Viewing Resource Allotments and Hosting Features Included in Your Hosting Package 17
ColdFusion DSN connections (Windows hosting)
The total number of ColdFusion DSN connections that can be used within the
Viewing Services and Privileges
Your permissions either denote the operations available to you as a reseller in the
Panel, or define which services and privileges can be enabled in the subscriptions of
your customers. If a particular permission in your reseller subscription is set to Off, then
a service subscription will not provide the corresponding service or a privilege. A
disabled permission also means that you are prohibited to perform the designated
action in Control Panel. For example, if your subscription does not provide a privilege
to use Scheduler (Scheduler management is Off), then none of your subscribers will be
able to use it, and neither will you.
Reseller-specific privileges (the ones that do not affect service subscriptions you create
for your customers) are as follows:
 Subscription creation in Server Administration Panel and domain creation in Control Panel.
Shows whether you can create hosting service subscriptions, add domains, create
websites, and set up web forwardings.
 Ability to use remote API. Shows whether you can remotely manage Web sites
through custom applications. The remote API is an interface that can be used for
developing custom applications integrated with Web sites, which could be used, for
instance, for automating setup of hosting accounts and provisioning of services for
customers purchasing hosting services from your site. To learn more, refer to the
Parallels Plesk Panel API documentation available at the PTN portal
 Access to the Panel. Shows that you can use the Panel graphical user interface.
 Customer account creation. Lets you create user accounts and subscriptions for your
customers in the Panel.
 Allow overselling. Lets you set up oversell policy, meaning that you yourself can
define if overselling is allowed to you or not.
Overselling allows you to sell more resources than is allocated with a plan. If
overselling is allowed, a reseller is governed by actual resource usage instead of
initial resource allocation. Overselling is a marketing strategy based on the following
scheme: a reseller, who was allotted, for example, ten gigabytes of disk space,
allocates five gigabytes of disk space for each of their customers, assuming that
none of them will actually use all of their allocated disk space.
Meanings of the other permissions are the same as in the service subscriptions (on
page 26).
To view the full list of your subscription permissions, go to Home > My resources and
permissions overview > Permissions tab.