Important Change Notification
This document supersedes the TCF–10B Frequency-Programmable Frequency-Shift Carrier
Transmitter/Receiver System Manual CF44–VER04. The following list shows the most recent publication
date for each chapter. Publication dates in bold type indicate changes to that chapter since the previous
publication. For these chapters, the specific pages that have changed are listed for easy reference. Note that
only significant changes, i.e., those changes which affect the technical use and understanding of the
document and the TCF–10B equipment, are reported. Changes in format, typographical corrections, minor
word changes, etc. are not reported. Note also that in some cases text and graphics may have flowed to a
different page than in the previous publication due to formatting or other changes. The page numbers
below show the current pages on which the reported changes appear.
Each reported change is identified in the document by a change bar, || placed to its immediate left and/or
right, just like the ones on this page.
Chapter Number & Title Publication Date Pages with Changes
|| Front Section December 2004 ii, v
|| 1. Product Description December 2004 1, 8
|| 2. Applications and Ordering Information December 2004 11, 16
|| 3. Installation December 2004 5
4. Test Equipment April 1997
|| 5. Installation/Adjustment Procedures December 2004 5, 12, 13
|| 6. Signal Path December 2004 5 (11x17)
|| 7. Design Verification Tests December 2004 5
8. Maintenance October 2001
|| 9. Power Supply Module December 2004 1, 4, 5
||10. Keying Module December 2004 1
||11.Transmitter Module December 2004 1, 2, 3, 4
||12. 10W PA Module December 2004 1, 4
||13. RF Interface Module December 2004 1
14. Universal Receiver Module October 2001
||15. Receiver Logic Module December 2004 1, 3, 4, 7, 10, 13
||16. EM Output Module December 2004 1
||17. Optional Voice Adapter Module December 2004 1
||18. Optional Trip Test Unit December 2004 3, 9
Note: due to design changes, nomenclature throughout this document indicating 300, 600 & 1200 Hz has been changed to 380,
800 & 1600 Hz respectively.