ROBOTIQ Machine Tending Solution User manual

  • Hello! I've reviewed the Robotiq Machine Tending Solution Instruction Manual and I'm ready to assist you with your questions. This manual covers the installation, safety, and usage of the Machine Tending Solution, including its various components like the Button Activator, Hand-E Gripper, Air Nozzle and Stacklight Monitoring Sensors . Feel free to ask me anything about the device or its operation.
  • What is the Robotiq Machine Tending Solution designed for?
    What are the main components of the standard Machine Tending Solution?
    What is the purpose of the Button Activator?
    What does the Air Nozzle do?
    What are Stacklight Monitoring Sensors used for?
Robotiq Machine TendingSolution
for Universal Robots
Instruction Manual
Original Notice
© 2022Robotiq Inc.
Robotiq Machine Tending Solution - Instruction Manual
Tableof Contents
Revisions 4
1. General Presentation 6
1.1. Machine Tending Components 7
2. Safety 14
2.1. Disclaimer 14
2.2. Warnings, RiskAssessment and Final Application 15
2.3. Intended Use 16
3. Installation 17
3.1. Scope of Delivery 18
3.2. Environmental and Operating Conditions 19
3.3. AirSupply 20
3.4. Receptionof the Solution 21
3.5. Mechanical Installation 21
3.6. Electrical Installation 57
3.7. Software Installation 61
3.8. License Agreement 67
4. Software 70
4.1. Overview 70
4.2. InstallationMenu 71
4.3. Controlling the Robot 77
4.4. Machine Tending Node 80
4.5. Macro List 82
5. Specifications 98
5.1. Technical Dimensions 98
5.2. Mechanical Specifications 112
5.3. Electrical Specifications 121
6. Maintenance 123
6.1. ButtonActivator 124
6.2. Hand-EGripperand Fingertips 124
6.3. AirNozzle 124
Robotiq Machine Tending Solution - Instruction Manual
6.4. Stacklight Monitoring Sensors 124
6.5. PneumaticPanel 125
6.6. Robotiq Controler 125
6.7. Foot Switch Activator 126
7. Spare Parts, Kitsand Accessories 127
8. Warranty 128
9. Harmonized Standardsand Declarations 130
10. Appendix 131
11. Contact 132
Robotiq Machine Tending Solution - Instruction Manual
Robotiq maymodify thisproduct without notice, when necessary, due to product improvements, modificationsor changesin
specifications. If such modification ismade, the manual will also be revised, see revision information. See the latest version of this
manual online at
lUpdated Robotiq Controller Electrical Setup section
lInitial release
Robotiq Machine Tending Solution - Instruction Manual
© 2022 Robotiq Inc. All rightsreserved.
Thismanual and the product it describesare protected bythe Copyright Act of Canada, bylawsof other countries, and by
international treaties, and therefore may not be reproduced in whole or in part, whether for sale or not, without prior written
consent from Robotiq.
Under copyright law, copying includestranslation into another language or format.
Information provided by Robotiq in thisdocument isbelieved to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility isassumed
by Robotiq for itsuse. There maybe some differencesbetween the manual and the product if the product hasbeen modified after
the edition date.
The information contained in thisdocument issubject to change without notice.
The terms"Robotiq MachineTending Solution"and "MachineTending Solution''used in thefollowingmanual all refer to the Robotiq
MachineTending Solution and itspertaining components.
The Machine Tending Solution isacompleteautomation tool,made for industrial applications.It iscompatiblewith most brandsof milling
machines,CNCmachinesand lathes.
Itsdesign,flexibility and easeof usemakesit aunique solution to automateseveral machinetending tasks,including,but not limited to:
activatemachinecycles,handle workpieces,raw,blankand finished parts,open and close themachinedoor,blow compressed air,open
and closechucks,viseor other workholdingdevice,and read themachinestatusesin amannerto continuethemanufacturing process.
Fig.1-1:Robotiq MachineTending Solution
The standard Machine TendingSolutioniscomposed of:
l3xFingertip kits
l3xStacklight Monitoring Sensors
l1x Robotiq Controller
Robotiq Machine Tending Solution - Instruction Manual
Robotiq Machine Tending Solution - Instruction Manual
l1x additional Button Activator
l2xadditional Fingertip Kits
l1xFoot SwitchActivator
l1x additional Hand-EGripper
l2xmounting bracketsand hardwarefor Dual Gripper configuration
l1xCableManagement System
The followingmanual usesthemetricsystem.Unlessspecified,alldimensionsareinmillimeters.
The followingsection presentsthekey featuresof theMachineTendingSolutionand must not be considered asappropriateto
theoperationof theSolution.Eachfeatureisdetailed in theappropriatesectionof themanual.
The Button Activator isapneumatic actuator whose mechanical motion can activatedifferent typesof control components.It istypically
installed onthecontrol panel "Start Cycle"buttoninorder to start themachine cycles,or onanyotherbutton activatingadevice.
Even after theinstallation of the Button Activator,themachinecan still beactivated manually by pushing theButtonActivator.
Robotiq Machine Tending Solution - Instruction Manual
TheHand-EGripper isaparallel gripperwhosetwo fingersareactuated by asinglemotor.It istheend-of-armtool of therobot.It can
execute several machinetending tasks,such ashandling parts,positioningpartsin theworkholding deviceand opening and closingthe
machinedoor.For moreinformation about theHand-EGripper,referto theRobotiqHand-EInstructionManualat
Fingertipsaremechanical assembliesinstalled to theHand-E,makingthem theendsof thegripper.They movewith theparallel
mechanism of theHand-E,allowing thefingertipsto handlepartswith astable and strong grip.
The Flat nitrilebutadiene rubber (NBR)Overmolded fingertips(asshown onthe imageabove) arealready installed on theHand-EGripper.
Seebelow for all thefingertip kits(standard and optional) and their typical use.
Item Typical use Standard or
Flat NBROvermolded
Squareand rectangular
parts Standard
Robotiq Machine Tending Solution - Instruction Manual
Flat NBROvermolded
(on Adjustable Holders)
rectangular parts Standard
Small Radial Fingertips Longand thincylindrical
parts Standard
4 Stop Fingertips Flat partsand small
cylindrical parts Standard
LargeRadial Fingertips Longand largecylindrical
parts Optional
BlankFingertips To customize Optional
Table 1 - 1: Fingertips
Robotiq Machine Tending Solution - Instruction Manual
The Air Nozzleisamechanical assembly designed to conduct compressed air.It isthedrying,blowing and cleaning tool of theSolution.It
isattached to aHand-EGripper or theCompact Dual Hand-EBracket (applicablefor Dual Gripper only)and can bepositioned in various
anglesand locations.
1.1.5.Stacklight MonitoringSensors
The Stacklight Monitoring Sensorsaremechanical and electrical assembliesmeant to read thestatusesof thestacklight (using
photodiode sensors).TheStacklight Monitoringsensorsaredesigned to fit theshapeof astacklight (typically cylindrical),be attached to
it and send theconverted electrical signalsthroughelectrical cables.Thesensorslight sensitivitycan beadjusted mechanically.
Fig.1-5:Stacklight Monitoring Sensors
Robotiq Machine Tending Solution - Instruction Manual
The PneumaticPanel iscomposed of pneumaticand electrical components.In the standard scopeof delivery,theButtonActivator and
theAir Nozzleareintegrated and controlled viathePneumaticPanel.
An additional solenoid valveand additional fittingsareincluded in thepanel if an additional Button Activator and/or theFoot
SwitchActivatorarepart of thescopeof delivery.
Fig.1-6:Pneumatic Panel - singlesolenoid valve
Robotiq Machine Tending Solution - Instruction Manual
The Robotiq Controller isan electrical device used to send and receiveelectrical signals.It isan intermediatecontroller between electrical
componentsand therobot controller.TheStacklight MonitoringSensorsand thesolenoid valvesareconnected to it.
Fig.1-7:Robotiq Controller
1.1.8.Foot SwitchActivator(optional)
The Foot Switch Activator isapneumatic actuatorwhosemechanical motioncan activatedifferent typesof control components.It can
beassembled to many typesof foot switches,withor without an anti-trip safety latch,inorder to activatethetargeted component
(such aschucks).
Fig.1-8:Foot SwitchActivator
Even after theinstallation of the Foot Switch Activator,your foot switchcan still beactivated manually by pushing theFoot
Robotiq Machine Tending Solution - Instruction Manual
The Dual Hand-EGripper isan assemblyof two Hand-EGripperson amounting bracket.TheDual Hand-EGripper allowshandling two
partssimultaneously and thereforesavestime.
With theadditional Hand-EGripper,for eachFingertip Kit beingpart of thescopeof delivery,an additional Fingertip Kit is
Fig.1-9:Dual Hand-EGripper onCompact Dual Hand-EBracket Fig.1-10:Dual Hand-EGripper onDual Bracket
1.1.9.CableManagement SleeveKit (optional)
TheCableManagement SleeveKit isaset of two solid sleeveswithahook-and-loop closuresystem(Velcro®) oneachof them.TheCable
Management SleeveKit isdesigned to hold wiresand cablesall together.It istypically wrapped around therobot armand thecablesthat
run alongit.
The term "operator" refersto anyone responsible for anyof the following operationson the Robotiq Machine Tending
The operator must have read and understood all of the instructionsin the following manual before handling any partsof
the Machine Tending Solution.
The intent of thissection isto provide general guidelinesfor the safe use and operation of the Robotiq Machine Tending Solution.
Alwaysfollow local regulations.
Thisdocumentation explainsthe variouscomponentsof the Robotiq Machine Tending Solution and general operationsregarding
the whole lifecycle of the product from installation to operation and decommissioning.
Robotiq acceptsno liability for damage, injury or anylegal responsibility incurred directlyor indirectly from the use of thisproduct.
The operator shall observe safe and lawful practicesincluding but not limited to those set forth in thisdocument.
The drawingsand photosin thisdocumentation are representative examples; nonetheless, discrepanciesmay be observed
between those and the delivered product.
Robotiq Machine Tending Solution - Instruction Manual
Robotiq Machine Tending Solution - Instruction Manual
2.2.Warnings,RiskAssessment andFinalApplication
Any use of the Machine Tending Solution in non-compliance of these warningsand/or outside the intended use is
inappropriate and maycause injury or damage.
It isthe cobot integrator'sduty to ensure that all local safety measuresand regulationsare met.
lAir supplymust be dry and filtered according to ISO 8573-1class7.4.4.
lAir supplypressure should optimally be set between 6bar and 8bar (87 psi and 116 psi).
lThe tubing should be properlysecured before pressurizing the equipment.
lAlwaysbring the air pressure back to 0 psi before removing any tubing.
lNever operate the equipment with leaking or worn tubing.
lAll componentsneed to be properly secured before operating the robot.
lDo not install or operate any equipment that isdamaged or lacking parts.
lNever supply the equipment with an alternative current source.
lMake sure all cord setsare alwayssecured at both ends, the Hand-Egripper’sor other end effector and the robots.
lAlwaysmeet the recommended keying for electrical connections.
lMake sure no one isin the robotsor Hand-EGripper’s/ end effector vicinity before initializing the robot'sroutine.
lAlwaysmeet the Gripper'spayload specifications.
lKeep body partsand garmentsaway from the equipment while the device ispowered on.
lDo not use the equipment on people or animals.
lAlwayswear all recommended personal protective equipment in accordance with your workplace'ssafetystandards,
lSafety glasses;
lSteel-toe boots
lAt apressure of 6bar and adistance of 1 m, the Air Nozzle emitsnoise at 110 dB. Please enforce the appropriate
workplace, local, state, or federal regulationsin termsof hearing PPE.
Robotiq Machine Tending Solution - Instruction Manual
The Robotiq Machine Tending Solution ismeant to be used with Universal Robotscollaborative robots. The robot, Hand-E
Gripper(s)or other end effector, Button Activator, Air Nozzle, Stacklight Monitoring Sensors, Pneumatic Panel, Robotiq Controller,
Foot Switch Activator (when applicable)and any other equipment used in the final application must be evaluated viaa thorough
risk assessment.
The following non-exhaustive list presentsrisksthat must be assessed during the integration process:
lRisk of pinching between the end effector and the processed objectsor the surrounding environment.
lRisk of pinching between the moving and stationarypartsof the robot.
lRisk of pinching by the machine door when operated by the robot.
Depending on the application, there may be hazardsthat require additional protection and/or safety measures. For instance, the
part handled by the end effector could be inherently dangerousto the operator.
The Robotiq Machine Tending Solution isdesigned to load and unload partsto or from a machine. For example, blank partsor
machined partsto or from milling or lathe machines.
The Solution isintended to be used with a UR3e, UR5e, UR10e or UR16e from Universal Robotswith Polyscope software
version 5.12.2or greater asof the release date of thisdocument.
The unit should be used exclusively within the range of itstechnical data. Any other use of the product isdeemed improper and
unintended use. Robotiq will not be liable for anydamagesresulting from any improper or unintended use.
The followingsubsectionswill guideyouthroughtheinstallation and general setup of yourRobotiq Machine Tending Solution.
lRead and understand theSafetysection
lVerify yourpackageaccording to theScopeof delivery and your order.Makesureyouhavetherequired parts,equipment and
lMeet therecommended EnvironmentalandOperatingConditions.
lDo not operatetheMachineTending Solution,or even turn onthepowersupply,beforeit isfirmlyanchored or mounted,and
thedanger zoneisclear.
lMakesuretheair supply issecured.
lFailureto properly secureand install theequipment can result in material damageand seriousbodily injuries.In addition,note
that in situationswheretheinstallationisnot compliant,thewarrantyisvoid.
lMake sure to follow all thesafety rulesand regulationsof your workplacewhileusingthe Machine Tending Solution.Always
wear all recommended personal protectiveequipment in accordancewith yourworkplace'ssafety standards.
lAlwayslift heavy objectswithyourlegs,not yourback.If youcannot lift anobject alone,askforhelp orfindanother method
to moveit.
Robotiq Machine Tending Solution - Instruction Manual
Robotiq Machine Tending Solution - Instruction Manual
3.1.Scopeof Delivery
The Machine Tending Solution - SingleHand-Eiscomposed of:
l1x Fingertip StartingKit,including:
l1x Flat NBROvermolded Fingertip kit (already installed)
l1x Flat NBROvermolded Fingertip kit (onAdjustableHolders)
l1x Small Radial Fingertip kit
l1x 4StopsFingertip kit
l3xStacklight Monitoring Sensors
l1x Robotiq Controller
l1x Robotiq Machine Tending Copilot licensedongle
The Machine Tending Solution - Dual Hand-Ehasthe same componentsthan theSingleHand-ESolution but it also includes:
l1x additional Hand-EGripper
l1x Dual Bracket (Vconfiguration)for Dual Gripper configuration
l1x Compact Dual Hand-EBracket (Xconfiguration) for Dual Gripper configuration
l1x additional Button Activator
l1xFoot SwitchActivator
lThe followingFingertip kits:
l1x LargeRadial Fingertip kit
l1x BlankFingertip kit
l1xCableManagement SleeveKit
EachHand-Egripper hasitsown Fingertip Startingkit.
Robotiq Machine Tending Solution - Instruction Manual
Condition Robotiq Controller Stacklight
Monitoring Sensors ButtonActivator AirNozzle PneumaticPanel Foot Switch
temperature -2C(-4°F) -2C(-4°F) -20°C (-4°F) -20°C (-4°F) -20°C (-4°F) -20°C (-4°F)
temperature 5C(122°F) 5C(122°F) 50°C (122°F) 50°C (122°F) 50°C (122°F) 50°C (122°F)
temperature 5°C(41°F) 5°C(41°F) 5°C (41°F) 5°C (41°F) 5°C (41°F) 5°C (41°F)
temperature 5C(122°F) 5C(122°F) 50°C (122°F) 50°C (122°F) 50°C (122°F) 50°C (122°F)
(non-condensing) 20-80% 20-80% 20-80% 20-80% 20-80% 20-80%
IPrating IP42 IP50 IP42 IP66 IP65 IP52
lFreefromcorrosiveliquidsor gases
Table 3 - 1: Environmental and operating conditions
For the environmental and operating of the Hand-EGripper, refer to the Robotiq Hand-E Instruction Manual at
Robotiq Machine Tending Solution - Instruction Manual
lTheincoming air supplymust deliveraminimal flow of 300L/minand apressureof 6 to 8 bar (87to 116psi).
lUsedryand filtered air only.Follow theISO8573-1,class7.4.4 standard.Werecommend usingalocal pressureregulator with a
filter and air dryer.
1. Compressed air must be supplied to the Pneumatic Panel according to the PneumaticPanel mechanical specifications.
2. The air supply tubing must be connected and disconnected to, or from, the inlet port, only when the line isdepressurized.
3. To protect against whipping hazard, the air supplytubing must be securely attached to the robot arm. An air fuse can also
be installed.
In order to safely depressurize the supply line, turn off the shut off valve on the Pneumatic Panel. Refer to the PneumaticPanel
section to locate the shut off valve.
In thissection isindicated,for eachpneumatic component,how and whereto connect theair tubes.To removean air tube,follow the
indicationsbelow (all theair tubefittingsarepush-infittings):
The compressed air supplyline must be depressured before performing the following steps.
1. Remove the safety clip.
2. Push the blue ring to the bottom and, while the ring isstill to the bottom, pull the air tube.
Fig.3-1:Air tuberemoval from push-in fitting
Alwaysput back in place the safety clip once the air tube isremoved.