Precision Plasma with Electronic Flow Control – 1-8
Explosion hazard.
Certain molten aluminum
Certain molten aluminumCertain molten aluminum
Certain molten aluminum-
-lithium (Al
lithium (Allithium (Al
lithium (Al-
-Li) alloys can
Li) alloys can Li) alloys can
Li) alloys can
cause explosions when plasma cut OVER water.
cause explosions when plasma cut OVER water. cause explosions when plasma cut OVER water.
cause explosions when plasma cut OVER water.
Do not plasma cut the following Al
Do not plasma cut the following AlDo not plasma cut the following Al
Do not plasma cut the following Al-
-Li alloys with
Li alloys with Li alloys with
Li alloys with
Alithlite (Alcoa)
ithlite (Alcoa)ithlite (Alcoa)
ithlite (Alcoa)
X8192 (Alcoa)
X8192 (Alcoa)X8192 (Alcoa)
X8192 (Alcoa)
Alithally (Alcoa)
Alithally (Alcoa)Alithally (Alcoa)
Alithally (Alcoa)
Navalite (US Navy)
Navalite (US Navy)Navalite (US Navy)
Navalite (US Navy)
2090 Alloy (Alcoa)
2090 Alloy (Alcoa)2090 Alloy (Alcoa)
2090 Alloy (Alcoa)
Lockalite (Lockheed)
Lockalite (Lockheed)Lockalite (Lockheed)
Lockalite (Lockheed)
X8090A (Alcoa)
X8090A (Alcoa)X8090A (Alcoa)
X8090A (Alcoa)
Kalite (Kaiser)
Kalite (Kaiser)Kalite (Kaiser)
Kalite (Kaiser)
X8092 (Alcoa)
X8092 (Alcoa)X8092 (Alcoa)
X8092 (Alcoa)
8091 (Alcan)
8091 (Alcan)8091 (Alcan)
8091 (Alcan)
• These alloys should only be dry cut on a dry table.
These alloys should only be dry cut on a dry table.These alloys should only be dry cut on a dry table.
These alloys should only be dry cut on a dry table.
• DO NOT dry cut over water.
DO NOT dry cut over water.DO NOT dry cut over water.
DO NOT dry cut over water.
• Contact your
Contact yourContact your
Contact your aluminum supplier for additional
aluminum supplier for additional aluminum supplier for additional
aluminum supplier for additional
safety information regarding hazards associated
safety information regarding hazards associated safety information regarding hazards associated
safety information regarding hazards associated
with these alloys
with these alloyswith these alloys
with these alloys
1.7 Service Precautions
Establish and adhere to preventive maintenance. A
Establish and adhere to preventive maintenance. A Establish and adhere to preventive maintenance. A
Establish and adhere to preventive maintenance. A
composite program can be established from
composite program can be established from composite program can be established from
composite program can be established from
recommended schedules in the
recommended schedules in the recommended schedules in the
recommended schedules in the instruction literature.
instruction literature.instruction literature.
instruction literature.
Avoid leaving test equipment or hand tools on
Avoid leaving test equipment or hand tools on Avoid leaving test equipment or hand tools on
Avoid leaving test equipment or hand tools on
machine. Severe electrical or mechanical damage
machine. Severe electrical or mechanical damage machine. Severe electrical or mechanical damage
machine. Severe electrical or mechanical damage
could occur to equipment or machine.
could occur to equipment or machine.could occur to equipment or machine.
could occur to equipment or machine.
Extreme caution should be used when probing
Extreme caution should be used when probing Extreme caution should be used when probing
Extreme caution should be used when probing
circuitry with an oscilloscope or voltmeter. Int
circuitry with an oscilloscope or voltmeter. Intcircuitry with an oscilloscope or voltmeter. Int
circuitry with an oscilloscope or voltmeter. Integrated
egrated egrated
circuits are susceptible to over voltage damage.
circuits are susceptible to over voltage damage. circuits are susceptible to over voltage damage.
circuits are susceptible to over voltage damage.
Power off before using test probes to prevent
Power off before using test probes to prevent Power off before using test probes to prevent
Power off before using test probes to prevent
accidental shorting of components.
accidental shorting of components.accidental shorting of components.
accidental shorting of components.
All circuit boards securely seated in sockets, all cables
All circuit boards securely seated in sockets, all cables All circuit boards securely seated in sockets, all cables
All circuit boards securely seated in sockets, all cables
properly connected, all cabinets closed and locked, all
properly connected, all cabinets closed and locked, all properly connected, all cabinets closed and locked, all
properly connected, all cabinets closed and locked, all
guards and covers replaced before power is turned
rds and covers replaced before power is turned rds and covers replaced before power is turned
rds and covers replaced before power is turned
Never plug or unplug a printed circuit board while
Never plug or unplug a printed circuit board while Never plug or unplug a printed circuit board while
Never plug or unplug a printed circuit board while
machine power is on. Instantaneous surges of voltage
machine power is on. Instantaneous surges of voltage machine power is on. Instantaneous surges of voltage
machine power is on. Instantaneous surges of voltage
and current can damage electronic components.
and current can damage electronic components.and current can damage electronic components.
and current can damage electronic components.