Introduction ...............3
Features ......................3
Checking the contents of package
Part names ....................4
Setting up .................9
Arrangement ...................9
Connecting with your devices
Connecting to a power supply
Using the security bar and slot ....18
Using the cable cover ...........19
Remote control ............20
Interactive pen ............23
Power on/off ..............24
Operating ................27
Adjusting the volume ............27
Temporarily muting the screen and
audio output ..................27
Selecting an input signal .........28
Selecting an aspect ratio .........28
Selecting an Interactive Function . . 29
Calibration ....................29
Adjusting the projector's elevator . . 30
Adjusting the zoom and focus .....30
Using the automatic adjustment feature
Using the TEMPLATE feature .....32
Other buttons .................32
Adjusting the position ...........33
Correcting the keystone/perfect t
Using the magnify feature ........34
Temporarily freezing the screen ...35
Using the menu function ........36
EASY MENU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Iwb, Aspect,
Keystone, perfect fIt
pIcture moDe,
eco moDe, InstAllAtIon, reset, fIlter tIme,
AnguAge, ADvAnceD menu, exIt
IWB menu ................40
PICTURE menu ............41
brIghtness, contrAst, hDcr,
ccentuAlIzer, gAmmA, color temp,
color, tInt, shArpness, ActIve IrIs, my memory
IMAGE menu ..............44
Aspect, over scAn, v posItIon, h posItIon,
h phAse, h sIze, Auto ADjust execute
INPUT menu ..............47
progressIve, vIDeo nr, color spAce,
vIDeo formAt, hDmI formAt, hDmI rAnge,
omputer In, frAme locK, resolutIon
SETUP menu ..............51
D-zoom, D-shIft, pIct.posIt.h,
Keystone, perfect fIt
, Auto eco moDe,
eco moDe, InstAllAtIon
, stAnDby moDe,
monItor out
AUDIO menu ..............57
volume, speAKer, AuDIo source,
mIc volume
SCREEN menu .............59
lAnguAge, menu posItIon, blAnK,
Auto blAnK, stArt up,
yScreen Lock
, messAge, source nAme,
templAte, c.c.
OPTION menu .............65
Auto seArch, DIrect power on,
Auto power off, lAmp tIme, fIlter tIme,
y button, scheDule, servIce
NETWORK menu ...........79
SECURITY menu ...........80
securIty pAssworD chAnge,
pAssworD, pIn locK,
my text pAssworD, my text DIsplAy,
my text wrItIng, clonIng locK
Presentation tools .........85
Interactive function ...............85
PC-LESS Presentation
USB Display (Windows computer)
. . 116
USB Display (Mac computer)
Maintenance .............125
Replacing the lamp ............125
Cleaning and replacing the air lter . 127
Caring for the projection window and
camera lens
Replacing the internal clock battery
Other care ...................131
Troubleshooting ..........132
Related messages ............132
Regarding the indicator lamps ...134
Resetting all settings ...........137
Phenomena that may be easy to
be mistaken for machine defects
. . 137
Specications ............148