TabEe of Contents
Fo_ Your Safety ..................................... 2
Moisture 3
[mpOr_ar_t Safeguards ...................................4
Inst4l!atfo .................................... 4
Usa .....................................................5
lmportartt SafeW Instructions for'
AC AdapterlCharger ............................... 6
Before 7Do begin ......................................... 6
Read This First ............................................ 7
Quck Tidex ...................
Features ..................................................... 7
Corr_ponents and Accessories ..................... 9
tdentifvhsg Controls K)
Load[n# clock and Remote Cont_oI
Batteries .................................................. :_ _
Charging t_e Sorter7 4
Cbarging _[ r _............................i4
()p_ r £k'_$ ime .......................................... t4
bqot _ o_ ibe 3a_tery ............................... t4
Camcorder Bailer es ............................ :i5
} e no_k_g t}-_eSatfe G Iack .............................. ,-a
Ch_.'cl<in_; t!_(Ba_:!er) %Cf_aqz¢ .. 15
Dsin 9 Alternative Paws< Sourcea ...............] 6
[ [s_sg tbe AC Adapt_ _,.( ha £,er..... t6
L.., ga a B,A _.................................!6
tnse_[ng and Removin 9 Casa_ttes .............17
I serl:iz_._,a CasseU( .............................. }7
Remov ng, a Cassette .....................................17
P!'otectk_g Recotded Materb_l ...................... _7
Ad_osting the Electronic Yiew¢ieder ........ 1!8
Eyepiece Ad_stmer, t ................................... 18
Adjusting the Hand Strop ......................... I8
Lens Door Opener ...................................I8
AtSaehing the Sbou[de_ Strap ....................... 19
Usin 9 the Unear Time Counter ............... 1:i
Reraainin ! Tape ...............................................19
Se_ing the Date and Time ............................ 20
(]nrre;lin R I}KIDate nd Thr4" .......................... 2()
MaMng a Basic Secordin9 ........ 22
/sin ! Instant Review ......................................22
Usir_£ Auto Foa Js ....................... 23
Using Man[_al Focus ...................................2_
Usin I the Powe_ Zoom .................................... 2,;
Usin I the Digital Zoom .................................. 24
Using the ff_ST.ZOOM (Inslant Zoom}
Button ..................................................25
Using Macro _
................................................ _j
Playback 26
S_rnp _ on_I...................................2b
[,< r'_" q_ %
Using Forward and Reverse SearcL .................26
Playing Sack Your Recording
o[_ Your tV .............................................. 27
Q oPHecl_n_, 10 a T0k:visR)n 4, ith
a VCi'R Attached ...................................... 27
Com_ecti _$ to a Tu!e'_ iNon witb
Audio t£ ani Video !n !asks .................... 25
Corm:tinK[t aTeIevisio_witho_:
Audio In and Video b_,lacks .................. 29
Date Resordh_9 ..........................................3I
DigiIalEffeet Resording ....................................32
15 x 9 Mode Recording .................................32
Xega.t _,.,iFosi ire Racordi_% .........................33
x:30 [)fgi _! Zoom Rec >rdir_ ..........................143
Half - md'oz !:;[ecordi:n$ ................................ 33
M e._a_cHecording ...................................33
Usb;g Fade ......................................................34
}?adMg M ..............................................................35
Fadir_g O_t ........................................................... 35
Using the Electronic Image Stab/ize_ ......... 35
IJsing Quick Ed;t ....................................... 36
Usb_ t tie Display S_tton ................................36
Bate Search .............................................. 37
Using Memory ...........................................37
Using tbe Wireless Remote Control ........... 8
A_aebing tba Optional W}de or Tele
Conve_er Lees ................................. 38
Creating aed Recording a Title ..................... 39
Crcati -_ga Title .......................................... 39
Cba a,rteLs/\vailab e forYour 'I le, ................39
Co_I:cctmg Errors ......................................... 40
R_cordfn 8 Title or_e Tape ir the
Camcorde ................................................ 4
l;:ecordin£ a C'reated Tifk.' wble
TransfeKk% a Tape ..........................................40
Dubbing f_om the Camco_der
to a VCR 41
Simple Programmable Edit .......................42
Usng AudielVldeo Dubbing ........................ 46
@eaning the Carncorder Heads ............... 47
Cleaning the Lens and LCD Panel of the
Electronic Vie_fllnde_ ................................ 47
Periodic Mah_tenan_e ..................................... 4S
Troubleshooting ...............................................48
Specifications ....................................................:-0
Ger_era! Sped ficatio,,_s ................................ 50
Vdeo £ecorder t4peciiicat arts ...................... 50
Came'to Spc,Nfi,';_ t n_,_¢......................................... 50
Accessories Add Excitement ........................52