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KegLand Distribution Pty Ltd© - Coastbusters WC IPA (All Grain Recipe
There is one boil hop addition for this recipe. Add 18g Hallertau Blanc as
soon as the boil begins (60 minute addition).
Boil the wort for 60 minutes in total. Pay attention at the start of the boil to
avoid any boilovers.
Once the boil has nished, you can transfer the wort. If using the No Chill
method, simply pump it directly into your clean and sanitised No Chill cube.
Otherwise, chill using your desired method and transfer to your fermenter.
Ensure that your fermenter has been thoroughly cleaned and sanitised. If
using an airlock, half ll it with sanitiser at the correct dilution. Add the
cooled wort to the fermenter and pitch the yeast by sprinkling directly onto
the cooled wort.
If you are using temperature control, the ideal schedule for this beer is 13°C
for the rst 5-7 days, then raise to 18°C once fermentation is almost
complete until fermenation is nished. Raising the temperature at the end
of fermentation is known as a diacetyl rest, and is important especially with
lager yeasts to ensure full attenuation and to allow the yeast to clean up the
o avours that can be produced as a result of fermentation.
The absolute best way to ensure you get consistently great beer is to get a
small cheap/free fridge from Gumtree and make a fermentation chamber.
This can be done easily with an inexpensive temperature controller
(KL01946) and a heat belt (KL01953). You just plug the fridge and heat belt
into the temperature controller and put the fermenter in the fridge, dial in
the temperature and forget about it!
Lager yeasts are ideal for pressure fermentation. Using pressure allows for a fast and clean fermentation. We
recommend not letting pressure build for the rst 24 hours, as that can inhibit yeast growth, but aer that, using
spunding, allow the pressure to ramp to between 10-18psi. Once the desired pressure has been reached, the
temperature can be raised to 16-18°C until nal gravity has been reached. With this temperature/pressure combi-
nation, you will most likely experince quite a fast fermenation with Lallemand Diamond Lager yeast.
Note that you must have a pressure capable fermenter such as a 30L FermZilla All Rounder for pressure
fermention. Please ensure that a spunding valve such as a KB03529 Integrated Gauge Blowtie Spunding Valve is
used to control the pressure in the fermenter. Failure to do so can result in excess pressure build up which can be
Once fermentation is done, it is time to transfer your nished beer! Ideally, cold crashing for at least 48 hours will
give the best results before transferring.
To determine that fermentation has nished, check the gravity over three consecutive days. If it is stable across
three consecutive days then fermentation is done and the beer can be safely transferred to your bottles, cans or
keg. Do not transfer until fermentation is complete.
Bottling your beer: Please refer to our detailed beginners guide for bottling from a fermenter here:
Kegging your beer: We would suggest carbonating and dispensing at 10-12 psi at 2°C for best results. Refer to
our detailed beginners guide for kegging from a fermenter here:
Canning your beer: To transfer your nished beer into cans we would suggest kegging and carbonating at 11psi
at 2°C then transferring to cans. Refer to our detailed beginners guide for canning here: