Ta ble of con tents
1. Safety in struc tions ........................................................1-1
1.1. For your safety ...................................................1-2
1.2. For the op er at ing safety of the equip ment .............................1-4
2. Con cern ing these Op er ating In struc tions ....................................2-1
2.1. Warn ing Mes sages and Sym bols ....................................2-2
2.2. Ex pla na tions and Def i ni tions ........................................2-3
2.3. Notes on Us age ..................................................2-3
3. Putting into op er a tion......................................................3-1
3.1. Con trol Sys tem S 150 .............................................3-2
3.1.1. Key As sign ment .........................................3-3
3.1.2. Sym bols ...............................................3-4
3.2. Ini tial op er a tion pro ce dure .......................................... 3-5
3.3. Ba sic Pa ram e ter Set ting ...........................................3-9
3.4. Cal i bra tion......................................................3-12
3.4.1. Prep a ra tions...........................................3-12
3.4.2. De ter mining the Cal i bra tion Weight ........................3-14
3.4.3. Pre paring the Feed Sta tion for Nor mal Op er a tion.............3-16
3.5. Mod ify/Cre ate Rec ipe.............................................3-17
3.5.1. Save Rec ipe ...........................................3-20
3.6. Starting mode ...................................................3-21
3.7. Starting the Con tin u ous Op er a tion ..................................3-21
3.8. Viewing the Ac tual Values .........................................3-22
3.9. Stopping the Con tin u ous Op er a tion .................................3-22
3.10. Call ing up the rec ipe ............................................3-23
3.11. Switching off the De vice .........................................3-23
3.12. Alarm Mes sages ................................................3-24
4. Main te nance ..............................................................4-1
4.1. Main te nance in ter vals .............................................4-3
4.2. Re moving/re plac ing scraper in the SDD dos ing sta tion ..................4-4
4.3. Cleaning the SDD dos ing sta tion ....................................4-6
4.4. Changing the dos ing disc in the SDD dos ing sta tion.....................4-8
4.4.1. In stalling Dif fer ent Types of Dosing Discs ...................4-10
4.5. Re moving/re plac ing the scraper in the SDT dos ing sta tion ..............4-11
4.6. Cleaning the SDT dos ing sta tion....................................4-13
4.7. Ex change able sta tions ............................................4-15
4.8. Ex changing Fuses ...............................................4-16