The DX Navigator application uses standard Windows® keyboard and mouse operating
conventions. This helpfile assumes that the reader familiar with using standard Windows UI
controls such as: dialog boxes, pull-down and contextual popup menus, standard and radio
buttons, text boxes, spinners, checkboxes, keyboard shortcuts, sliders, tabbed windows, list
boxes, and drag and drop with the mouse. This helpfile also assumes that the reader has
already read the DX1208 Instruction Manual. The manual provides an overview of both the
hardware and software necessary to make full use of this helpfile.
The following terms are used frequently throughout this helpfile:
• Device Refer to either DX series hardware device, or any electronic
appliance or device that can interact with both DX Navigator and
DX series hardware devices, such as a computer, Ethernet switch,
or printer.
• Parameter This refers to anything in the software or hardware that can be
adjusted by the user. For example, equalizer gain, output delay,
and automix ratio are all parameters.
• Control A user interface or hardware item that provides the means to
control or view a parameter. For example, the equalizer
frequency / gain handle in the EQ graph allows you to control both
the equalizer frequency and gain parameters by dragging it with
the mouse; a UR-1 remote control is a hardware device that
allows you to control the assigned parameters using its encoder
knob and button; the event log provides a way to view time-
stamped hardware events.
• Setting Refers generally or specifically to the values of parameters. For
example, ‘4 dB’ can be a setting for a channel or equalizer gain
• Select / Selected Refers to using the windows cursor, by mouse or keyboard
control, to highlight a control or object in a window.
To add clarity to the text, this helpfile uses numerous typographical conventions to demarcate
the terms or items being described from their normal or conventional use.
• Capitalization Capitalization is used when referring to specific DX Navigator or
Microsoft Windows software object such as a tab, window, button,
parameter grouping, or menu names and items. EX: the Settings
tab, the Event Log, Permissions. It can also refer to a DX
hardware accessory or object. EX: UR-1 Remote Control.
• [ abc ] Denotes parameter settings. EX: [4 dB], [Slave], [Low]