9. Adjust to the appropiate strenght according to the reinforcement
Operaon Method
1. A Power supply operaon Charging model: Built in 3.7V rechargeable baery.
1. B Baery model: Remove the baery cover and place two No. 7 baeries in the
electromagnec box of the massage instrument according to their polarity.
2. Funcon operaon
1. Pull the power switch of the massage instrument to the "on" posion, wet the cervical spine
and conducve electrode with a wet towel, and then sck the massage instrument ghtly to the
neck. If there are stains on the cervical spine, it must be cleaned before use. When out of use,
turn the switch to the "o" posion
2. Press the "switch" key on the right handle of the massage instrument, the buzzer "beeps", the
working program starts, the indicator 1 ashes, and then press the "strengthen" or "weaken"
key on the le handle once, that is, there are the following sengs, and enter the automac
combinaon 1 massage mode, that is:
A. Automac combinaon mode 1 Massage
B. First gear massage intensity
C. Timing: 15 minutes
3. Use the mode switching key of the "mode" key. Press the "mode" key on the right handle to
select six modes. The default startup seng is mode 1 (automac combinaon 1 mode), and the
mode indicator 1 ashes. The intensity is the rst gear aer each mode conversion.
The six massage modes are:
Mode 1: automac combinaon 1, mode indicator 1 ashes
Mode 2: acupuncture, mode indicator 2 ashes;
Mode 3: massage, mode indicator 3 ashes;
Mode 4: nger pressure, mode indicators 1 and 3 ash at the same me;
Mode 5: kneading, mode indicators 2 and 3 ash at the same me
Mode 6: hammer, and mode indicators 1,2 and 3 ash at the same me.
Automac combinaon mode 1-bit automac cycle Automac combinaon mode is
4. Use of "strengthen" key Strength enhancement key: press the "enhancement" key on the le
handle once every me to increase the strength by one gear, with a total of 16 gears. It is