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Barco Inc, Image Processing | 3078 Prospect Park Drive, Rancho Cordova, CA , 95670, USA
Registered address: Barco NV | President Kennedypark 35, 8500 Kortrijk, Belgium
E2 Second Generation 4K I/O Cards' Impact on
Power-Supply Redundancy
Power-Supply Redundancy
Event Master E2 processors equipped with dual, load-sharing, redundant, hot-
swappable AC/DC power-supply units
E2 processors come equipped with dual AC/DC power-supply units that are load-sharing, redundant, and hot-
swappable (one power supply can be removed while the other power supply is in operation). When configured
with first generation I/O cards (Quad SDI input and output, HDMI/DP combo input, DVI input and output, and
Quad HDMI output), the power consumption of the unit is well within the rating of a single power supply, thus
allowing long term operation on a single power supply, and allowing redundancy — if needed — for the AC/DC
power supplies in the event of a single power-supply or AC source failure (assuming each power supply is on a
separate mains circuit).
With the release of the second-generation 4K60p I/O cards (4K60p Quad DisplayPort 1.2 output, 4K60p Tri
Combo Input and Output, and 4K60p Quad HDMI 2.0 Input cards), the power consumption of these cards is
slightly higher than first generation cards due to their enhanced video processing capabilities.
In our testing, we have determined that under the most severe operating conditions, with a fully loaded
configuration of second-generation cards, the E2 system may slightly exceed the rated power capabilities of a
single power-supply unit. This rating, however, still has an adequate safety margin before the power supply will
shut down due to overcurrent. While operating the system is possible under these conditions, long term
operation is not recommended with a single power supply, because it may affect the reliability of the system, and
it could lead to premature failure of the power supply. If a power supply or power source has failed, it is
recommended to replace the power supply or find a new source of power as soon as possible.
It is always recommended to operate the system with two power supplies and two separate mains power circuits,
to ensure maximum uptime, and to ensure the longest lifetime of the power supplies.
Event Master Toolset Software (EMTS) versions
Beginning with Event Master Toolset Software (EMTS) version 5.1, the user is notified if the software detects that
one power supply has failed during operation, with a notification in the EMTS warning that the unit is no longer in
redundant mode. In addition, with EMTS version 6.0, a power-supply utilization indicator has been added in the
It is recommended that all users update to version 6.0 to have these important system warnings available.
A. ”Must” modification, Barco will provide the necessary
components to perform this modification at no charge.
B. Improves the reliability of the product.
C. Improves the general working conditions of the product.
D. For information only.
Serial Number : 1384
Date : 06/08/2018
Product : Event Master E2 Processors
Priority Code* : B
Barco service bulletin