
Jenn-Air JES8750BAF16 Installation guide

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Cuisini_re61ectriqueb circulationascendanteJenn-Air
Estufael6ctricade corrienteascendenteJenn-Air
Printed in USA ©2005 MaytagCorporation Rev0-10/05 8101P699-60
This manual is intendedto assist in the initial installation andadjustments of the range.
Onlyqualified personnelshould install or service this range.
Read"Safety Instructions" in Use&Care book beforeusing range.
Improper installation, adjustment,alteration, service,maintenanceor use of range
can result in serious injury or property damage.
Installer,take care not to damageflooring.
Donot lift or moverange by graspingdoor handles or main top.
This rangehasbeen designedinaccordancewith the
requirementsofvarioussafety agencies andcomplies with the
maximum allowable wood cabinettemperatures of 194°EIf this
rangeis installed with cabinets that havea lower working
temperaturethan 194°F,discoloration, delamination or melting
Placerangein awell lit area. Donotset rangeoverholesinthe
floor or other locationswhere it may be subject to strong
drafts.Any opening in thewall behindthe range and in the
floor under the rangeshouldbe sealed.Make surethe flow of
cooling/ventilation air is not obstructedbelow the range.Note:
A rangeshould NOTbe installedover kitchen carpeting.
A risk of range tip-over exists if the appliance is not installed in
accordancewith the providedinstallation instructions. Theproper use
ofthe ANTI-TIPdevice minimizesthe risk of TIP-OVER.In using this
devicethe consumer must still observethe safety precautions as
stated inthe USEand CAREMANUALandavoid using the ovendoors
asa step stool. Installation instructions are providedfor wood and
cement in either floor or wall. Anyothertype ofconstruction may
require special installation techniquesas deemednecessaryto
provide adequatefastening ofthe ANTI-TIPbracketto the floor or wall.
The bracket must be installed to engagethe RIGHTor LEFTrear
leveling foot. Install the bracket asshown in step 9.
Theinstallationofa rangedesignedformobilehomeinstallationmustconformwiththeManufacturedHomeConstructionandSafetyStandard,Title24CFR,
Part3280(formerlytheFederalStandardforMobileHomeConstructionandSafety,Title24 HUD,Part280)or,whensuchstandardisnotapplicable,the
StandardforManufacturedHomeInstallationsANSIA225.1/NFPA501A,orwithlocalcodes.InCanadatherangemustbe installedinaccordancewiththe
currentCSAStandardC22.1- CanadianElectricalCodePart1.
Iti; I=I;hl
The rangemust be installed in accordancewith Localand National
Electric Code(NEC)ANSI/NFPANo. 7O-latestedition, or Canadian
Electric CodeCSASTD.C221latest edition. Seerating plate for total
connected KWrating.
Yourlocal utility companywill tell you whether the presentelectric
serviceto your homeis adequate.It may be necessaryto increase the
size ofthe wiring to the house andservice switch to take careof the
electrical load demandedbythe range.Thekilowatt rating for the
rangeis specified onthe rating plate. Seestep 8 for locationof rating
Mostlocal Building Regulationsand Codesrequire that all electrical
wiring be donebylicensedelectricians.All wiring should conform to
Localand National ElectricalCodes.This rangerequires asingle phase
three wire 120/240or a 120/208 volt, 60 Hz,ACcircuit. Wiringcodes
requirea separatecircuit berun from the main entrancepanelto the
rangeand that it be equippedwith separate disconnectswitch and
fuses,either in the main entrance panel or ina separate switch and
fuse box.
Somemodels areshipped directfrom the factory with service cord
attached.Thereare no rangeconnectionsnecessaryonthese models.
Just plug into the wall outlet. Onmodelsnot providedwith a service
cord,connectionto the power supplyis necessaryin accordancewith
local codes.Provisionsfor using either conduit or a flexible power cord
areprovided.When using apower supply cord, useonly a supply cord
with closed loopterminals rated either 240 volts, 40 ampsor 240 volts,
50 ampsthat is marked for use with nominal 1-3/8" (34.94mm)
diameter connectionopening and markedfor ranges.A 4-conductor
cord is to be usedon new branch-circuit installations (1996NEC),
mobile homes,recreationalvehicles and where localcodesprohibit
groundingthrough the neutral conductor.A 3-wire service may be used
when permitted by local codes.Whena powersupply cordis used,a
cord nolongerthan 4 feet shouldbe used.
Thismodelis shippeddirectfromthe factorywith theservicecord
II; II V vJIII[11.'t:1LvA[llVj:11.'L'I[€t:11;[I] .'kvj[HI [€
Follow these procedures to remove appliance for servicing:
1. Sliderangeforward to disengagerangefrom the anti-tipbracket,
2, Disconnectelectricalsupplytoappliance,if equipped.
3. Reverseprocedureto reinstall.
4.Topreventrangefrom accidentallytipping,rangemustbesecured
tothefloor by slidingrear levelingleg intothe anti-tipbracket.
Whenyour range requiresservice or replacement parts, contact yourdealer or authorizedservice agency.Pleasegivethe completemodel andserial
number of the rangewhich is located onfront frame behind storagedrawer.
JYourrangemay not beequipped with someof the features referredto in this manual. J
NOTE:Figuremay not be representativeof actual unit.
Rangemay be installed with zeroinches clearanceadjacentto (against)combustible construction at the rear and on the sides below the cooktop. For
complete informationin regard to the installation of wall cabinetsabovethe range andclearancesto combustible wall abovethe cookingtop see the
installation drawings. For SAFETYCONSIDERATIONSdo not install a rangein any combustiblecabinetry which is not in accordwith the installation
* NOTE:30 inch (76.2 cm) dimension between cookingtop and wall cabinet shown on illustration doesnot apply to rangeswith an elevatedovenor
microwave.Theinstallation instructions of the elevatedoven will specify the minimum acceptabledimension between the cooktop andelevated oven.
The30 inch (76.2 cm)dimensionmay be reducedto not lessthan 24 inches(61 cm) when thewall cabinets in adomestic home areprotected with
fireproof materials in accordancewith AmericanNationalStandards- National FuelGasCodeor in mobilehomes when they areprotectedwith
fireproof materials in accordancewith the FederalStandardfor MobileHomeConstructionandSafety.
Toeliminate the risk of burns or fire by reachingover heatedsurface units,cabinet storagespace located abovethe surfaceunits shouldbe avoided.
If cabinet storageis to be provided,the risk can be reducedby installinga range hoodthat projects horizontallya minimum of 5 inches (13 cm)
beyondthe bottom ofthe cabinets
I I] Iii [_ i_.'][i] i_.'!'] I] Iii [_ i_.'][i] i_'!'] I] Iii [_ i_'] [i] i[_
If cabinet backsplechbehind unit is not present,
kit UXA9107AA(B= black, S=stainlsss,
W= white)may be orderedfrom deale_
S'il n'y apas de dooseretderdbre l'appareil, le
n#cessairede finitioo UXA9107AA
(B= no/r,S = acier inoxydable,W= blanc)peut
#tre commande aupr#sde votre detaillanL
Si el protector trasero detr#,sde launidad no
: ecta presente,puedepedir elkit de relleno
', UXA9107AA(B=negro, S=Aceroinoxidable`
W=blanoo)a su distribuido_
NOTE: Forcounter tops with formed front
edge,shave raisedsection toclear top.
REMARQUE: Pour leehautsdecomptoir
avec un rebordavant moul& rabotezla
section relev#epour d#gagerle haul
NOTA: Paralos mootradores
con bordedelanteroformado
cepillela secciSnelevadapara
quela pare superior calce,
Some white Europeanstyle
cabinets are equippedwith
delicate white vinyldrawer and
door fronts. Thevinyl may not
be designedto withstand the
heat produced bythe normal
safe operationof a self-clean
range.Discoloration or
delaminatioo mayoccur, To
avoid possibledamage, we
recommend increasing the 30"
cabinet openingto 31 1/4"
minimum and using heat shield
(CABKITI/),Thecountertopcut-out must
remain 30 ",
OeRainecarmoirss de couleur blancheet de style europ#en
soot #quip#esde facadesde pore et de tiroir en vinyleblanc
fragile. Le vinyle peutne pas#tre coo_upour r#sister Dla
chaleur produitepar un autonettoyagenormal II peut se
produire unedecotoratiooou unedestratificatioo. Pour #vitertout
risque de dommages,nous vous recommandonsd'agrandir
l'ouveRure del'armoire dejusqu3 79,4 cm (31 po)au
minimum, et d'utiliser un ensembled'#cran thermiquepour
armoire I/L'ouveRure danele plan de travaildolt toujours #tre
de 3gpo(Tg,2 cm),
Algunosarmarioo de sstilo europeovienen equipadsscon
superficies delicadas dev/nileblanooen los cajooecypueRas,
El v/nilepuede nohabersido disefiadoparasopoRar elcalor
producido per unasstufa autolimpiante durante su usonormaly
seguro,Puedeocurrir decoloraciSno delaminaciSn,Para evitar
pssiblss dafoo,recomendamooaumentar la abeRuradel
gabinetea un minimo de31 1/4" (80 cm)y usar unprotector
t#rmico paragabinetesI/El core de la encimera debe
permanecerde 30" (76,2 cm),
Location of Electrical/
Emplacement de
I'alimentation 61eofriqne/
I'_r'_ I Ubicaci6n del snministro
Whenreplacing an existingunit, a maximum 0f23 1/2" is
acceptable.If thecut depth exceeds23 1/2",use filler kit
K71FILL(B= black, W=white, S= Stainless)may be
ordered from deale_
Si vous remplacezun apparel/existanL un maximum de
59,7 cm (23 po)estacceptable, Si laprofoodoorexcede
59,7 cm (23_po), utilisez le n#cessairede finitioo K71FILL
(B= no/r,W = blanc,S= acierinoxydable)peut#tre
commande aupresde votredetaillant,
Cuandoreemplaceuna unidadexistente, unm,_ximode23
1/2" (59cm) ssaceptable, Si laprofundidad decore
exoodelas 23 1/2" (59 cm), use el kit de relleno K71FILL
(B=negro, Q=sinssmalte, W=blanco,S=Aceroinoxidable)a
su distdbuido_
If endcabinet is not present,side panel kit UXA1100AA
(B= black, W= white, S= Stainless)maybe orderedfrom
S'iln 'ya pas d'armoire a l'extr#mit#,/'ensemblede
panneau lateraI UXAlOOOAA(B= ook: W= blanc,S =
acier inoxydable)peut #tre commandeaupres de votre
Sino hayungabinetelateral,puedepedir el kit de panel
lateral UXAIOOOAA(B=negro, Q=sinssmalte, W=blanco,
S=Aceroinoxidable)ass distdbuido_
120/240 Vor 120/208 VGroundedElectrical Outletin the
hatchedarea. OutletMUSTbe flush. Nothing locatedin
hatchedarea can extendmore than2" from wall or range will
not slide all the way back.
Prise #lectdquede mise#,la terre de 120/240 Vou de
120/208 Vdansla zonehachuree. Laprise DOIT#tre
encastree.Riende ce qui estsitu# dartsla zonehachureene
peut depasserdeplusde 5,1 cm (2po) du mur- sinoo la
cuisini#re ne pourrapas #trepouss#ejusqu'au foocL
Tomacorrientede 120/240Vo 120/208 Vpuestoa tierra en el
#,teasombreada,El tomacordente DEBEsstaral ras de la
pare_ Ningunapieza quese encuentre enel area rayada
debeextenderss a masde 2" (5,08 cm)dssde la pared o la
estufa no se deslizar#,completamentehastaatr#,s,
Important: Becauseof continuing productimprovements,Maytag reservesthe right to changespecificationswithout notice,Dimensionalspecifications are providedfor planning purposesonly,
Important: En raisonde I'am_lioration continue deses produits,Maytag se reservele droit dechanger lesspecifications sans preavis.Les dimensionsne sent fourniesqu'a titre indicatif,
Importante: Debidoalas mejorascontinuasdel producto,Maytagse reservael derechode cambiarsus especificacionessinavisoprevio.Las especificacionesdimensionalesse proporcionanparapropSsitosde
Included./Compris./Seincluye. Not Included./Noninclus./Nose incluye.
ToolsNeeded./Ontils n_cessaires./
Illli] i[![1Tilll]_'I1 [i] i!l'l]_'Ii [i] i I ili] ! Iilli,li] i [! rlTll_lj ili_ [i] ii! i'_ ltli] i[! rrr_ (i
Note: Strain relief for service cord or conduit MUSTbe attachedto the conduit plate./Remarque:Le r_ducteurde tension du c_ble ou de la
canalisation _lectrique DOlT_tre fixe ala plaquede la canalisation _lectrique./Nota: Elliberador de tensi6n para elcordon deservicio opara el
conducto DEBEestar fijado ala placa del conducto.
ge back panelon rear of range./Retirezles vis
dn grand panneansitu_ _ I'arri_re de la cuisini_re./Retirelostomillos
del paneltraserogrande enla parle trasera de la estufa.
Lift offlarge backpanel./Sonlevezle grandpanneauarri_re./Levanteel
panel traserograndeparasacarlo.
Geto Step4/
Passez_ I' 6tape 4/
Vayaal paso4
Connectremainingwires./Raccordezles aotres fils./Conecte los
NOTE:Cordreplacement- Onlya power cordrated at 240 volts
minimum.40 amperesor 50 amperespowersupplycord that is
marked for usewith nominal 1 3/8" (34.g3mm) diameterconnection
opening,with closedloopterminalsand markedfor use with ranges
shall beused.
BEMARQI/E.Remplacementdu cordon- N'otilisez qu'uncordon
d'alimentationpour 240 volts minimum,40 oo 50 amperes,pr6vu
pour _tre otilis_ avecdescossesferm_es - ooverturede34,93 mm
(1-3/8 po)de diam_treet poovant_tre otilis_ avec descuisioi_res.
NOTA"Reemplazodel cord6n- Uses61ono cord6nel_ctrico
clasificadoparapor Io menos 240 voltios.$61ootilice cordones
el_ctricosde 40 o 50 amperiosmarcadospara souso ea estufas con
ona aberturade conexi6nnominalde 1-3/8" (34,93 ram)de di6metro
y paraterminalesde boclecerrados.
_ _YiTj Ilt,il_l] ili [_H i[i] i rj .'_[_l] i[![t,.]li It,-]i| m_', li il_Jl_l] lIt,-):([ih-I _ i_ rl _1-
Part of coppergroundstrap MUSTbe cot outand removed./Uoesection
de la bandeen cuivre de raise_ la terre DOlT_tre couple et eolev_e./
Uoa parteo la totalidadde la cinta de conexi6na tierra DEBEser
cortaday descartada.
Removegroundingscrew,pull servicecord throogh./Retirezlavis de
raise ;_la terre, et passezle cordond'alimentation./Retireel tornillo de
poestaa Uerra ytire del cord6nel6ctricode servicioa trav6s del
Connectgroundwire./Raccordezlefil de raise _ la terre./Conecte el
alambrede tierra.
Connectwhite neutralwire to middle post./Raccordezlefil blancdo
neutre _ la bornecentrale./Conecteel alambreblancodel neotm al
- Red/
Goto Step 4/
Passez_ I' _tape 4/
Connectremainingwires./Raccordezles autres fils./Conecte los
NOTE"Cordreplacement- Onlya power cordrated at 240 volts
minimum.40 amperes or50 amperespower supplycordthat is
markedfor usewith nominal 1 3/8" (34.g3mm) diameter connection
opening,with closedloopterminals and markedfor usewith ranges
shallbe used.
REMARQUE"Remplacementdo cordon- N'utilisez qu'un cordon
d'alimentationpour240 volts minimum,40 ou 50 amperes,pr_vu
pour_tre utilis_ avecdes cossesferm_es - ouverturede 34,93 mm
(1-3/8 po)de diam_treet pouvant_tre utilis_ avec descuisini_res.
NOTA:Reemplazodel cord6n- Uses61ouo cord6oel_ctrico
clasificadoparaper Iomenos240 voltios.S61outilicecordones
el_ctricosde 40 o50 amperiosmarcadospara so useeo estufascon
una aberturade conexi6nnominalde 1-3/8" (34,93 ram)de dibmetro
y paratermiaalesde buclecerrados.
Note: Conduit users should refer to special optionsteps a through g./Remarque: Si vous vous servez d'une canalisation, reportez-vous aux etapes
speciales a a g relatives a cette option./Nota: Si va a usar un conducto el_ctrico, consulte lospasos de la opci6n especial a a la g.
Veala NOTA.
Attachlugs.See TorquespecificaUoos./Fixezlesoreillesdefixation.
Voyezlesspecificationsdeserrage./Fijelastuercas.Coosulte las
especificacionesdel torque.
Pull conduitthmugh./Passezle conduit./Tiredel conductoa trav_s
del agujero.
Connectcoppergrouod./Braachezle conducteurde mise_ la terre en
cuivre./Coaecteel cobrede Uerra.
Goto Step 4/
Passez_ I' _tape 4/
Vaya al paso4
Connectblack & redwires./Braachezles fils aoirs et rouges./Conecte
los cablesnegro y rojo.