Section 4 – Programming Descriptions
Keypad zones and zone expanders will always follow Section [013].
When Zone Types (Section [001] to [004]) are programmed, the system will change the Zone Attributes to those found in the chart included
in the Programming Worksheets. The Zone Attributes will default if a new Zone Type is programmed for a specific zone. After program-
ming the Zone Types, enter Section [101] to [164] and ensure that all options are programmed correctly.
Ready light ON: Program attributes [1-8] (press [1]-[8] to turn option ON or OFF)
Ready light and Armed light ON: Program attributes [9-16] (press [1]-[8] to turn option ON or OFF)
Press [9] to switch between attributes [1-8] and attribute [9-16].
Section [165] Maximum Dialing Attempts
Program the Maximum Dialing Attempts before the panel will generate a Failure to Communicate (FTC) trouble condition.
Valid entries are [001] to [005]. For UL Listed installations, 5 attempts is required.
Section [166] Post Dial Wait for Handshake
Program the maximum time the panel will wait, after dialing, for a valid handshake from the central station.
Valid entries are [001] to [255] seconds.
Section [167] T-Link Communications Wait for Acknowledgement
Program the maximum time the panel will wait, after sending a data packet, for an acknowledgement from the central station.
Valid entries are [001] to [255] seconds.
Section [168] Daylight Savings Time (Move Clock Ahead)
These sections are used to program the Date, Time and Increment that the clock will move ahead for Daylight Savings Time each year. Pro-
gramming can be accomplished by programming the Month, Day, Hour and Increment or Month, Week, Day of Week, Hour and Increment:
Do not program the Hour outside of the valid range or the time will not change. Do not program the value of the Increment to be
greater then the number of hours remaining in the current day.
Section [169] Standard Time (Set Clock Back)
These sections are used to program the Date, Time and Increment that the clock will move back for Standard Time each year. Programming
can be accomplished by programming the Month, Day, Hour and Increment or Month, Week, Day of Week, Hour and Increment:
[9] ON: the zone has the Cross Zone feature enabled. OFF: the zone functions normally.
[10]-[13] For Future Use
[14] ON: the zone requires a normally-closed loop OFF: the zone will follow the EOL configuration in Section [013]
[15] ON: the zone requires a single End-of-Line resistor OFF: the zone will follow the EOL configuration in Section [013]
[16] ON: the zone requires a double End-of-Line resistors OFF: the zone will follow the EOL configuration in Section [013]
Options 14, 15, 16 apply to first 8 zones only. If more than one of these options are enabled then lowest numbered option is
enabled. E.g., If Option 14 and option 15 are enabled then the zones are configured as normally closed loops.
Month Data [001] to [012] represents January to December.
Week Data [000] indicates that the day of the month will be programmed in the Day section below. Data [001] to [005] represents
weeks 1 to 5 of the month. Week 5 always represents the last week in the month, regardless if the number of weeks in the
month is 4 or 5.
Day Data [001] to [031] represents day of the month if [000] was programmed in the Week section above. If [001] to [005] was
programmed in the Week Section above, then Data [000] to [006] represents Sunday to Saturday
Hour Data [000] to [022] represents the hour that Daylight Saving Time will take effect.
Increment Data [001] to [002] represents the number of hours to advance the clock for Daylight Savings Time.
Month Data [001] to [012] represents January to December.
Week Data [000] indicates that the day of the month will be programmed in the Day section below
. Data [001] to [005] represents
weeks 1 to 5 of the month. Week 5 always represents the last week in the month, regardless if the number of weeks in the
month is 4 or 5.
Day Data [001] to [031] represents day of the month if [000] was programmed in the Week section above. If [001] to [005] was
programmed in the Week Section above, then Data [000] to [006] represents Sunday to Saturday
Hour Data [000] or [023] represents the hour that Standard Time will take effect.
Increment Data [001] or [002] represents the number of hours to roll back the clock for Daylight Savings Time.