Thermador CEM365FS Installation guide

Installation guide

Thermador CEM365FS is a built-in Microwave Drawer Oven that comes with a large 1.2 cu. ft. capacity and a variety of features to make cooking easier. It features 10 power levels, so you can adjust the cooking intensity to suit your needs. The sensor cooking feature automatically adjusts the cooking time and power level for optimal results. The Keep Warm setting helps you keep your food warm until you're ready to serve it. The Melt/Soften feature provides precise, even heating for delicate tasks like melting chocolate or softening butter.

Thermador CEM365FS is a built-in Microwave Drawer Oven that comes with a large 1.2 cu. ft. capacity and a variety of features to make cooking easier. It features 10 power levels, so you can adjust the cooking intensity to suit your needs. The sensor cooking feature automatically adjusts the cooking time and power level for optimal results. The Keep Warm setting helps you keep your food warm until you're ready to serve it. The Melt/Soften feature provides precise, even heating for delicate tasks like melting chocolate or softening butter.

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Thermador CEM365FS Installation guide

Installation guide

Thermador CEM365FS is a built-in Microwave Drawer Oven that comes with a large 1.2 cu. ft. capacity and a variety of features to make cooking easier. It features 10 power levels, so you can adjust the cooking intensity to suit your needs. The sensor cooking feature automatically adjusts the cooking time and power level for optimal results. The Keep Warm setting helps you keep your food warm until you're ready to serve it. The Melt/Soften feature provides precise, even heating for delicate tasks like melting chocolate or softening butter.

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