• DO NOTsqueeze throttle rigger dur-
ing starting; otherwise, it will be nec-
essary to reset the fast idle lock.
NOTE: When pullingthe starter rope,
donot use the fullextent of the rope.
Do notlet starter rope snap beck. Hold
handle. Let roPll rewindslowly.
• Pullstarter rope handlefirmlyand
quicklywith your dght hand untilthe
engine attemptsto start, butno morn
than 5 pulis.Then, push in choke
knob fully. Resume pulhnghandle un-
til enginestarts.
• Above 40•F, allow engine to runfor
approximately 5 seconds.Then
squeeze and mlsaee throttletriggerto
allow engineto idle.
• Below40°F, allow engine to warm up
for 30 secondsto I minute withchoke
at partielposition. Pushchoke knob in
to the OFF pueltion; then squeeze and
mlsese throttle triggerto allowengine
to idle.
• Tostop engine, move On/Stop switch
to the STOPposition.
DONOTuse the choke to start a warm
engine or floodingand hard starting
may occur.
• Move On/Stop switchto ON.
• Set fast idlelock.
• Be surechoke is inthe OFFposition.
• W'_hsaw on ground,gripfront handle
with lefthand and place your dght foot
through roar handle.
• Pullstarter ropehandle until engine
• Squeeze and release throttle rigger
to retum engine to idlespeed.
The engine may be floodedif it has not
startedafter 10 pulis=-Rooded engines
can be cleared of excessfuel with the
Engage the fast idle lock.
Verifythat the On/Stop switch is mthe
ON position.
• Push choke knob to the OFF position.
• W_...dhsaw on ground,gdpfront handle
with lefthand and place dghtfoot
through roar handle.
• Pullstarter ropehandle until engine
j-Starting could requiremany pullsde-
pending on how badlythe unitis
flooded. Ifengine stillfails to start, re-
fer to the TROUBLESHOOTINGchart or
call 1-800-235-5878.
• Check chain tensionbefore firstuse
and after I rnin.uteof operation.See
Chain Tensionmthe Maintenance
• section.
• Cut wood 0nly. Do notcut metal, plas-
tics, masonry, non-wood buildingma-
tedais, etc.
• Stopthe saw if the chain stdkee a for-
eign object.Inspectthe saw and re-
pairparts as necessary.
• Keep the chainout of dirtand sand.
Even a smallamount of dirtwillquick-
ly dulla chain and increase the possi-
bilityof kickback.
• Practicecuttinga few sm_l logs using
the followingstep_;...This wdlhelp you
get the "feel"of umngyour sew before
you begin a major sewing operation.
• Squeeze the throttle rigger and al-
lowthe engineto roachfullspeed
• Begincuttingwith the sew frame
againstthe tog.
Keep the engine at full .speedthe
i entire you are cutting.
Allowthe chain to cutforyou. Exert
onlylight downwardpressure.
• Release the throttle trigger as soon
as the cut iscompleted, allowingthe
engine to Idle.Ifyou runtha sew at
full throttle withouta cuttingload,
unnecassarywear can occur.
• Toavoid losingcontrolwhen cut is
complete,do not putpressure on
sew at end of cut.
• Stop the engine before settingthe
sew down.
WARNING: Check for broken ordead
brancheswhich can fall while cutting
causing seriousinjury.Do not cutnear
buildingsor electricalwires ifyou do not
know the directionof tree fall, norcut at
nightsinceyou will not be able to see
well, nor dudngbad weather such as
rain,snow,or strongwinds, etc.
Carefullyplan your sawing operationin
advance. Clearthe work area. You
need a clear area allaround the tree so
you can have secure footing. Studythe
naturalcond'dionethatcan cause the
tree tofall ina pedloular direction,such
conditions include:
• The wind directionand speed.