This newsletter is a service of BCD Product Management. Volume 5, Issue 7
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BCD ProductNews
Upgrade of the controller
Due to the variety and multitude of BCD controllers, interfaces to the projectors and
resolutions, every installation requires a detailed assessment of the controller and an
individual concept how to upgrade it.
The following list tries to give a clue, which controller can be expected to be usable with the
upgraded display wall.
Type of new display wall
OverView DG OverView DR OverView DR+
VX Graphic Card Not supported Not supported Not supported
MX Graphic Card Supported
FMW-2882-05 required
Not supported Not supported
AGX Graphic Card Supported Supported Not supported
OmniScaler SXGA Supported Supported Not supported
UGX Graphic Card Supported Supported Supported
OmniScaler UXGA Supported Supported Supported
Hydra OPU DVI-DVI Supported Supported Supported
Hydra OPU DVI Dual
Supported Supported Supported
Hydra OPU PanelLink+Ana Supported Supported Not supported
It is a good practice to always consult the frequently updated compatibility matrices on the
Partnerzone in order to determine the interoperability of the controller hardware, here mainly
the output cards, with the new display system.
Please note that software, drivers and firmware may need to be upgraded accordingly.
However be aware that due to the discontinued support of legacy cards an upgrade to the
latest versions might not always be possible.
The upgrade of A
TLAS CS4 systems with an analog interface to a digital one should always be
considered as the first choice towards a state-of-the-art display wall. But if desired, the
optional use of M
ULTI INPUT MODULES allows keeping the analog connection type as well.
Since the pSi projection engines were provided with a PanelLink data interface, whereas the
VERVIEW D projection unit has a DVI-D input, all data cabling to the upgraded projector has
to be replaced completely.
Please note:
Adapters connecting an old PanelLink cable to a DVI-D input do not exist!
Existing RS232 Remote-Control cabling can be used continuously together with an
VERVIEW D compatible software like OVERVIEW CONTROL MANAGER.