Model 2241 Technical Manual Section 2
Ludlum Measurements, Inc. Page 2-3 October 2015
calibration or at the time the instrument is received in the field.
If at any time the instrument fails to read within 20% of the reference
reading when using the same check source, it should be sent to a calibration
facility for recalibration and/or repair. If desired, multiple readings may be
taken at different distances and/or with different sources so that other
ranges or scales are checked.
Switch the AUD ON/OFF switch to the ON position and confirm that the
external unimorph speaker produces an audible click for each event detected
(audio divide by 1 parameter). The AUD ON/OFF switch will silence the clicks
if in the OFF position; however, an audible alarm condition will still be heard.
Increase the source activity or lower the alert and alarm points to initiate an
ALERT and ALARM condition. (Refer to section 8, “Entering or Changing
Switchboard Parameters.”) Depress the RESET switch to acknowledge the
audible alarm. Decrease the radiation activity below the ALERT and ALARM
threshold and depress the RESET switch to clear the alarm conditions. If an
alarm condition is not present, depressing the RESET switch the first time will
reset the alert condition and zero the ratemeter.
Position a check source to produce a ratemeter reading of 100 to 2000
counts/minute or 10-100 µR/hr. While observing the ratemeter fluctuations,
select between the fast and slow response time (F/S) positions to observe
variations in the display. The “S” position should respond approximately five
times slower than the “F” position (for fixed response mode) and three
times slower when in variable response mode. The slow response position is
normally used when the Model 2241 is displaying low numbers, which
require a more stable display. The fast response position is used at high
count levels.
Move the OFF/SCALER/RATEMETER switch to the SCALER position. Depress
the COUNT switch located in the end of the carrying handle in order to
initiate a count cycle. The word COUNTING should be flashing on the LCD
during the count cycle and should disappear at the end of the predetermined
count time. If a scaler ALARM condition occurs, the RESET switch can be
depressed to acknowledge the alarm; however, the COUNT switch must be
depressed to clear the visual ALARM and to restart the count cycle.
Depress and release the LIGHT switch. The backlight located behind the
LCD should illuminate (for pre-programmed ON time). Select the desired
F/S, AUD ON/OFF, and RATEMETER or SCALER parameters and proceed to
use the instrument.