Antenna Installation Safety
Outdoo_ Antenna Grounding
if an o_tside e_enna of ca_e system is connected to t_e LCD 7V, be sure the astenna of ca_e
syst@m s ed to prey@at vo_tage su_rges and buJl,¢lp static es. A@81e 8t0 of the
Natiodal E}ectd_l Code, ANS/NFPA 70 pp@/ides nfem_a_ion o_ • ng d the mas_ and
su_S_or_ing s_ruc_are, gtou_ld_ng of the !e_S- n wits Io an anS®_wsadiact_ge _ni_ conr_et;tksn t:o
grounding el¢_rodeg, and requ n_s for the gr'o_ndi£g e de
For added pro[e_£_on for the LCD TV during a lighmi_g s_orm or _l iis left un ed and
unused _or I_g periods d _;me ur'_p_ug it _rom the ,_s_!ioutIet a_d d_scennect t_ anter na or ¢a_e
TSis w_l Is'event damage is type LCD TV @_e to Jgh@_J¢i@@F_4_ ,Ine A£ges Do no_
di ct the snao¢ _he power ca4d du!'_ng e heavy storm -light, sing may £_dk@whig you
are ho_dhg She cable corral, _UNFX_ serious Jaury TuB off yo_sr LCD TV a_d wait for 9_e v,@ather
_o v'r_prove
An @#lsi_e antenna system shout_ ne_ be in me vicing d eveme:a_ p_w,er Ima.s o ome_
eiectdc t@ht o_ power _rcLHts When m_s[al/it_3 an oulside ant÷nns s}_stem ÷x_reme _re sho_s,/d
be taken to keep from t@Jchi_@ Such po'_-_{ _ines erc rcui_a.
I) Read these _structio_m
2} Keep t_e _#stmctio_s
3} N_,d al! watN_gm
4} _o_ow NI i_struet_o_s_
Do _ot #so the LCD _z near wa_n
6} @lean o_ly with a _ cloth,
7) Do _ot b_ock any ventaat_o_ epe_r_ge _ns_l! in eccore_nce :with the mat_ rat's
Do not ins_l[ #ear a_y heat so_rces seth as. repiners, l_eat reg_ete_ SteveS_ or
other ap_,us (_6_d_g amplifiers} t_at _rodeee heat
13,onot at_.mp_ to bypass the safety porpoise _ the po_arJaed of grou_diago ty_
p_eg A po,laffzed p_ug !_as two b_aees w_h one w_der than t_ other, A
gro#n_#g4y_ plug has two b_ad_s and a third grounding prong. _t the provide_
p_#g dee_ _et f_ :into yoer wail out_et_ consult a_ e_ec_rie_aa _or repl_cemen¢ o_ the
obsol,et_ out|eL
the power cord from bei_ waned @ner Na¢:he_ pa_icu_ady at the e_r_s of
O_y use a_a¢hments_a o_es speckled by the manufacturer,
Use on_ 2 with the caA_ stand, tripo_ #racA_, or table epe¢i_ by the _a_facturer,
or soid with tN LCD TV. Wheee ca_ _s; us_,, use ca_Jo_ who# _eV_#g th_ ¢a_ t:O
avoi_ i_j_ry Or damage
i3) U_piug th÷ LC@ TV _utin@ _igr_:_t_g sto_s or whe_ it ie no[ b_ag u$ed for a _ong
perio_ of t_me
t4) Rdet el{ see_cing to qualified service perso_hr_eL _r¢_¢i#_ is _q_d when the
LCD T_ has b_n damage_ in any way,, su_h as the power-su_pl:y ¢o¢d er plug is
_ama_ed I_q_i_ I_a b_ sp_lIed or ob_c_a have fallen into the LCD _, 1¢has b_
exposed _o rain or moi;ature, it d_s not operate aorma_{y_ or the _d has bee_