• Conrm power present at ON/OFF Switch .......................................................
(10.5 volt DC min - 13.5 volt DC max)
• Conrm that thermostat and ECO are closed, and that power is present at .....
• Conrm power is present on red wire to module board, and on blue wire to ....
reset light, conrm that ground connections are secured, test reset light bulb
Conrm and correct power supply.
Reset ECO if open, conrm that water
in tank is cold, replace thermostat if
found to be defective.
Repair or replace wiring if defective,
replace module board or switch/lamp
assembly if found to be defective.
• Inspect burner and orice for debris, conrm gas and spark are ......................
present, inspec electrode for proper gap (1/8”), test module board with eld
• Inspect electrode and wire connections, test module board with eld tester ....
• Check for proper voltage (10.5 min - 13.5 max) on brown wire at ....................
gas valve (during TFI), conrm proper gas pressure available (11” WC - 14”
WC), measure resistance through solenoids (30-50 OHM’s), inspect brown
wire for open or short
• Inspect electrode for: proper gap, damaged porcelain insulator, ......................
carbon build up on tip, loose or corroded wire connections, conrm proper
ame impingement at electrode, inspect burner and orice for debris, conrm
that gas pressure is correct, test module board with eld tester
• Inspect electrode for crack in porcelain, proper gap (1/8”), ..............................
or carbon build up on tip, ensure that spark is present at electrode tip, inspect
burner for debris, inspect electrode wire for short (including against the back
side fo the appliance door when in closed position)
• Follow previously described trouble shooting procedures ................................
Clean or replace burner, correct
electrode gap, replace module board if
found to be defective.
Correct electrode gap, clean or correct
electrode wire connections, replace
module board if found to be defective.
Correct voltage supply, correct gas
pressure, replace gas valve if found to
be defective, repair or replace wire if
Replace electrode, module board,
gas valve, or electrode wire if found
defective. Clean or replace burner
tube, correct gas pressure.
Replace electrode or wire if defective,
clean electrode tips with Emory cloth,
adjust electrode if sparking incorrectly,
clean or replace burner tube.
To reset the appliance from LOCKOUT
mode, turn the power switch off for
5-10 seconds and then turn the switch
back on.
• Inspect by-pass valve for proper position, conrm that all plumbing system ....
mixing valves are closed (including outside shower valves), conrm that
thermostat is operating correctly, conrm that diffuser tubes are properly
• Inspect that thermostat is secure to tank and opening at correct temberature .
130 degrees F, plus or minus 5 degrees F
• Install air pocket in tank, conrm water temperature is within operating range
130 degrees F, plus or minus 5 degrees F, inspect relief valve for signs of
contamination at seal
• Check for proper gas pressure (11”WC-14” WC), inspect burner .....................
ue tube, and vent for debris
Set by-pass valves to correct position,
close open mixing valves, replace
thermostat if defective, replace diffuser
tube (‘s).
Replace or secure thermostat
Replace thermostat or relief valve
if found to be defective, install
accumulator tank to plumbing system
per manufacturers installation
Set to correct gas pressure, replace
valve if found to be defective, clean or
replace burner tube, clean ue tube
and vent assembly.