• DOK-DIAX02-DDS02.1*ANA-ANW1-EN-E1,44 • 12.96 9
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. The digital intelligent AC servo drive 11
2. The digital intelligent AC servo drive with ANALOG interface 14
2.1. Components of the digital AC servo drive................................ 15
2.2. Function schematic of the digital AC servo drive ..................... 16
2.3. System configuration of the digital AC servo drive................... 17
2.4. System configuration components ........................................... 22
3. Fundamental safety notes 31
3.1. Warning notes and symbols ..................................................... 31
3.2. Use as prescribed..................................................................... 31
3.3. Safety notes for commissioning ............................................... 32
3.4. Notes on protection of personnel ............................................. 32
3.5. Notes on protection of equipment ............................................ 34
3.6. Notes on protection of machinery............................................. 34
4. Commissioning equipment 35
4.1. Measuring instruments ............................................................. 35
4.2. Battery power source................................................................ 36
4.3. Service cable IN 391 ................................................................ 37
4.4. Personal computer (PC)........................................................... 37
4.5. VT 100 Terminal ....................................................................... 38
5. Operating the drive controller during commissioning and diagnostics 39
5.1. How to handle the parametrizing and diagnostics program ..... 39
5.2. Saving data............................................................................... 51
6. Commissioning procedure up to initial start-up of the AC servo drive 52
6.1. Checks to be run with power disconnected.............................. 52
6.2. Checks to be run with control voltage applied.......................... 55
6.3. Entering parameters for initial start-up ..................................... 55
6.4. Powering up.............................................................................. 56
6.5. Checks to be run after switching on power .............................. 56
6.6. Initial start-up of the drive with a battery power source............ 57
7. Commissioning the functions of the AC servo drive with ANALOG interface 58
7.1. Error reaction............................................................................ 58
7.2. Safety lockout (drive interlock open) ........................................ 61
7.3. Holding brake function.............................................................. 64
7.4. Operational status (Ready) ...................................................... 67
7.5. Temperature monitoring ........................................................... 68
7.6. Velocity command matching .................................................... 70
7.7. Command value smoothing...................................................... 72