Thermo Fisher Scientific Ion TrueMate Library Preparation User guide

  • Hello! I've reviewed the user guide for the Ion TrueMate Library Kit and Ion TrueMate Plus Library Kit. I understand these kits are used to create mate pair libraries for sequencing on the Ion PGM System, and use unique identifiers like ChimeraCode and JunctionCode sequences. I am ready to answer your questions about the procedures or the features of these kits. Please ask me anything!
  • What size inserts can be generated using these kits?
    Is this kit compatible with the Ion PGM system?
    What is the purpose of the ChimeraCode sequences?
    What is the purpose of the JunctionCode sequence?
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Ion TrueMate Library Preparation
for use with:
Ion TrueMate Library Kit
Ion TrueMate Plus Library Kit
Catalog Numbers A25614 and A25656
Publication Number MAN0010280
Revision B.0
The information in this guide is subject to change without notice.
Important Licensing Information
This product may be covered by one or more Limited Use Label Licenses. By use of this product, you accept the terms and conditions of all applicable
Limited Use Label Licenses.
This product was developed and manufactured by Lucigen Corporation, Middleton, WI.
All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries unless otherwise specified. Accura, ChimeraCode, and JunctionCode
are trademarks of Lucigen, used under permission and license. AMPure and Agencourt are trademarks of Beckman Coulter, Inc. Eppendorf LoBind
and Thermomixer are trademarks of Eppendorf AG. Aligent and Bioanalyzer are trademarks of Agilent Technologies, Inc. Hydroshear is a trademark
of Digilab, Inc. Megaruptor is a trademark of Diagenode SA. Pippen Prep is a trademark of Sage Science. DNASTAR, Lasergene, and SeqMan NGen
are trademarks of DNASTAR, Inc.
©2015 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved.
About this guide ............................................................ 6
Revision history ................................................................. 6
CHAPTER 1 Product information ....................................... 7
Product description ............................................................. 7
Kit compatibility ................................................................ 7
Kit contents and storage ......................................................... 7
Required materials and equipment ................................................ 9
Procedure guidelines ........................................................... 10
Procedure overview ............................................................ 11
Workflow diagram ............................................................. 12
CHAPTER 2 Before you begin .......................................... 13
Determine optimal restriction enzyme(s) for digestion .............................. 13
Restriction enzyme options ...................................................... 13
General digestion set-up ........................................................ 14
Example restriction enzyme digests .............................................. 15
CHAPTER 3 Prepare adapter-compatible DNA ...................... 18
Shear DNA to appropriate size ................................................... 18
Purify sheared DNA ............................................................ 19
Confirm size and quantity of purified sheared DNA ................................. 20
End repair DNA ................................................................ 20
A-tail DNA .................................................................... 21
CHAPTER 4 Ligate adapters to DNA fragments ..................... 22
Ligate adapters to DNA fragments ............................................... 22
Clean up barcoded DNA ......................................................... 23
Ion TrueMate Library Preparation
CHAPTER 5 Size-select DNA and ligate to coupler .................. 25
Size-select barcoded DNA ....................................................... 25
Ligate size-selected DNA to coupler .............................................. 27
Remove linear DNA ............................................................ 28
Bead clean-up ................................................................. 29
CHAPTER 6 Restriction digest and purify target DNA ............... 30
Digest insert/coupler ........................................................... 30
Biotin-capture to remove unwanted DNA fragments ................................ 31
CHAPTER 7 Ligate JunctionCode sequence and re-
circularize DNA ........................................................... 33
Ligate JunctionCode sequence to biotin-captured insert/coupler ................... 33
Clean up JunctionCode-ligated DNA ............................................. 34
Re-circularize DNA ............................................................. 35
Remove unwanted linear DNA ................................................... 36
Clean up exonuclease-treated insert/coupler ...................................... 36
CHAPTER 8 Amplify DNA ............................................... 38
Identify optimal amplification conditions .......................................... 38
Generate amplified library ...................................................... 40
CHAPTER 9 Size select library ........................................ 42
Purify amplified library ......................................................... 42
Size select library using Pippin Prep............................. 43
Purify mate-pair library .................................................... 43
Size select library using AMPure® beads ................................ 44
First-round purification .................................................... 45
Second-round purification .................................................. 45
CHAPTER 10 Sequence data analysis ................................. 48
Ion PGM sequence data analysis ................................................ 48
APPENDIX A Troubleshooting ......................................... 49
APPENDIX B Restriction enzyme choice ............................. 51
Mate-tag size depends on restriction enzyme choice ............................... 51
Ion TrueMate Library Preparation
APPENDIX C DNA size selection vs. insert size ...................... 52
DNA size selection vs. insert size ................................................ 52
APPENDIX D Determining bead concentration ...................... 53
Determining bead concentration for size selection ................................. 53
APPENDIX E Sequence analysis ....................................... 54
Overview ...................................................................... 54
Software requirements ......................................................... 54
Sequence analysis example ..................................................... 55
Assembly software options ...................................................... 55
APPENDIX F Sequence and location information .................... 57
Barcode adapters and JunctionCode Sequence ................................... 57
ChimeraCode Sequences ...................................................... 57
APPENDIX G Additional test reactions for library amplification ... 59
Additional test reactions for library amplification .................................. 59
Safety ...................................................................... 63
Chemical safety ................................................................ 64
Biological hazard safety ........................................................ 65
Documentation and support ............................................. 66
Obtaining SDSs ................................................................ 66
Obtaining Certificates of Analysis ................................................ 66
Limited product warranty ....................................................... 66
Customer and technical support ................................................. 66
Ion TrueMate Library Preparation
About this guide
IMPORTANT! Before using this product, read and understand the information in the
“Safety” appendix in this document.
Revision history
Revision Date Description
A.0 25 July 2014 New user guide
B.0 12 March 2015 Revised software scripts
Revised software example
Ion TrueMate Library Preparation
Product information
Product description
The Ion TrueMate Library Kit and Ion TrueMate Plus Library Kit are designed to
generate mate pair libraries, with inserts 2–8 Kb in size, for sequencing on the Ion
PGM System.
Kit compatibility
Ion TrueMate Library kits (Cat. nos. A25614 and A25656) are compatible with the
Ion PGM Template OT2 400 Kit (Cat. no. 4479878), Ion PGM Sequencing 400 Kit
(Cat. no. 4482002), and Ion 318 Chip Kit v2 (Cat. no. 4484354) for use with the Ion
PGM System.
Kit contents and storage
Ion TrueMate Library Kit (Cat. no. A25614) and Ion TrueMate Plus Library Kit
(Cat. no. A25656) include the following:
Ion TrueMate End Repair Kit[1]
Component Cap color Quantity Volume Storage
Elution Buffer clear 1 520 µL
–30°C to–10°C
End Repair Tailing
Buffer red 2 1 mL
End Repair Enzyme
Mix red 1 160 µL
Klenow Fragment violet 1 160 µL
Barcode A white 1 480 µL
Ligase blue 1 320 µL
Ion TrueMate Library Preparation
Ion TrueMate Library Reagents[2]
Component Cap color Quantity Volume Storage
Elution Buffer clear 5 1.6 mL
–30°C to–10°C
Klenow Fragment violet 1 60 µL
Ligase blue 1 105 µL
Mate Pair Coupler
Mix red 1 30 µL
10X Ligase Buffer blue 1 600 µL
Nuclease I black 1 100 µL
Nuclease II black 1 75 µL
Biotin Wash Buffer yellow 4 1.5 mL
Biotin Capture
Buffer yellow 1 450 µL
Biotin Capture
Reagent yellow 1 15 µL
Biotin Elution
Buffer yellow 1 520 µL
Tailing Buffer orange 1 500 µL
Sequence white 1 60 µL
T4 Polynucleotide
Kinase green 1 20 µL
Accura Hot Start
2X Master Mix brown 1 1.3 mL
Primer Mix brown 1 260 µL
[1] May be ordered separately (Part. no. A25655).
[2] May be ordered separately (Part. no. A25652).
In addition, the Ion TrueMate Plus Library Kit (Cat. no. A25656) also includes:
Ion TrueMate RE Kit[1, 2]
Component Cap color Quantity Volume Storage
I (10 U/µL) red 1 tube 30 µL
–30°C to–10°C
I (10 U/µL) orange 1 tube 30 µL
III (10 U/µL) yellow 1 tube 30 µL
II (10 U/µL) green 1 tube 30 µL
Chapter 1 Product information
Kit contents and storage
Ion TrueMate Library Preparation
Ion TrueMate RE Kit[1, 2]
Component Cap color Quantity Volume Storage
10X RE Buffer –30°C to–10°Cwhite 1 tube 120 µL
[1] May be ordered separately (Part. no. A25653).
[2] Thaw all kit reagents on ice prior to use.
Required materials and equipment
Unless otherwise specified, all materials are available from Life Technologies
( MLS: Fisher Scientific ( or
major laboratory supplier.
Component Supplier Cat. No. Quantity
Restriction Enzyme New England
Biolabs R0620S 1
10X CutSmart Buffer
Dynabeads® MyOne
Streptavidin C1 Life Technologies 65001 1
Agencourt® AMPure®
XP Magnetic Beads Beckman Coulter A63882 1
100% Ethanol MLS
Nuclease-Free Water Ambion AM9930, AM9932,
AM9938, or AM9939
1.5-mL Eppendorf
LoBind® Tubes Eppendorf 022431021 1
0.2-mL thin wall PCR
tubes Eppendorf 951010006 1
Qubit® dsDNA BR
Assay Kit Life Technologies Q32850 1
Agilent® High
Sensitivity DNA Kit Agilent 5067-4626 1
DNA 12000
Kit Agilent 5067-1508 1
Qubit® 2.0 Fluorometer
or equivalent Life Technologies Q32866 1
Thermomixer® R Eppendorf 22670107 1
Heat blocks (25°C –
80°C) MLS — 3
Chapter 1 Product information
Required materials and equipment
Ion TrueMate Library Preparation
Component Supplier Cat. No. Quantity
DynaMag-2 Magnet Life Technologies 12321D 1
One of the following:
• GeneAmp® PCR
System 9700
Single or Dual 96-
well Thermal
• AB® 2720 Thermal
• Veriti® 96-well
Thermal Cycler
• ProFlex 96-Well
PCR System
Life Technologies See web product
pages 1
Microcentrifuge (for
quick ~ 2000 x g spins) MLS — 1
Agilent® 2100
Agilent G2939AA 1
Sage Pippin PrepSage Science See web product
pages 1
Pippin Prep 1.5%
Agarose Cassettes Sage Science CDF 1510
equipment and
reagents or EGel®
— — —
One of the following:
• HydroShear®
• Megaruptor®
• Covaris® g-TUBE
Digilab Inc.
Diagenode Inc.
• Covaris
See web product
520079 or 520104
Procedure guidelines
Use good laboratory practices to minimize cross-contamination of products. If
possible, perform library construction in an area or room that is distinct from that
of template preparation.
Perform all steps requiring 1.5 mL tubes with 1.5 mL Eppendorf LoBind® tubes
(Eppendorf® Cat. no. 022431021).
Thaw reagents on ice before use, and keep enzymes at –30°C to –10°C until ready
to use.
Mix reagents thoroughly before use, especially if frozen and thawed.
Chapter 1 Product information
Procedure guidelines
Ion TrueMate Library Preparation
Procedure overview
Using this method, genomic DNA is sheared to 400–500 bp fragments, end-repaired,
A-tailed, and ligated to barcode adapters. The inserts are size-selected and ligated to a
unique coupler that contains encrypted ChimeraCode sequences that help identify
true mates, minimizing false mate pair fragment configurations. The circularized
inserts are then treated with exonuclease to remove unwanted linear DNA, and then
digested with a selection of endonucleases to produce the correctly sized mate-tags
(di-tags). Biotin capture is used to remove the unwanted DNA fragments prior to the
addition of a JunctionCode sequence that identifies mate pair fragment junctions.
The library is re-circularized and amplified by PCR, prior to template preparation and
sequencing on the Ion PGM System.
Chapter 1 Product information
Procedure overview
Ion TrueMate Library Preparation
Workflow diagram
Figure 1: Schematic of Ion TrueMate library construction.
Chapter 1 Product information
Workflow diagram
Ion TrueMate Library Preparation
Before you begin
Determine optimal restriction enzyme(s) for digestion
Note: The procedure described in this section is designed to determine the optimal
restriction enzymes to use in “Digest insert/coupler“ on page 30.
Before proceeding with library construction, the restriction enzyme(s) needed to
digest the gDNA to 400–500 bp (desired final library after PCR amplification) must be
identified. This step is critical to ensure the kit performs as designed and the
sequencing coverage is uniform.
The restriction enzyme(s) needed will vary for each genome. The optimal digestion
method may be multiple digests with individual restriction enzymes or multiple
digests with a combination of two or more restriction enzymes. Each enzyme or
combination of enzymes will produce a different digestion pattern and will add
diversity to the genome coverage.
We recommend performing multiple digestion reactions using both individual
restriction enzymes and combinations of enzymes provided in the Ion TrueMate RE
Kit, and then visualize the digest results on an E-Gel®, Agilent® Bioanalyzer®, or
agarose gel. Start by digesting with the four individual restriction enzymes. After
visualizing these digests on a gel, subsequent combination digests can be tested. For
example, two or more infrequent cutting enzymes can be combined to produce the
desired digestion pattern. The four included restriction enzymes will likely be
sufficient to obtain desired results; however, if you require additional ones, we
recommend HpyCH4V (New England Biolabs, Cat. no. R0626S). Example gels using
both the provided enzymes as well as HpyCH4V are included in “Example restriction
enzyme digests“ on page 15.
See Appendix B, “Restriction enzyme choice“, for additional information on the
impact of the restriction enzyme choice on the final library.
Restriction enzyme options
Enzyme Source
I (10U/µL) Ion TrueMate RE Kit
I (10U/µL)
III (10U/µL)
II (10U/µL)
(5U/µL) New England Biolabs
Ion TrueMate Library Preparation
General digestion set-up
1. Add the following reagents to 0.2 mL thin wall PCR tube(s):
Reagent Final amount per reaction
gDNA 200 ng
Buffer[1] 1X
Restriction enzyme(s)[2,3] 10 Units[4]
Nuclease-Free Water to 40 µL
Total 40 µL
[1] Use of 10X RE Buffer (supplied in Ion TrueMate RE Kit) or CutSmart Buffer (NEB) is highly
recommended. Buffers from other vendors have not been tested and may not be compatible with the
restriction enzyme(s) used to digest the gDNA.
[2] If using a pool of restriction enzymes, mix 10 Units of each enzyme in a 1.5 mL LoBind® tube and use
1 µL for the digest.
can be used in either 10X RE Buffer (supplied in Ion TrueMate RE Kit) or CutSmart Buffer
[4] Not to exceed 4 µL.
2. Mix by pipetting up and down 10 times.
3. Incubate reaction(s) at 37°C for 30 minutes.
4. Run reaction(s) alongside undigested gDNA on 1.7% agarose gel with DNA
ladder (e.g. 100 bp ladder).
5. Review results and determine optimal restriction enzyme(s).
Note: Ideal digests will contain the majority of the smear within 400–500 bp size
range. For optimal sequencing results, perform two restriction digests using at
least one enzyme for each digest and pool the digested material prior to cleanup
(see figures 2, 3, and 4).
The table below provides recommendations for restriction enzymes for three
reference genomes:
Genome GC content Restriction enzymes
E. coli
(DH10B) 50% Reaction 1:
Reaction 2:
T. aquaticus
68% Reaction 1:
Reaction 2:
I +
H. sapiens
50% Reaction 1:
Reaction 2:
Chapter 2 Before you begin
General digestion set-up
Ion TrueMate Library Preparation
Example restriction enzyme digests
The gel images below provide examples of restriction enzyme testing that were used
to identify recommended restriction enzymes:
Figure 2: Results of E. coli restriction digest testing. Optimal results are seen with
HpyCH4V and Acc II.
Chapter 2 Before you begin
Example restriction enzyme digests
Ion TrueMate Library Preparation
Figure 3: Results of T. aquaticus restriction digest testing. Optimal results are seen
with AluI and RsaI +AccII.
Chapter 2 Before you begin
Example restriction enzyme digests
Ion TrueMate Library Preparation
Figure 4: Results of human gDNA restriction digest testing. Optimal results are seen
with AluI and HaeIII + RsaI .
Chapter 2 Before you begin
Example restriction enzyme digests
Ion TrueMate Library Preparation
Prepare adapter-compatible DNA
Shear DNA to appropriate size
During this step, the genomic DNA (gDNA) is sheared to an average size range that is
larger than the desired insert size. See Appendix B, “DNA size selection vs. insert
size“ on page 52 for additional information on shearing and size selection.
Note: gDNA used must be free of contaminating RNA.
A sample loss of 20–50% is expected during shearing and bead clean up. The
percentage of sample loss will vary depending on the shearing method used. This
expected loss should be taken into account when determining the amount of gDNA to
The table below provides examples of recommended shearing size, amount of starting
gDNA, and shearing method for various libraries:
insert size
amount of starting
material Recommended shearing method[1]
2 Kb 3 Kb 2.5 – 3 µg 3 Kb setting with Megaruptor® short
5 Kb 6 Kb 3.5 – 5 µg 8 Kb setting with Covaris® g- TUBES or
8 Kb 10 Kb 11.5 –16 µg 10 Kb setting with Covaris® g- TUBES or
[1] Use manufacturer's recommended protocols.
[2] Higher sample loss (up to 50 or 60%) is expected using the Megaruptor®.
Ion TrueMate Library Preparation
Purify sheared DNA
The following protocol describes how to perform a bead clean-up to concentrate and
purify the sheared DNA from the previous step.
IMPORTANT! Reagents used from this point through "Ligate adapters to DNA
fragments" are included in the End Repair Kit (Cat. no. A25655).
1. Transfer the sheared gDNA into a 1.5 mL LoBind® tube.
2. Add an equal volume AMPure® XP beads to the sheared gDNA at room
temperature to obtain a 1:1 ratio of beads to sample.
3. Mix the beads and gDNA gently by pipetting up and down 10 times.
4. Incubate the mixture at room temperature for 5 minutes. Do not keep the tube in
the magnetic rack during incubation.
5. Pulse-spin to bring the contents to the bottom of the tube. Place in the magnetic
rack for 5 minutes, or until the solution becomes clear.
6. Carefully remove and discard the supernatant with a pipet, without disturbing
the bead pellet.
7. Without removing the tube from the magnet, add 750 μL of freshly prepared
70% ethanol.
8. Incubate for 30 seconds, turning the tube around twice in the magnet to move the
beads around. After the solution clears, remove and discard the supernatant
without disturbing the pellet.
9. Repeat step 7 and 8 for a second wash.
10. Pulse-spin the tube, place it back in the magnetic rack, and remove any
remaining residual ethanol with a 20-μL pipettor, without disturbing the pellet.
11. Keeping the tube on the magnet, air-dry the beads at room temperature for
~5 minutes.
12. Remove the tube from the magnetic rack, and add 52 μL of Elution Buffer (from
End Repair Kit) directly to the pellet to disperse the beads.
13. Mix thoroughly by pipetting the suspension up and down 5 times. Do not vortex
the tube.
14. Pulse-spin and place the tube in the magnetic rack for at least one minute until
the solution clears.
15. Transfer 50 μL of the supernatant containing the sheared DNA to a new 1.5 mL
LoBind® tube for size confirmation and quantitation.
Chapter 3 Prepare adapter-compatible DNA
Purify sheared DNA
Ion TrueMate Library Preparation
Confirm size and quantity of purified sheared DNA
1. Confirm the size of the sheared gDNA by visualization on a 0.8% E-Gel®,
Agilent® Bioanalyzer® with the DNA 12000 Kit, or agarose gel. See Appendix C,
“DNA size selection vs. insert size“, panel C, for example images of sheared
2. Quantify the sample using the Qubit® dsDNA BR Assay Kit with the Qubit® 2.0
Fluorometer according to manufacturer's instructions.
The following table provides information about minimum amounts and
concentrations of DNA required to proceed:
Insert size Minimum amount of
DNA required Minimum concentration of DNA
required (after elution)
up to 2 Kb 1.0 µg ³22 ng/µL
> 2–5 Kb 2.5 µg ³50 ng/µL
>5–8 Kb 8 µg ³160 ng/µL
STOPPING POINT DNA may be stored at 10°C overnight. For longer periods, store
at –20°C.
End repair DNA
During this step, the purified, sheared gDNA is end repaired. Each end-repair
reaction is limited by the number of DNA molecules. Therefore, the number of
reactions performed at this step is determined by the insert size:
Insert size Recommended number of reactions
Up to 2 Kb 2
> 2–5 Kb 5
> 5–8 Kb 8
1. Aliquot gDNA into 0.2-mL thin-wall PCR tubes, then add the following
components to each tube:
Component Amount per
reaction (< 5 Kb
Amount per
reaction (³ 5–8 Kb
Purified, sheared gDNA 500 ng 1 µg
End Repair Tailing Buffer (red cap) 25 µL 25 µL
End Repair enzyme Mix (red cap) 2 µL 2 µL
Nuclease-Free Water up to 23 µL up to 23 µL
Total 50 µL 50 µL
2. Mix by pipetting up and down 10 times.
Chapter 3 Prepare adapter-compatible DNA
Confirm size and quantity of purified sheared DNA
Ion TrueMate Library Preparation