OMEM710 Hardware Manual 2v11
Wire your semi-assembled harness or ready-built harness as shown in the Wiring section of this
Trigger Wheel
If installing a trigger wheel of missing tooth type,
ï‚· Accurately mark TDC.
ï‚· Turn the engine to approximately 90o BTDC.
ï‚· Mount your crank position sensor (CPS) anywhere around the perimeter of the timing wheel
pointing towards the centre of the wheel with a sensor to wheel gap of approximately 0.5mm.
ï‚· Mount the trigger wheel with the missing tooth pointing at the sensor.
If machining a trigger pattern into the front pulley then it is usually easiest to machine all of the teeth
in, mount the front pulley, and then remove the tooth pointing at the sensor at 90o BTDC.
Follow the ‘Software’ chapter of this manual for instructions on how to connect to your ECU and
send your startup calibration.
Setup before mapping
Follow the ‘Auxiliary Inputs and Outputs’ chapter, though we suggest that all non-essential functions
(e.g. full throttle gearshift) are disabled until fuel and ignition mapping is complete.
Follow the ‘Sensor Setup’ chapter.
Follow the ‘Rev Limits’ chapter.
Follow the ‘Map Axes’ chapter (advanced users only).
For many engine configurations, the majority of these sections can be ignored as the start-up
calibration will be set to suit the standard engine. Refer to the calibration’s notes field for information
about sensors used in the calibration.
First start fuel
When attempting to start the engine for the first time you may need to change the injector scaling as
the fuel requirements, injector flowrates, and fuel pressure vary between engines. The option
Microsec/bit is a linear scaling factor. A higher number is more fuel, a lower number is less.
First start ignition timing
Follow the ‘Ignition Timing Alignment’ section of the ‘Sensor Setup’ chapter.
Main fuel and ignition mapping
Ensure before mapping that the oxygen feedback is disabled by setting Standard | OX FB | OX FB
Rate = 0.
If a road car, calibrate the injector battery voltage offsets before much mapping is done.
Map all fuel and ignition in steady state conditions.
Calibrate warm running transient fuel.