Command Manual – Packet Statistics Accounting
H3C S9500 Series Routing Switches
Chapter 1 Packet Statistics Accounting Configuration
counter0: Uses Counter 0 for packet statistics monitoring.
counter1: Uses Counter 1 for packet statistics monitoring.
counter2: Uses Counter 2 for packet statistics monitoring.
counter3: Uses Counter 3 for packet statistics monitoring.
counter4: Uses Counter 4 for packet statistics monitoring.
counter5: Uses Counter 5 for packet statistics monitoring.
counter6: Uses Counter 6 for packet statistics monitoring.
counter7: Uses Counter 7 for packet statistics monitoring.
slot-num: Card slot number.
interface-type interface-number: Port type and port number, which must match the
parameter slot-num. If you do not specify a specific port number, the command will
apply to all the ports on the card. This command is not supported on POS ports, RPR
physical ports, or non-Ethernet ports such as ATM sub-interfaces on a WAN card. As
for the E1/T1 ports, outbound packet statistics accounting is not supported either on
ports or on VLANs.
vlan-id: VLAN ID defined in IEEE802.1Q. If you do not specify a specific VLAN, the
command will apply to all VLANs.
traffic-class: Traffic class. If you do not specify a specific traffic class, the command will
apply to all traffic classes.
drop-precedence: packet drop precedence. If you do not specify a drop precedence
level, the command will apply to all drop precedence levels.
Use the set egress command to set packet statistics counter groups.
Use the undo set egress command to cancel the configuration.
A card provides up to eight sets of counters for monitoring outbound packet statistics of
the card. The monitored objects include ports, VLANs, ports+VLANs, and cards. In
addition to these four types of objects, a traffic class (TC) or a drop precedence (DP)
can also be monitored. When monitoring a card, the counters can monitor all TCs and
all DPs.
After you use the set egress command to set the monitoring mode of a card, the
counter groups will be automatically cleared.
By default, outbound packet statistics accounting is not enabled.
Related commands: display egress.