Bauknecht GCX 5929/1 User guide

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GCX 5929/1(WPL4.2)
1. PANTONE Black C
2. A5
GCX 5929/1
Before Calling for Service
This appliance must be grounded. In the event of a
malfunction or breakdown, grounding will reduce
the risk of anelectric shock by providing a path of
least resistance of electric current. This appliance
is equipped with a cord having an equipment-
grounding conductor and a grounding plug.
The plug must be plugged into an appropriate outlet
that is installed and grounded in accordance w ith
all local codes and ordinances.
Improper connection of the equipment-grounding
conductor can result in the risk of an electric shock.
Check with a qualified electrician or service
representative if you are in doubt whether the
appliance is properly grounded. Do not modify the
plug provided with the appliance; If it does not fit
the outlet. Have a proper outlet installed by a
qualified electrician.
Keep children away from detergent and rinse aid, keep
child away fromthe open door of the dishwasher,
there could still be some detergent left inside.
Do not abuse, sit on, or stand on the door or dish
rack of the dishwasher.
Do not wa sh plastic items unless they are marked
dishwasher safe or the equivalent. For plastic items
ot so marked, check the manufacturer's
Us eon ly det ergent and rins ead ditiv es
design ed for an automa tic dishwasher.
Ne ver use soap, laundr yde te rg ent, or h and
wa shin gdeterg ent in you r d ishwa sher.K eep
these produ cts out oft he re ach ofchi ldr en.
During installation, thepowersupply mustnot
beexcessively ordangerouslybent orflattened.
Do not tamper with controls.
Do not operate your dishwasher unless all
enclosure panels are properly in place. Open
the door very carefully if the dishwasher is
operating, there is a risk of water squirting out.
Do not place any heavy objects the
door when it is open. The appliance could tip
on or stand on
When load in g items to be w ash e d:
1)Locatesharp itemssothat theyarenotlikely
todamagethedoor seal;
2 Warn ing: Kni ves and other ute nsil swi th
sha rp poin t s m u st be loa ded i n t h e ba sk et
w ith their points d own orp lace di n a
When using your dishw asher, you shoul d
preve ntplast ic item s fro m com in gi nto co ntac t
wit ht he he ating element. (T his instru ction is only
applica ble to machines with a vi sual h eating
ele ment.)
I fth es upply cord isd amaged, it mus t be rep laced
by them anufact urer or it sse rv ice ag ent or a
si mi larly qual ifi ed perso n in orde r t o avoi da
hazar d.
Pl ea se d is pose of pack ing mater ials pr oper ly.
U se the dishwasher only for its intended function.
Remove the door to the washingcompartment when
removing an old dishwasher from service or discarding it.
Dishwasherdeterge ntsare stronglyalkaline, they
can be ext r em elyd anger ous i f s wa llo w e d.A voi d
contact with skin and eye san dke ep children awa y
from th e di shwasher when the door is op en.
Check that the detergent comparmentisempty
aft er compl etiono f th ew ash cycl e.
Th e applian ceis to be co nne cted to t hewater
mainsusing new hosesets andthatoldhose-sets
should n o t be reu sed.
The maximumnumber of place settingstobe
was hed i s1 0 .
The maximumpermissibleinletwater pressureis
1Mp a.
The minimumpermissibleinletwater pressureis
Children should be supervised to ensure that they do
not play with the appliance.
T his appliance is not intended for use by persons
(including child ren with reduced physical, sensory or
ment al ca pabilities, or lack of experience and
knowledge ,unless they have been given supervision
o r instruction concerning use of the appliance by a
person responsible for their safety.
When u sin g your dishwas he r, fo ll ow the p rec aut ions li s t ed bel ow:
Th edoo rshould not be l eft o pen,
since th isco uld incr ease the ris kof trippi ng.
D ispo se o f thedish wa sher packaging mate rial c orrectly.
All pa ckaging mate rial sca nbe rec ycled .
Pl ast ic pa rts arem arked w ith thes tand ard i nternati onala bb reviation s:
PE fo r po lyethylene, e .g. sheet wrapping mater ial
PS for polystyrene,e.g.paddingmaterial
PO M polyox ymethylene, e.g. pla stic c lips
PP pol ypr opy lene ,e.g. Salt filler
AB S Acrylo nitri leB utad ieneSt yrene, e.g .Co ntrol Panel .
Packaging materialcouldbedangerousfor children!
Fo rdi spos ing ofpa ckage a nd thea ppliance ple ase goto a recycling cen tre. Ther efor e cut
off the powersupplycableand makethe doorclosingdevice unusable.
Cardboard packaging ismanufactured fromrecycled paperand shouldbe disposedinthe
w ast e paperc ollecti on f or r ecycling .
By en surin gth ispr oducti s disp osed of corr ectl y, you wil l hel ppre ven t po tentialn egat ive
con seque nces f or the envi ronm ent and hum an heal th,w hic h could o ther wise be caus ed
byinappropriatewaste handlingof thisproduct.
Fo rm ored eta iled informat iona bou trec ycli ngo ft hi s pro duct ,please con tac t your loc al
ci tyof fice and your ho useho ldw ast e dis posalse rvic e.
DISPOSAL :Do not dispose th is pr odu ct as unsort ed m unicipal waste. Collect ion of such
waste separ ate ly for spe cial t reatment is necessar y.
To getthe bestperformancefrom yourdishwasher, readall
operatinginstructions before usingit for the firsttime.
Ba ck Vi ew
Fr on t vi ew
Po we r light :Toco me on w hen Power ON/OFF
ON/O FF But ton: To turn on/o ffthe po wer supply.
Display: To di splay delay time o rer rorcod es.
Salt and Rins eAid Warning Light:To come on when
the softenero rdispenser needs tobe refilled.
Program indicator light:whenyouselectwashing
pro gram , the corr espond l ig ht w ill d i sp lay.
Pro gram Key - pre s s:To sel ect washi ng p rogr am
Delayed Start Bu tton: Pressthis buttonto set the
delaye dhour sfor washing .You can delay the start
of washing up to2 4hour s.One press on th is
but ton del ays th e s tar t o f was hin gby on eh ou r.
3in1 ind i cat o rl ig ht / 3 in1
functions Button:To selecta nd show 3in 1
Deterg entDis penser
Ri nseA id Di spense r
Inlet pipe connector
Low er B ask et
Sp rayA rms
Upp er B ask e t
Sa lt Conta iner
11 12
Tray a ss
Befo re u si ng you r dishwa sher for the first time :
Th ewat er so ft ener must be s etm an ually, usin gth ewa terha rd ness dia l.
Th ewat er soften er is des ign ed to remove minera lsan dsa lts from t he water, which woul dha ve
adetrimentalor adverse effect on theoperationofthe appliance.Thehigherthe
content ofth ese miner als and sa lts, t he harde ryour water is. The s ofte ner should b e
adju st ed acco rding to the hardne ss o ft he wa ter in you rarea. Your loca l WaterAut hority
can adviseyouonthehardnessofthewaterinyourarea.
Adjusting Salt Consumption
The dishwasher is designed to allow for adjus tmenti n the amo untof sa lt co nsumed bas ed o nthe ha rdne ss of
thewaterused.This is intendedtooptimiseand customisethelevelo fsaltconsumption.
1. Unscrewthecap fromthesaltcontainer.
2. T herei s ar ing on th e co ntaine rw ith ana rrow on it (see figure
ontheside),ifnecessary, rotate thering intheanticlockwise
direction fromth e"-" Settingtowardthe"+"sign, basedo nthe
hardne sso f the water being used.
It is recomm end edt hat adjust me nts should b e made in
acco rd ance wit ht he f oll owin g sc hem e:
Contact yo urlocal water bo ard for i nformat ion on the hardne ssof your water supply.
mm ol /l
0~1 40~8 0~1.4
14~3 98~22 1.4~3.9 - 20 50
39~8022~45 3.9~8 Mid 40 25
60 16
0~1 0
Clar ke
Clark: British degree
fH: French degree
DH : Ger man degr ee
dH =1.25 Clarke=1.78 fH=0.178mmol/l
Salt consumption
Aut o n o my
Pl eas e fol low the st eps bel owf o rad justment in salt cons um ption .
"+ "
the "-" sign and "+" sign
No salt n eed added
45~60 80~1 07 56~75 8~11
A. Water Softener
A. Set the w ater sof tener
B. Add 1.5Kg dishwash er salt and th en full fill the salt container with wate r
C. Fi ll the r i ns e ai d di spen s er
D. Fillindetergent
1.The salt contai ne r mu st only be refil le dwhen the sal twarn ingl ight in the control panel comes on.
Depend ing on how w ell thes alt dissolve s,th es alt warnin glight may still be on even t hough the
salt container is filled .
If there isn osalt w arni ng li ghti n the con tr olp anel(f orso me Mode ls) ,you can e stim at e wh ent of ill
the s alt i nto the so ftener by the cy cles that the dishwashe rhas run.
2. If th ere a re spi lls o ft he salt ,a soak or arapid pro gr ams hould be run t o re mo vethe excessive sa lt.
Always use the salt intende dfor u sewi thdi shwasher.
The saltc ont ain er is l ocated ben eath the lower bas ket and sh ould b ef ill eda sexpla ined in the
foll ow ing :
Only use salt spe cif ically designe dfort he usei nd ishwash er s!Ev ery other type of
salt n ot speci fically de sig ned fo r theu se in ad ishwas her, espe cial lyt able salt, will
damage the wat ersoft ene r. I n caseof da ma ges caused b ythe use of unsuitab le
salt t he ma nuf act urer does not g ive anywa rranty nor is liable for any damag es caused.
Only fill wi ths alt just befo re starting one of theco mp lete wa shingp rogra ms.
This will preve ntany g rai ns of s alt or salt y wate r, wh ich ma y have been spilled,
remain ing on the bottom of the machi nefor any pe rio dof time , which may cause
c o rr osio n.
B. Loading the Salt Into the Softener
C. Fill the RinseAid Dispenser
Th er i ns e aid is r elea se ddu ring the fin al rin se to pr event wate rf rom f orming d roplets o ny our dis hes, whic h can l eave
spots ands treaks. It also improvesd rying by allow in g water to ro ll off the di she s.Your dishwa sher is desi gned to
usel iquidrin sea ids.The rinse aiddi spense r i sl ocated i nsi de t hed oor nex t tothe det ergentd ispense r. To fill the
dispenser,openthecapand pour the rinse aidintothe dispenseruntil thelevelindicatorturnscompletely black.
Thevo lume of therins eai d contai ner is about 110ml.
RinseAid Dispenser
Function of RinseAid
Rinse aid is aut om aticall ya dded during th el ast rinse, ensur ing th orough rinsi ng, and spo tan d s treak free dryi ng.
Only usebranded rinseaidfordishwasher.Neverfilltherinseaid dispenserwith anyothersubstances
(e.g. Dishwasher cleani ng agent, liqu id d eterg ent). Th is would damag ethe app lian ce .
A Remo ve the l ower bas ket an dt hen un s crew and rem ove th ec apf rom t he sal t c on tai ner.
se a funnel to fi ll the sal tcon tainer wi th about1.5kg ofdishwasher salt,
thenpleaser em ove thesaltfunnel fromal lproduction.
Full fill the salt containerwith water.It is normalforasmall am ount of water tocome
D Aft erf ill ing t he contai ner , screw the capt ig ht ly bac kcl ockw ise .
E U sual ly,the sal t warnin glig ht w il l stop bein g il lumina ted within 2-6 da ysa fter t he salt contai ner has been fille dwit h
F Immediat ely afte rf il lingt he salt into the salt conta iner, a washin gp rogram sho uldbe st arted (We s uggest to use the
soak or rapid progr am). Other wise the filte rsyst em, pump or other im portant pa rt s of t he machine may be damag ed
by salty water.Th is i s o ut ofw arrant y.
To open the di spen ser,tu rn t he cap tot he " ope n" ( le ft) a rrow an d l ift it o ut.
Po ur t he rins e aid int o the dispe nser, b eing ca refu l not to ov erfill .
Replace the cap b y in se rt ing ita li gned w ith "open" arrow and t urningit to the closed (righ t) arrow.
Adjusting RinseA id Dispenser
The rins e aid dispe nser has six or f ou r sett ings.Alw ays star twi th the d ispens er
set on "4". If sp ot s and p oo r dryin gare a p roblem, increa set he amoun to fr inse
aid disp ensedby r em oving thed ispe nserl idan drot ating the di alto "5" .If the
dishes st il l are no tdr yi ng prope rlyo r are show spots ,a dj ustth e dial tot he n ext
highe r lev er un til your dish es a re sp ot-free. The recomm en ded setting is "4".
(Fa ctory value is "4".)
Increase the dose if there are drops of waterorlimespotsonthe dishes after washing.
Reduceitifthere aresticky whitishstains on your dish esora bluish film onglasswareor
knife blades.
As th erinse aid d imin ishes,t he si zeo f th e black dot
ontherinse aidlevel indicator changes, asillustra tedbelow.
1/ 4full- Should refilltoeliminatespotting
Em pty
Adjust lever
When to Refill the RinseAid Dispenser
Ifth erei s no ri ns e-aid warning ligh t in thec ontr olp anel, you can est imate the am ount f ro m th e colour
ofth eop tical level indicat or C located next to thec ap. When th erin se-a idc onta iner isfu ll, th e whole
indicato rwil lbe dark .As ther inse -aid dimini sh es, t hes ize of the dark dot de creases. You sho uld never let
t he r inse ai d l ev el fa ll 1 / 4 ful l.
durin gthe nex twa sh. Don 't f orget t o re plac ethe cap be fore you close dis hwa sherd oor.
Clean up a n y ri ns e aid sp ill ed while duri n g f illingwith a n ab so r be nt clot h t o av oi d exce ssive foami n g
Deterge nts w ith its chem ical ingredie nt s ar ene ce ssary to r emove dirt ,c rush dirt an dtrans po rt it o ut of the di shw as her.
Mostofthecommercial qu alitydeterge ntsare suitableforthispurpose.
D. Function of Detergent
The rear e 3 s orts of dete rge nt s
1.Withphosphate andwithchlorine
2.With phosph ate andwi thout chlo ri ne
3.Wi thout phosphate and without chlo rine
C ( R inse - Ai d in d ic ato r)
Amount ofDetergentto Use
Proper Use ofDe terg ent
Use only det erge nts pecif icall ym ade for t heu sein dish wa sher s.K eep your detergent fresh and dry.
Don'tput powdereddetergentinto the dispenseruntil you'reready towash dishes.
Dishwash erde tergent isco rrosive! Ta kec are to keep i t out ofr each of c hildren.
Basedontheir chemicalcomposition, detergentscanbesplitintwo basictypes:
Theuse of normal washingprograms incombinationwith concentrated detergents
redu ces poll ution and is good for your dishes ; these wash prog ram sare spe cifically mat che d
to th e dirt- diss olvin g pro pert ies o fth ee nz yme s of the con cent rate ddeterg ent. For this reas on
normal washprogramsinwhichconcentrated detergentsareused canachievethe same
resultsthatcanotherwiseonlybe achievedusing intensive programs.
Detergenttabletsofdifferent brandsdissolve at differentspeeds. Forthisreasonsome
dete rgen tta bl etsca nnot diss olve and de velop the irfu llcl eanin gpower dur ing s ho rt
prog ra ms. There fore pl ease use l ong program swh enu sin gd etergent table ts, to
ensure the com plete re mova l of de terge n t r e si du als.
The disp ens er must be re fi lled be fore th estar tof each wash cyclef ollowing the instructi ons
provided in t he w ash cyclet able .Your dis hwa sher uses le ssde ter gent and rinse aid t han
Conventionaldis hwasher.Generally, onlyone tablespoon of detergent is neededfor
anormal washload. Moreheavily soileditems needmore detergent.Alwaysaddthe
dete rgen tj us tbe fore star ting the dish was her, othe rwis eit coul dg e tda mp and w ill n ot
di s solv e pr ope rl y.
Concentrated Detergent
Detergent Dispenser
Always add the d etergent jus t before star ting each wash cycle.
Only usebranded detergentaidfordishwasher.
If thel id is cl osed: press release butt on.T he lid will sp ring open.
conventional,alkalinedetergentswith causticcomponents
l ow alkalinec oncentrat ed d eterge nt s w ith natur a l e nzy mes
Normally new pulver ised deterge nt is wi thout phospha te.T hus the wate rso ftener function of
phosph ate is no t gi ve n. In th i s c a se w e r e com mend t o f i ll s a l t in t h e sa lt conta i n er e v en whe n
the h ard ne sso fwate ris only 6 dH. If dete rg entsw it hout phosp hat e are usedin the case ofh ard wat er
often white s pots appear ond ishes a nd glasses. I n th is case please add m ore detergent to reach
better resul ts . D ete rg en ts wi th out c hlor in e d o only ble ac h a littl e. Stro ng and c olo u red sp o ts w i ll not
bere moved complete ly. I nth isc ase p lease choos ea progr am wi th ahi gher tempera ture.
I fyou use 3in 1ta ble ts in other pro gr ams, t he appliance will not ac hieve ago od p erfo rma nce.
Only the 3in1 fun ction (for the prog ram :i nt ensi ve/N ormal /E co .) Can be used wit h 3in 1ta blet s.
Fillt hed eter gent disp ens erw ithd etergen t.
Th e m ark ing in d ic ates th e do s ing l e vel s , as
i ll us tra ted on t he ri gh t:
Th ep la ceo fmain wash cycledete rg ent pl aced,
M IN me ans appr oximatel y2 0go f detergen t.“”
Th ep lace of pre-wash c ycle det er ge nt placed ,
ap p rox ima tely 5 go f detergen t
Pleaseo bserve them anufact urer s do sing and storage
Recommendationsas statedonthedetergent packaging.
Clos ethelid and press untilit locks in place.
I f t h e d i shes a r e heavily so il ed, pl ac e an a ddit io nal
detergen tdo sei n the pre-w as h det er gent chamber.Th isd etergen twill take effe ctd uri ng the pre-wa shp has e.
Fill in Detergent
Youf indin formatio nabout the amo unt o fdet er gent for th esi ngle pro gram me on the last page .
Pl ea sea ware ,tha t acc or ding t othe lev elsoi ling and the spec ific har dness of wa ter difference sa re po ssible.
Pleaseobservethemanufacturer'srecommendationsonthe de tergent packaging.
When us ing 3in1 combi nation /co mpa ct Detergents ,p leas epa y at tention to make s ure that
the size ofth ecom bi nation deterg ents fits t othe dispe nser so th atcombin ation
deterge ntsc anb e ea sily put into thed ispenser, and the dispenser wou ldnot be broken.
Your dis hwas her h as a 3in1 functio nw hich needs no sa lta ndrin se aidbu ta 3In1 tablet.
This dishwasher comesw itha 3in 1 ta blet container as an a cce ssory.
1.The figure belowshowshowto hangthe 3in1 tablet containeron theupperbasket.
2. Rot atet he up per spray er an dch ange the locat ion of the conta ine r to e nsure the uppe rsp rayer isn ot
obstructedbythe 3in1 tabletcontainer. Refertothe figurebelow forreference.
3.Put the 3in1 tablet intothecontainer ,then start the 3in1program.
How To Use The 3IN1 Function
For bes tpe rfo rma nce oft he dish was her, fo llow the se l oading gu ideline s.F eatures and
appea rance of bask etsan d cu tlery basket smay va ry from your model .
Attention before or after Loading the Dishwasher Baskets
Scr ape off any lar geam ounts of le ftov er fo od. Soft enr emnants of burnt fo od in p ans .
It isn ot necess ar y t o rinse the dishes un de r ru nning water.
Plac eobj ects int he di shw ash erin foll owing way:
1.I tem ss uch as c ups, glass es, p ots/pans, etc. ar eface d do wnw ards .
2.C urved i tem s,o r on esw ith recesses, s hould bel oaded asla ntso that wa te r ca n run of f.
3.All utensils are stackedsecurelyand can not tipover.
4.All ut ensils are place di n the way tha tthe spr aya rms can rota te fr eely d ur ingw ashi ng.
Ve rysma ll i tems should not be washe d in the dishw ash er as they could easi lyfal l ou t of th eb aske ts .
Loadingthe Upper Rack
The u p per r ac k is desi g n ed t o hold mor e del ic at e and l igh ter d ishware suc h as gl as ses, c of f ee
and tea cup and sauc ers, as w ell as p lates ,sm all bowls and sha llow pa ns( as lo ng a sthe yar e
not tood irty ).
Pos ition the dishes andc ookware so t hat they do not g et move dby the spra yof wate r.
Upper wheels
Lower wheels
Adjusting the UpperBasket
Th ehei ght ofthe up per basket can b ea djuste din order to cr eate more spa ce f orlar ge u tensils
both for theupper/lower basket.Theheight of theupperbasket canbeadjusted byplacingthe
wheels on differen th ei ght of the r ails. Long items , ser vi ng cutl ery, salad server san d kn ives
should be pl aced o n the shel f so t hatthe yd o noto bstruct the rotati ono f th es pray arms.
Th eshe lfca nbe fold ed b ack or be removed w he n not re quired for use.
Small serving bowl
Large serving bowl
Dessert dishes
Loading the L ower Basket
Werecommendthatyouplace largeitems whicharemost difficultto cleanintothelower basket:
pots, pans,lids,servingdishes and bowls, ass hownin the figureto theright.
I t is prefe rabl e to pl ac e se rvi ng dish es a nd lids ont hes ideo f the ra cks i n order t o avoi db locking
Pots, servingbowls,etc.must always beplaced top down.
D eep pots should bes lan tedt o all oww ater tof low out.
Th eb otto mb aske t fe ature fold down t inero ws sot hatl arger orm or e pot san dp ansc anbe lo aded .
O val platt er
Dess ert dishes
Dinner pl ates
Silverware basket
10 5
Cutlery Basket
Fo r washing in th ed ishw ashe rthe fol lowing cutl ery/di shes
Cutle ryw ith wooden, hor nchi na or
mothe r-of-pe arlh andles
Plas tic items that ar en ot heat resis tant
Older c utlery with glued p arts t hat are not
Pewte r or c oop er i tems
Cry stalglass
Steel ite mssu bject t o r usting
Items made from synth etic fibres
Do not put ini tems that are dirty of cigaret tea sh,c and le w ax,l acq uer orp aint.
If you buy new dishes please mak es ureth at they are suitable for dis hwashers .
Somet ypes of glass es c an b ecome
dullafte ra large numberofwashes
Si l ver and a l u minu m p a rt s hav e a
tendenc yt o discolou rdu ri ng washin g
Glazed pa ttern s m a y fade if machi n e
was he d fr equently
P lea se d o no t ove rloa dy our di shw ash er.T here is o nly spac efo r 10 stan dar d dis hes. Do not
us ed ish that is no tsu itable fo rdish wa shers .T his i s im por tant f org ood resu lts and f or
reasonableenergyconsu me.
B efore loadin g th e di shes ,you sho uld:
Removelarge left-over
S ofte nre mnants of bur nt f ood inpa ns
Dishesandcutlerymustnotimpedetherotationof thesprayarms
Lo ad holl owi tems su c has cup s,g lass es, pans etc .with the op ening downw ards sot hat
w ater c annot colle cti n the con tain ero r a deep base
Are of limited suitability
Loading cutlery anddishes
Whe nloadingthe dishes andcutlery, pleasenote:
Cutlery shoul d b eplace din t hecutl eryb asket with the handle sat the bottom .If the r ack ha ssi deb askets ,the
spoons shoul d b elo adeds eparat ely in to the appr opr iate slots ,es peciall yl on g utensil s sh ould be placed in t he
horizont al po sition at th efron t ofthe u ppe rba sketa ss how nin the picture.
Itisdangerousto openthedoor whenwashing,becausethe hotwatermaybe scalded toy ou.The doorshould not be
155 5 1
123456 7 8
1. Tea spoons
2. Dessert spoons
3. Soup spoons
4. Forks
5. Knives
6. Serving forks
7. Serving spoons
8. Gervy ladles
Al ways load shar pu tensi lswi ththe sha rp
po int d own!
Donotleave any itemextend throughbottom.
Knive san doth erut ensils with shar ppoint s
must beloaded inthebasketwiththeirpoints
down or pl ace din an horizo ntal position .
Wash Cycle Table
Meani ng ne edt o fi ll rins e int o the Ri nse Ai d Di s p enser:-.
*: , -E n 50242 This prog r am is t he test cycle th e ri nse aid dispense r
settin g i sre comm ended to be set to positio n 6 .
Da ily
In tensiv e
Pre wash-
P re wash(50 )-℃
Wash( 65 )
Rinse( 55 )
Pre w ash-
Was h(4 0 )
Rinse( 60 )
Pre wash(55 )-℃
Wash(55 )
Rinse( 65 )
D r ying
Was h(4 0 )
13 0.
Ec o
Pr e w a sh-
Wa sh(55 )
Rinse(65 )
14 0
13 0.
To rins edi shes that you
plan towa shla ter that day.
Pr e wash-
Inten si ve
3i n1 1pcs
3in1 1pcs
F ornor mally soiled loads ,
su c h as plates glasse s,,
po ts
Forlightlysoiledloads such,
as pla tes g lass es b owl s and,,
lightl y soiledp ans.
For the heaviest s oiled loads ,
s uc h as po t s pans c a ss erole,,
dis he s andd i she s thath ave
beensitting withdriedfood
on them f or a whi le .
Pre wa sh(50 )
Wash ( 65 )
Rins e(55 )
Pre wa sh(50 )
Wash ( 55 )
Rins e(65 )
Pre wa sh
Wash(50 )
Rinse( 65 )
Dryi ng
160 0 8 4
13 . 5
10 . 5
3in1 1pcs
Forheaviestsoiled crockery,
a ndnor mally soiled pots pans
d ishes etc wit h dried on soiling;
F ornor mallys oiled l oads,
s uch a s pots plates
Standarddailycycle for
s uch as pots plates
glasse s.
As horterw ash for li ghtly
so iled lo ads and qui ckwas h.
For l ightly soi led
croc kery and glass
Rinse( 40 )
Rins eRinse
the power consumption of off-m ode is 0W,le ft-on m odel is 0.73W.
F ora ll s oiled loads ,su ch as
pots, pans,casserole dishes
and dis hes that h ave been
sitti ngwit h dried food on the m
for a while.
P re-Wash
D rying .
3 22g
120-160 0.8-1.1 9-12
Premi se:
1. Acycl e thatis und erway ca n only be modified if it has on ly been running
for a short t ime. Otherw ise, t he detergent m ayhave alrea dyb een rele ased,
and the appli ance may have alr ea dy d rained the wash water. If this is thec ase,
the detergen t dispenser must be refill ed( see the s ection en titled " Loadi ngthe
Detergent ").
2. Presscurrentprog. Button more tha n3 secondsto canceltheprogram ,
then you can chan ge t hep rogr am t o the d es ired cy cle s etting (see the secti on
entitl ed " St arting a washc ycle. . . " ).
3. P re ss one of othe rs pr og.B utto n mor ethan 3 second sto cancel the runi ng program ,
transla sethe program whi ch you press.
4. P re ss t he display button more tha n 3 se co nds to re- edit d isp lay t ime .
It is dangeroustoopenthedoor when was hing,because the hot water may s cald you.
When t he workin g c yc l e has f ini s hed , the b u z zer of th e d ish was h e r w ill s oundf or 8 seconds, t hen stop . Tu r n o ff
t he a pp lia n ce using th e ON/ OFF b utton, shut o f f t he w ate r s upply an d o pen t he d o or of the di sh washer.
Waitfor afew minutesbefore unlo adingthedishwashertoavoidhandlingthedishes and utensilswhilethey
are still hotand m ore suscept ible tob reak age. Th eyw ill alsod rybe tter.
Openthedoor carefully.
H ot di she sare sensit ivet okno cks. The dis hes should ther efore bea ll owedt oco ol down arou nd 15mi nut es
befor eremovi ngfrom the appli anc e.
O pen the dish was her' sdo or, leave it ajar and w ait af ewmi nutes bef or er emoving the dishes. In th is way they
w il lbe cooler and the drying will b eim proved.
It is normal that the dishwashe ris wet insid e.
Empt ythe low er basket first an dthen the up per on e.T hi sw illav oi d wate rdri pp ingf ro m t he uppe r Bas ket onto
the dishes in the l ower one.
Turning On theAppliance
Change the Program...
Forgot toAdd a Dish?
Startinga cycle wash
1 Drawout the lowerandupper basket, load thedishesand pushthemback.
It is com mended to lo ad t he lower basket first, then the upp ero ne (s eet he s ecti one ntitled
Loading the Dishwasher ).
2 P our in t he det e rg en t ( see t h e se cti on e ntitl e d Sal t, Det e rg ent and Rins eAi d ).
3 I nse rt th epl ug in toth eso cket . The pow er s upplyi s 220 -240 VAC /50 HZ , the spe cifi cation of th e
socket i s 10A 25 0VA C. M ake sur e tha tt he wa ter supply is turne don to f ullp ressure.
Ope nthe door, p ress the ON/OFF butto n, and t he ON/OFFl i ght will turn on.
Press t he pr ogra mbu tton toa sir ed w ash cycle. and cl ose th ed oor. Afte r 3s econds, the mach ine will work .
Aforgotten dish can be added at any time before the deter gent cup opens.
Load the forgotten dishes.
Close the door, the dishwasher will start running again
after 10 seconds.
After the sp ray arms stop working,you can open the door
Open the door a little to stop the washing.
2. Tur n off t he water tap!
1.Switc ho ffth edis hwashe r by p ressing the ON/OFF bu tton .
Th eb uzze rof the dishw ash er m oos for 8se con ds, o nly i nth is ca se thep rogramm eha sen ded .
Switch OfftheDishwasher
The fil ter prev ent slar ger remn ant sof food or other objects from gett ing i nsi de th epu m.
Theresidues may blockthefilter, inthiscase they mustbe removed.
The fi lter systemc on sists ofa coar se filter, aflat (Main filter)
A n da mi c rofil t e r( F i ne f il ter) .
Food and soil particles trapped inthisfilter arepulverizedby a
specia l jet ont he lower spray arma ndw ashe dd own tod rain .
Larg er i tems, such as pie c es o f bo nes or gl as s, that could b lo ck
the drainaretrappedinthe coarse filter.To removetheitems
caugh t by t he filter, ge ntly s queeze the tapo nth et op of this
Thisfilter holds soil andfood residuesinthe sumpareaa nd
preventsitfrombeingredepositonthedishes duringwashcycle.
Main filter
Coarse filter
Fine filter
Filtering System
Filter assembly
Thefilter efficiently
For best p erf orm ance and res ults, the filte rmust be cle aned re gula rly. t hisr eason,i t isa goo di de at o
r em ove t hela rger foo dpa rti cl estr apped in the f ilte raft ere ach was hcyc leb yrin sing the semicirc ular f ilte ran d
c up unde rru nnin gw ater. To remove the f il terd evic e,p ull th ec up handle in t heupwa rdd irection.
re mo vesf ood parti cle s fr omth ewa sh w ater,all owing it tobe rec ycle dd ur ing t he cycle.
T he dish washer mus t n e ver beused wit hout t he filt er s.
Imp ro per replace men tof the f ilter may re duce the perform an ce level o ft he applian ce
and damage dishesand utensils.
St ep 1 Turn t he fi lteri n ant i-clockwis ed irection,
t hen li f t it u p.
St ep 2 l ift the Main fil te rup
Step 3 lift theFinefilterup
When following this procedure from step1 to step 3, the filter system will be removed;
when following it from Step 3 to Step 1, the filter system will be installed.
The cont ro l panel can be cleaned by usinga lig htly dampen edc loth.
Af ter cleaning, m ake sureto dry it thoroug hly.
For the exte ri or, us e agood app lianc e po lis h wax .
Neveru ses harp obj ects, scouri ngpa ds o rh arsh clean ers ona ny p ar to ft he di shwasher.
ProtectAgain st Freezing
1.Cutofftheelectricalpowerto the dishwasher.
2.Turn off the water suppl yand disco nnect thewat eri nlet pi pe from the water valve.
3.Drain thewater fromthe inletpipean dwatervalve. (Useapantocatchthewater)
4.Reconnect the water inl etpi pe t othe wate rval ve.
5.Remove t he f ilter at t he bott omo f the tub and use a spong et o soak up wate rin the sump.
pl ease t ake fros t pr ot ection meas ures ont he dishw asher in winter. Ever y fter washi ngc ycles,
pl ease operate as follows
time a
Caring for the Dishwasher
- Ins pect the filt ers for blo ckin ga ftere very timet he di shwasher has been used .
- By uns crewing the c oar sefi lter, you can remove t he filter syst em . Re movea nyf oo dre mna nts and
cleanthefilters underrunningwater.
Cleaning the Filter
CleaningThe Door
To clean th e c o a rs e f il t er and t he fin e fi lte r, use acleanin g bru sh. Re as se m ble t he fil t er part s as sho wn i n th e f igur es
on the las t p age a nd r eins ert t he e nti re ass emb ly in the dis hwa sher, po s itio ning it in it ss eat and pres sing dow nwa rds.
Theentirefilter assemblyshouldbe cleanedoncea week.
Whencleaning the filters, don't knock onthem.Otherwise, thefilters could b e
contorted andtheperformance ofthe dishwashercouldbedecreased.
To cle anth ee dge around thed oor, you sho uld u seo nly a sof twarm, dam pclot h.
To avoi dpene trat iono f wa ter i nto thed oorlock and elect rica lcomponen ts,d onot
usea spr ay cle aner ofany ki nd.
Never u sea spr ay c leaner tocl ean t he d oor panel asit m ay dam age the door loc k
and electricalcomponents.
Abr asive ag ent so r some pa pe r towels shou ld not b eu sedb ecau seo fth eri sko f
sc r a t c hing o r le av ing spot s on the st ainless stee l s ur fa ce.
Cleaning the SprayArms
It is necessar y to clean the spray arms regular ly in order to
remove the accumulat ion ofs cale f rom t he har dwater
and thus preve ntbl ocking ofspray ar mjet san dbear ings.
We Su ggest to poket heb locked spray arm jets witha needl e
to e nsure good washing effect.
I f y ou r dishwa she r cannot wor k be ca u s e o f the i c e, ple a se c ont a ct p ro fess io nal ser v i ce p er so ns.
Theinstallationof thepipes
and electrical equipments
should be donebyprofessionals.
Electrical Shock H azard
Di sc onne ct e l ectri cal p owe r be fore
Theinstallation position of dishwashershouldbe neartheexisting inlet anddrainhosesand
power cord.
Onesideofthecabinet sink shouldbe chosen to facilitatetheconnectionofdrain hosesof
Installation preparation
Note: please check theaccompanyinginstallation accessories(hookfor aestheticpanel
Itis recommend thatyourun awashcyclewiththe
dish washer e mptyan dthe nr emove the plugfr omthe
socket, turn off th ewa te r supply andl eave the door of
t he a pp lian c e s l i ghtl y open. This wil l help t h e doo r
sealstolastlongerandpreventodours fromforming
withi ntheapplian ce.
If the appliance must be move d,tr yto keep it int he
positi oned on its back .
dishwasher is food that r emains t rappe din the seals.
Periodic cleaning wi th ad amp sponge will prev entt his
f r o m oc curring.
Aft er ever ywash, turn offt hew ater supp lyto the
applia nce and leave the doo rs lightly op en soth at
m oisturea nd odours aren ottra pped i nside .
Befo re cleaning or perfo rm ing maintenance, alw ays
remove the p lugfr omthe socket.
Tocleanthe exteriorandrubberparts ofthedishwasher,
donotuse solventsor abrasivecleaningproducts.
O nly use a cloth w ith w arm soapy wate r.
To rem ov esp ots o rst a in s from the sur f ace of t h e
interi or, usea cloth da mpe ned wit hwater a na little
v ineg ar, o ra c lea ning pro duct mad es peci fical lyfo r
After EveryWash
Remove the Plug
No Solvents orAbrasiveCleaning
Mov ing theAppl ianc e
WhennotinUse foraLongTime
(Unit: mm)
Door of
Minimum space of 50mm
90 °
90 °
450 mm
Space between cabinet
bottom and floor
Electrical, drain and
water supply line
Pleasecarefullyread theinstallation instruction.
Illustrations ofcabinetdimensionsandinstallationposition of thedishwasher
Prepar ations should b ema debefo removi ng the dish washer tot he installatio np lace.
C hoo sea plac ene ar th esi nkto fac ilitat ethe ins tal la tion ofi nlet and drain hoses ( see figure 1).
If dishwas her isinstall ed atthe corner o fthe cab in et, th ere sh oul db e so mesp ace (illus trat ed in figu re 2 )
w hen the door is opened.
the door is opened
Cabinet dimensions
couldbeprocessed according to the figure 3
Theaesthetic panel should
beprocessed in accordance
withthe illustrated dimensions
Aesthetic panel's dimensions and installation
betweenthe top
cabinetand the
outer dooraligned