Server IP: Key in localhost or if VMS Workstation is installed on the same computer
with the NVR server. If you are connecting from another computer, please input the IP address
of the NVR server.
Server Port: Specify the port number.
Account: Enter the account name.
Password: Enter the password.
Initial Page: Select the page you would like to go after you log in from the dropdown list.
Language: Select the language from the dropdown list, and then click to refresh.
Remember Account / Password: Check the checkbox to have VMS Workstation login page
remember the your login information.
Auto Login: To skip the login page and directly log in to the NVR server once you execute
VMS Workstation, check both Remember Account / Password and Auto Login.
Don’t Remember: Click it to clear the login information you previously entered.
After completing the login information, click Login button to log in to the NVR server.
If you have many NVR servers, you can save the login information of each NVR server in this login page by
following the below steps, so that you can conveniently and quickly log in to NVR server you want to
Step 1 > Specify the NVR server’s name in Server Name field.
Step 2 > Complete the login information.
Step 3 > Click Save button.
After finishing the setup, you can find all the NVR servers from the dropdown list in Server Name field.
Select the NVR server, and its login information will automatically be shown.
If you forgot the login password, click Forgot Password? and fill in the necessary information to retrieve
your password."