Reference Guide
− Inspection for corrosion in torpedo tubes in submarines
− Inspection for pitting in tubes in nuclear submarines
− Print roll monitoring:
Non-contact laser measurement of the depth of the surface pits
using RepliSet replicas
− Assessment of surface profile on steel-mill and aluminium rolling-
mill textured rolls
− Assessment of the surface condition of aluminium extrusion dies
− Diesel engine cylinder liner honing marks:
Non-contact laser measurement across a honed area on a
cylinder liner wall to assess depth of honing
− Cylinder liners of cast iron for ship engines:
Monitoring of wear by measuring surface condition with a view to
estimation of service needs
− Assessment of surface damage on critical components:
Impact damage from foreign objects on the inlet compressor
blades in aircraft jet engines
− Assessment of surface damage on steel-mill rolls
− Examination of bolt holes in nuclear plants, for cracking.
Eg. in large austenitic stainless steel casings, which are
particularly difficult using conventional methods not only because
of the geometry but also because these materials are not
ferromagnetic. RepliSet has been used to examine bolt holes of
up to 75 mm diameter
− Detection of micro-cracks in stainless steel
− Monitoring of crack-growth and corrosion pit-depth
− Inspection of cracking inside gun barrels
− Monitoring crack growth
− Inspection of fatigue pitting, micro cracking and wear on gear
teeth: A replica is periodically taken of the same gear tooth for
early detection
− Identification of stress raisers exposed by internal machining of
welds in critical components
− Monitoring surface pitting on structural aluminium alloys used in
− Monitoring pitting in aircraft engine components:
Turbine blades and the root of turbine blades
− Verification of corrosion on workpieces due to fingerprints
− Corrosion pitting: Chloride corrosion-pit in the surface of
stainless steel blades from a gas turbine
− Examination of pitting on ship propellers
− Monitoring the effect of the fermenting process on the surface of
stainless steel in the fermenting vessel at a brewery:
A replica of the surface of the vessel is taken at regular intervals
between the brewing cycles in order to identify the variation in
surface roughness three-dimensionally
Maintenance, Inspection and