Conventions Used in These Instructions ..
Safety Precautions .................................... V
Disclaimer ................................................. V
Trademark Acknowledgments .................. V
ImageBrowser Software User Guide ........ V
Software .................................................... VI
Adobe Photoshop 5.0 LE DISK ............... VI
Computer System Requirements .......... VII
Installing the Software ............ 1-1
Installing the Software ........................... 1-2
Installing the Software ........................... 1-2
Installing Photoshop 5.0 LE ................... 1-4
Please Register Your Camera! .............. 1-4
Getting Ready to Work with
Images ...................................... 2-1
Connecting the Camera to Your
Computer ................................................ 2-2
About Backing up (Copying) Images ..... 2-3
Inserting a CF Card into Your Card
Reader ..................................................... 2-4
Working with Images in File
Viewer Utility ............................ 3-1
Starting File Viewer Utility ..................... 3-2
Displaying Images.................................. 3-5
Updating Information on Main Window .. 3-6
Showing/Hiding Image Information........ 3-6
Selecting the Model-Specific Processing
Mode ........................................................ 3-7
Selecting the Display Mode and
Display Size ............................................ 3-8
Selecting the Display Mode ................... 3-8
Checking the AF Point ......................... 3-10
Showing/Hiding the Information Display
Frame of Thumbnail Images ................ 3-11
Selecting the Display Size ................... 3-11
Selecting Images .................................. 3-12
Selecting Images with the Mouse ........ 3-12
Selecting Images from the Control Panel
............................................................. 3-12
Working with Selected Images ........... 3-13
Operations that Can Be Used with
Images ................................................. 3-13
Protecting Images ................................ 3-14
Selecting Images by Condition ............ 3-15
Checking the Image Information .......... 3-15
Rotating Images .................................. 3-16
Playing Back Sound ............................ 3-16
Erasing Images .................................... 3-17
Printing Images .................................... 3-17
Processing RAW Images ..................... 3-18
Selecting the Color Matrix ................... 3-19
Adjusting the Sharpness ...................... 3-20
Correcting the Brightness
(Digital Exposure Compensation) ........ 3-21
Adjusting the Color and Brightness
(Adjust Tone Curve) ............................. 3-22
Adjusting the White Balance ............... 3-25
Saving the White Balance ................... 3-28
Setting the IPTC Information ............... 3-29
Saving Images ...................................... 3-34
Saving Images from the Camera to
Your Computer .................................... 3-34
Saving Images as Index File ............... 3-38
Specifying the Preferences ................. 3-40
Transferring Images to Retouching
Software ................................................ 3-43
Specifying the Image Transfer ............. 3-43
Transferring Images ............................ 3-45
Specifying Camera Settings from
Your Computer ........................ 4-1
Specifying the Camera Settings ........... 4-2
Basic Settings ........................................ 4-2
Detailed Settings ................................... 4-5
Personal Function Settings ................... 4-6
Setting Up Personal Functions .............. 4-6
Description of Personal Functions ......... 4-9
Checking, Saving, and Loading
Personal Function Settings ................. 4-22
Setting the Parameters ........................ 4-25
Setting the Parameters ........................ 4-25
Selecting the Personal White Balance
............................................................... 4-30
Selecting the Personal White Balance
............................................................. 4-30