7Home is where your heart is...
structure, body, pin box, or frame of the recreational vehicle, including, but not limited to, installing trailer hitches for
towing, or platforms for supporting cargo;
• Damage or loss caused by environmental conditions, including, but not limited to, rust, corrosion, sealant
deterioration, chemical off-gassing, airborne pollutants, salt, tree sap, leaves and branches, animals, and hail
damage; or aking, peeling and chips or other defects or damages in or to the exterior or nish caused by rocks or
other road hazards; or any injury, or loss or damage due to mold or fungi;
• Normal wear and usage, such as fading or discoloration of fabrics or exterior surface, carpet wear, cosmetic issues
with the roof material(s) or its installation, or damage caused by condensation; defacing, scratching, dents and
chips on any surface or fabric;
• Problems which may result from the tow vehicle selected by the owner, owner’s operation or use of the tow
vehicle, willful or negligent acts of the driver of the vehicle pulling the recreational vehicle, an accident involving the
recreational vehicle, or the condition of any road surface, improper selection or installation of towing hitch on tow
vehicle, weight distribution, sway control or equalizer equipment, or damage to the owner’s tow vehicle; and,
• Equipment, products, components, appliances, or accessories covered by their own manufacturer’s warranty
including, by way of example, the microwave, refrigerator, ice maker, stove, oven, generator, frame, batteries, tires,
roof air conditioners, water heater, furnace, washer, dryer, inverter, DVD players, televisions, stereo, radio, compact
disc player, leveling jacks, vacuum cleaners, power converters, and other items not specically manufactured by
Some component part and appliance manufacturers issue limited warranties covering their products that are separate
from Heartland’s limited warranties. If a component or appliance manufacturer provides a warranty on its products,
these warranties are separate and distinct from Heartland’s Limited Warranties. However, to assist the retail customer,
during Heartland’s one (1) year Limited Warranty coverage period, Heartland will administer those warranties; except
for separate warranties covering tires, batteries, and generators, as Heartland does not administer those components’
separate warranties. Therefore, during the one (1) year Limited Warranty coverage period, all warranty service claims on
applicable components and appliances should be directed to Heartland through an authorized Heartland dealer or service
center. After the Heartland one (1) year Limited Warranty coverage period expires, all component and appliance warranty
claims should be directed to the respective component or appliance manufacturers. Heartland is not warranting any
component or appliance, only administering separately offered warranties from the component or appliance manufacture.
In no way shall Heartland’s limited warranties be modied or amended by this provision. To learn more on what specic
components and appliances are not covered by this Limited Warranty, please contact Heartland Customer Service
directly, or review the owner’s packet inside your recreational vehicle.
1. At the option of Heartland, any and all claims, demands, causes of action or disputes arising out of or relating
in any way to the Limited Warranties or the recreational vehicle shall be resolved exclusively in arbitration in
accordance with the Indiana Arbitration Act (IC 34-57-1-1, et seq.), the Uniform Arbitration Act (IC 34-57-2-2, et
seq.), and the Indiana Rules for Alternative Dispute Resolution, Rules 3.1 through 3.5. There shall be one (1)
arbitrator appointed by the Elkhart Circuit or Superior Court, Elkhart County, Indiana, who shall be an attorney
with professional experience in the recreational vehicle industry. All costs and expenses of the arbitration will be
paid by the party against whom the arbitrator rules; however, each party will bear its own attorneys’ fees.
2. In the event that Heartland does not elect to submit any dispute to arbitration or the foregoing arbitration provision
is found to be unenforceable, exclusive jurisdiction for deciding legal disputes relating in any way to the Limited
Warranties or the recreational vehicle must be led in the courts within the state of manufacture.
3. The Limited Warranties shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Indiana.
Any and all claims, controversies and causes of action arising out of or relating to the Limited Warranties, whether
sounding in contract, tort, or statute, shall be governed by the laws of the state of Indiana, including its statutes
of limitations, without giving effect to any conict of law rule that would result in the application of the laws of a
different jurisdiction.
4. By executing the acknowledgement section contained below, the retail purchaser agrees to the jurisdiction of the
courts set forth above.