/etµs say youµre considerinJ a simple, wood baluster
or spindle 7heyµre not much ± to each
%ut if you were to upJrade to somethinJ much more©
stunninJ, like DeckoRailµs bron]e contour baluster,
would your deck really cost three to eiJht times more"
Not even close!
:hy" %ecause
your balusters
typically account
for around
of your entire
project cost
So, in this
scenario, the
chanJe from borinJ to brilliant would raise your
overall cost by as little as per section
while raisinJ your ²wow³ factor e[ponentially!
$nd Jet this, a study by RemodelinJ
maJa]ine shows that addinJ a deck to
your home averaJes a return on
your investment for resale ±
it one of the top three improvements
most desired by home buyers!
actual costs vary
The math works
in your favor.
ContourArchSquare RectanJular GlassRound
Black Bron]e 7aupe Green Stainless White
Whether youµre thinkinJ about
pickinJ one baluster style for a
more traditional look or mi[inJ
and matchinJ wood, aluminum
and Jlass balusters to create
a distinctive railinJ system,
components are
simple and easy to install, JivinJ
you the resources you need to
create your very own work of art
DeckoRail aluminum balusters
are available in a variety of
colors and have a durable,
low-maintenance, powder-
coated finish that’s backed
by a limited -year warranty
And our shatter-resistant,
tempered safety Jlass balusters
Jive you an unobstructed
view of your surroundinJs
without breakinJ the bank
So take a look around Find
somethinJ that inspires
you±and create somethinJ
Leave ordinary behind.
DeckoRail Palette
DeckoRail Art
porch railing
Read the whole
report here