TopRank applications are the same as spreadsheet applications. If
you can build your model in a spreadsheet, you can use TopRank to
analyze it. Businesses use TopRank to identify the critical factors —
price, up front investment amount, sales volume or overhead — that
most affect the success of their new product. Engineers use TopRank
to show them the individual product components whose quality most
affects final product production rates. A loan officer can have
TopRank quickly run his model at all possible interest rate, loan
principle amount, and down payment combinations and review
results for each possible combination. Whether your application is in
business, science, engineering, accounting or other field, TopRank can
work for you to identify the critical variables which affect your
Modeling Features
As an add-in to Microsoft Excel, TopRank links directly to Excel to
add What-If analysis capabilities. The TopRank system provides all
the necessary tools for conducting a What-If analysis on any
spreadsheet model. And TopRank works in a style you are familiar
with — Excel style menus and functions.
What-If analysis and Data Tables are functions that can be performed
directly in your spreadsheet, but only in a manual, unstructured
format. Simply changing a cell value in your spreadsheet and
calculating a new result is a basic What-If analysis. And a Data Table
which gives a result for each combination of two values can also be
built in your spreadsheet. TopRank, however, performs these tasks
automatically and analyzes their results for you. It instantly performs
What-Ifs on all possible values in your spreadsheet which could affect
your result, instead of requiring you to individually change values
and recalculate. It then tells you what spreadsheet value is most
significant in determining your result.
TopRank also runs data table combinations automatically, without
requiring you to set up tables in your spreadsheet. Combine more
than two variables in its Multi-Way What-If analysis — you can
generate combinations of any number of variables — and rank your
combinations by their affect on your results. You can perform these
sophisticated and automated analyses quickly, as TopRank keeps
track of all the values and combinations it tries, and their results,
separate from your spreadsheet. By taking an automated approach,
TopRank gives you What-If and Multi-Way What-If results almost
instantly. Even the least experienced modeler can get powerful
analysis results.
Multi-Way What-
If Analysis