How to play
The player who can remember when it last snowed may start. If
nobody remembers, the youngest player starts.
You play in a clockwise direction. If it's your turn, throw the die
once and move counterdockwise as many squares as dots are shown.
Begin at the first colored square next to the starting squares.
The rules are:
You play with the biggest snowball until you've reached one of the
colored squares leading up to the finish. Then you may move the
medium-sized (belly) and then the snowball which represents the head.
You cannot start moving a snowball from the starting square before
the previous one has reached one of the colored finishing squares.
Once there are various game pieces in the game (one or more on the
finishing squares and one on the circuit), you can choose which
game piece you want to move.
Watch out:
• If a snowball lands on a square with a sun, it has to be moved
back to the next free square (if not, it will melt away).
• If a snowball lands on an occupied square, it can be moved on to the
next free square. Exception: if the next free square is a sun square it
has to be moved back to the first free square.
• It is permitted to jump over the snowballs of other players.
• If the last square before the finishing squares is occupied, you can
put the snowball directly on the first colored finishing square.
• If you cannot move any of the snowballs, or bring new ones into
the game, your turn is over.
• On the finishing squares, your snowballs can not jump over each
throw the die 1x
bottom part first,
then belly,
then head
move separately
to finishing
sun square:
move back,
occupied square:
move on
jump over
no move possible
piggy-back style
squares 1,2,3
starting squares square with sun
1st square
of circuit