Portable ar condtoner / Instructon Manual
15 / 92 EN
That there no lve electrcal components and wrng are exposed
whle chargng, recoverng or purgng the system;
That there s contnuty of earth bondng.
7. Repars to sealed components
1) Durng repars to sealed components, all electrcal supples shall be
dsconnected from the equpment beng worked upon pror to any
removal of sealed covers, etc. If t sabsolutely necessary to have an
electrcal supply to equpment durng servcng, then a permanently
operatng form of leak detecton shall be located at the most crtcal
pont to warn of a potentally hazardous stuaton.
2) Partcular attenton shall be pad to the followng to ensure that
by workng on electrcal components, the casng s not altered n
such a way that the level of protecton s affected. Ths shall nclude
damage to cables, excessve number of connectons, termnals not
made to orgnal specfcaton, damage to seals, ncorrect fttng of
glands, etc.
Ensure that apparatus s mounted securely.
Ensure that seals or sealng materals have not degraded such
that they no longer serve the purpose of preventng the ngress of
flammable atmospheres. Replacement parts shall be n accordance
wth the manufacturer’s specfcatons.
The use of slcon sealant may nhbt the effectveness of
some types of leak detecton equpment. Intrnscally safe
components do not have to be solated pror to workng
on them.
2 Warnngs (for usng R290 refrgerant only)