Legrand IT-200 Installation guide

Installation guide

Legrand IT-200 is an Occupancy and Light Logger that can be used to monitor occupancy and light levels in a space. It is a small, self-contained device that can be mounted on a wall or ceiling. The IT-200 has a built-in occupancy sensor that uses passive infrared (PIR) technology to detect motion. It also has a light sensor that measures the ambient light level. The IT-200 can be used to track occupancy patterns, identify areas of high or low occupancy, and measure the impact of lighting on occupancy.

Legrand IT-200 is an Occupancy and Light Logger that can be used to monitor occupancy and light levels in a space. It is a small, self-contained device that can be mounted on a wall or ceiling. The IT-200 has a built-in occupancy sensor that uses passive infrared (PIR) technology to detect motion. It also has a light sensor that measures the ambient light level. The IT-200 can be used to track occupancy patterns, identify areas of high or low occupancy, and measure the impact of lighting on occupancy.

I n t eliTimer® Pro
O c cupancy and Light Logger
U.S. Patent:
1 . Use this Quick Start Guide as a supplement to the co m p re h e n s i v e
Help menu information in the ITProSoft software .
2 . D o w n l oad and install the late st ve rsion of the ITProSoft software .
Go to the Dow n load Center at www. w a t t sto p p e r. c o m .
3 . V i e w the software ’s Help menu topics, such as Initial Logger Checko u t
and Preparing for a New Logging Sess i o n .
4 . Connect the serial ca b le (provided). Attach the 9-pin DB9 male co n n e c to r
to the IT-200, and the other end to a COM port on the PC. If yo u r
co m p u ter does not have a 9-pin serial com port, see USB ADA P T E R .
5 . Reset the IT-200 using Reset Logger f rom the ITProSoft Logger m e n u .
IMPORTANT: B e fo r e initial use, and periodica l l y there a f t er, it is importa n t
to select the “Reset ITs date and time to now” option in Reset
L o g g e r. This will ensure that the internal clock is set to the
co r rect lo c al time, which affects all log data .
6 . I n stall the IT-200 at the logging lo c a t i o n .
7 . R e t r i e ve, save and analyze the data (after lo g g i n g ) .
Quick Start
Model# IT-200
Santa Clara, CA • 800.879.8585
Occupancy Sensor Lens
Light Pipe: R o t a te to re c e i ve light fro m
the te st light.
Light Level Sensitivity Adjustment:
A d j u s t clockwise to increase, or
co u n te rc lockwise to re d u ce sensitivity to
light viewed by Light Pipe.
Test Button: P u s h - a n d - r e lease activa tes Te st Mode. LEDs function fo r
60 seconds. (To Bookmark—pre s s and hold until LEDs flash twice ) .
Red LED function: Flashes when occupancy dete c te d .
Green LED function: Flashes when light dete c t e d .
Reset Button: P re ssing resets the IT-200s logger memory (use a small
phillips screw d r i ver). CAUTION: ERASES ALL LOGGED DATA !
Data Connector Port: RS-232C serial port DB9 fe m a le co n n e c to r.
For provided serial ca b le .
A multi-segmented Fresnel lens views the cove rage area. When mounted at
a height of 8 feet, it cove rs up to 15 feet away (the chart shows cove rage at
other mounting heights).
M u l t i p le IT-200s should be used to monitor larger are a s .
Side coverage view
Top coverage view
L o c a te the occupancy sensor lens to have a clear view of occ u p a n t ’s body
and hand motion in the te st area.
C over areas where people spend most of their time, rather than trying fo r
co m p l e te cove ra g e .
P l a c e so that cove rage does not “view ”
t h rough doorways or out of the te st
a re a .
Avoid lo c ations where ex ternal light
will be dete c ted. Te s t during daylight
h o u r s if this is a fa c t o r.
Example of placement in
an individual office
InteliTimer Pro
Connect the DB9 serial ca b le to the IT-200, and the other end to the USB
a d a p t e r. Attach the USB adapter to a USB port on your co m p u te r.
When your co m p u ter asks if you want to install new software, place the
USB driver CD into your CD-ROM drive, then select YES in the menu box .
Click the NEXT button twice to dow n load the software .
A f t er the software is loaded, lo c a te the adapte r ’s assigned COM port. To do
this, open the ITProSoft pro g ram. Select EDIT from the menu bar. In the
OPTION menu box, select COM PORT then Search. The COM port for the
a d a p t er will be ass i g n e d .
1. Choose an insta l l a t i o n
m e t h o d :
Snap T-Bar clip-
b r a c ket o n t o
IT-200. Slide clip onto
T - B a r.
Snap Ta p e - b ra c ket
o n t o IT-200. Attach double-sided ta p e .
2 . Aim Light Pipe tow a rd light source.
3 . Te st proper functioning (see IT-200 Controls for Te st Mode and Light
L e vel Sensitivity Adjust m e n t s ) .
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Legrand IT-200 Installation guide

Installation guide

Legrand IT-200 is an Occupancy and Light Logger that can be used to monitor occupancy and light levels in a space. It is a small, self-contained device that can be mounted on a wall or ceiling. The IT-200 has a built-in occupancy sensor that uses passive infrared (PIR) technology to detect motion. It also has a light sensor that measures the ambient light level. The IT-200 can be used to track occupancy patterns, identify areas of high or low occupancy, and measure the impact of lighting on occupancy.

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