IMPRES™ Smart Energy Systems
Through the use of its advanced charging algorithm and automatic reconditioning features,
the IMPRES Smart Energy System ensures maximum talk-time and optimized battery cycle
life. This smart energy system automatically reconditions IMPRES batteries based on actual
usage, keeping them in peak condition. Talk-time and cycle life are optimized and the need
for manual maintenance programs is eliminated. Its advanced conditioning features allow
batteries to be safely left on the charger for extended periods of time without incurring the
damaging heat build-up which can decrease battery cycle life. In addition, batteries left in
the charger are kept fully charged so they are always ready when needed. This rapid-rate,
tri-chemistry charging system will also charge compatible non-IMPRES batteries and sup-
ports multiple radio platforms including SABER, XTS and HT 1000 Series portables.
IMPRES™ Single-Unit Chargers
WPLN4111AR IMPRES Single-Unit Charger, 110 Volt, US Plug
WPLN4112AR IMPRES Single-Unit Charger, 220 Volt, Euro Plug
WPLN4113AR IMPRES Single-Unit Charger, 240 Volt, UK Plug
5889254E01 Battery Adapter. Required for NTN4538DR,
NTN4593DR, NTN7014BR and NTN8818A batteries.
IMPRES™ Multi-Unit Chargers
WPLN4108BR IMPRES Multi-Unit Charger, 110 Volt, US Plug
WPLN4109BR IMPRES Multi-Unit Charger, 220 Volt, Euro Plug
WPLN4110BR IMPRES Multi-Unit Charger, 240 Volt, UK Plug
4385922B01 Battery Adapter. Required for NTN4538DR,
NTN4593DR, NTN7014BR and NTN8818A batteries.
NLN7967A Wall Mount for Multi-Unit Chargers
IMPRES™ Multi-Unit Chargers with Display Modules
Charger Display Modules provide powerful, “real time” analyzing information for IMPRES
batteries, including current charge status, battery mAh, percent rated capacity and battery
voltage. Readout displays battery kit number, serial number and chemistry and the time
remaining to complete the charge for NiCd and NiMH batteries. It also forecasts the number
of cycles to next reconditioning and more.
WPLN4130A IMPRES Multi-Unit Charger with Display Modules, 110 Volt, US Plug
WPLN4131A IMPRES Multi-Unit Charger with Display Modules, 220 Volt, Euro Plug
WPLN4132A IMPRES Multi-Unit Charger with Display Modules, 240 Volt, UK Plug
4385922B01 Battery Adapter. Required for NTN4538DR,
NTN4593DR, NTN7014BR and NTN8818A batteries.
NLN7967A Wall Mount for Multi-Unit Charger
IMPRES™ Individual Charger Display Module
This module is compatible with the standard IMPRES™ Multi-Unit Charger WPLN4108BR,
WPLN4109BR and WPLN4110BR. Up to 6 modules can be used per charger, one for each
charging pocket. Includes detailed installation instructions.
RLN5382A Charger Display Module for IMPRES Multi-Unit Charger
Version 1.3 or Later.
Note: Display Modules compatible with Multi-Unit Charger version 1.2 or earlier require a
software flash update.
Version number is located on label on the bottom of the IMPRES™ Multi-Unit charger. If no
version is shown, it is earlier than version 1.2. Version 1.2 will appear as V1.20, 1.3 will
appear as V1.30, etc.
This CD provides an interactive guide to the IMPRES Charging System. It outlines the bene-
fits and gives examples of application usage.
0180305J70 IMPRES CD
Display Readout