Automatic moisture detection system
Fresh Intellivent is equipped with a brand new gen-
eration of humidity control system and is designed
to further simplify operation for you as a user.
For the rst time we can now introduce fully auto-
matic humidity control, which means the fan learns
to run only when it can make a dierence.
This means that the fan no longer needs to be
adjusted manually to start when there is excessive
fans require this kind of manual adjustment, and
adjustments are aected by season.
The integrated “sni” function means the fan is
continually asking itself whether it is making a dif-
ference. If the fan can lower the humidity of the air,
it starts automatically. This “intelligence” is controlled
via an integrated microprocessor, which uses soft-
ware newly developed after years of testing in dierent
humidity any further, it stops.
The fan also has two capacity modes for humidity
control, silent or max.
If you have set the fan to silent mode, the fan runs
as per its basic specication. This equates to normal
capacity, but the noise level is extremely low. If you
have set the fan to maximum mode, the fan runs
at maximum speed and its capacity is about 30 %
higher than an equivalent standard fan.
If you have a small bathroom, silent mode is the
obvious choice. If you have a large bathroom, you
can also choose maximum mode and the higher ca-
If you want to relax in the bath and temporarily turn
o the fan even if the humidity function is active,
pull the pull cord (if installed) and the fan will switch
o (pause) for one hour. The humidity function is
re-activated when the fan resumes operation.
You can also cancel the forced stop function at any
time by pulling the cord again. The fan then resumes
operation with the humidity function running.