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Playing Instructions
Game Planc The ss FUTURE is a vast space ship spread over 5
different decks. Hidden in the labyrinth are I destruct codes which
must be collected before the SELF DESTRUCT SYSTEM can be
actlvated. Once the S.D.S. of SS FUTURE has been activated you must
escape before detonation.
Featur:s: Amazing Animatlon, Sound Effects/Tunes, lncredible
Graphlc Spac€ Ship, Spæe Cadet. Defenc€ Drolds/Clones, Lasers,
Hyperblasters. Space Scooters. Energls€rs, Internal Teleport System,
- Detonator, Destruct Codes. Alr Locks, Status Display,
On Screen Time. 1(X)96 machlnê code 8 Way Direction.
Howto Move:
E up @ oown El *t E nignt l§ptE rire
or.loystick ?ortz
How to load: tit lcrit l lErrEîl tosether
press [pLlvl thenanykey
Grrtnlln Grrphlcr Softwerc Litnlted 1985.
Alphe Hourê, lO Crrysr Strrst, Sbefflold Sl 4FS.
Ot985 All rlghts æNêd.
Unauthori*d copying lending or rsle ùy any means strictly prcàlbitêd.