 mm
51.5 mm
The installatio n must be executed b y a p rofession al.
Rotating parts can cause injury, take great care.
This product is intended for industrial use. In a domestic environment this product may
cause radio interference. It is the user’s responsibility to take adequate precautions.
S Connect the wire feed unit cable to the welding power source.
General safety regulations for the handling of the equipment can be found on
page 10. Read through before you start using the equipment!
6.1 Connecting the wire conduit
S Unscrew the bolt on the output side of the wire feed unit.
S Connect the wire conduit and tighten the bolt.
S Check that the wire conduit is in the right position between the feed rollers and
that it bottoms.
-- 1 4 --
6.2 Replacement/Insertion of filler wire
S Release the feed roller pressure spring.
S Remove the cover of the bobbin.
S Rewind any existing wire out of the wire feed unit and remove the wire reel.
S Straighten out the new filler wire 10--20 cm.
S File off any sharp edges of the filler wir e before inserting it into the wire feed
S Make sure the wire comes right in the grooves of the feed rollers and the
outlet nozzle/wire conduit.
S Retension the spring.
S Press the reel cover in place.
S Advance the filler wire till it sticks out some ten centimetres through the quick--
S Insert the filler wir e manually into the tool part of the quick--coupling.
Interlock the two parts of the coupling.
S Loosen the joint nipple from the hose support on the tool and place the tool so
that the wire conduit is straight.
S Start the wire feed again and feed the filler wire out through the nozzle.
S Trim the end of the filler wire.
S Fit the joint nipple on the hose support.
Regular maintenance is important for safe, reliable operation.
All guarantee undertakings from the supplier cease to apply if the customer himself
attempts any work in the product during the guarantee period in order to rectify any faults.
7.1 Inspection and cleaning
Regular maintenance is important for reliable and safe operation.
Cleaning and replacement of the wear parts of the wire feed mechanism should
take place periodically to ensure trouble--free wire feed.
Note! that an excessive pressure setting can result in abnormal wear on the
pressure roller, feed roller and wire liner.
-- 1 5 --
MEI 21 is designed and tested in accordance with the international and European stan-
dards EN 60204--1 / 12100--2 and EN 60974--10. It is the obligation of the service unit
which has carried out the service or repair work to make sure that the product still
conforms to the said standard.
Repair and electrical work should be performed by an authorized ESAB serviceman.
Use only ESAB original spare and wear parts.
Spare parts may be ordered through your nearest ESAB dealer, see the last page of
this publication.
-- 1 6 --
Diagram Ñõåìà
-- 1 7 --
AP01 486 348--880
XS01 368 543--003
M01, E01 443 832--001
MEI 21
Edition 080828
Ordering number Íîìåð çàêàçà
-- 1 8 --
Ordering no. Denomination Type
0443 830 880 Wire feed unit MEI 21
0444 393 880 Upgrade kit for using 15 kg bobin
0444 392 990 Spare parts list
Instruction manuals and the spare parts list are available on the Internet at
MEI 21
R0444 392/E080828/PNO TAG
Wear p arts Áûñòðîèýíàøèâåìûå äåòàëè
-- 1 9 --
Best nr .
Ordering no.
0441 299 880 Wire feed mechanism
1 1 0367 907 003 Inlet nozzle Ø2.5mm
2 1 0441 990 001 Guider
3 2 0455 068 001 Shaft
4 4 0455 053 880 Ball bearing
5 1 0441 304 001 Pinion
Item Ordering no. Denomination Wire type Wire dimensions Groove
6 0369 557 001 Feed/pressure rollers Fe, Ss & cored Ø 0.6 & 0.8 mm V
0369 557 003 Feed/pressure rollers Fe, Ss & cored Ø 1.0 & 1,2 mm V
0369 557 005 Feed/pressure rollers Cored Ø 1.4/1.6 & 2.0/2.4 mm V--Knurled
7 0190 725 200 Ball bearing
-- 2 0 --