Thermo Fisher Scientific GeneChip Eukaryotic Double Strand Whole Transcript Assay User guide

  • Hello! I'm your chat assistant, and I've reviewed the GeneChip Eukaryotic Double Strand Whole Transcript Assay Manual User Guide. This document outlines the workflow for preparing biotin-labeled ds cDNA whole transcript targets for hybridization to tiling arrays. I can help answer your questions about the process, from preparing the RNA-random primer mix to fragmenting, labeling, and hybridizing the ds cDNA. How can I assist you today?
  • What is the purpose of the GeneChip Eukaryotic Double Strand Whole Transcript Workflow?
    What does the workflow replace?
    What are the main steps in the workflow?
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
GeneChipEukaryotic Double Strand
Whole Transcript Assay Manual
for Tiling Arrays
User Guide
Document Part Number 703048
Publication Number MAN0018121
Revision A.0
Affymetrix Pte Ltd |
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GeneChip™ Tiling Arrays
Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics UAB |
V.A. Graiciuno 8, LT-02241 |
Vilnius, Lithuania
GeneChip™ WT PLUS Reagent Kit
The information in this guide is subject to change without notice.
Revision history: Pub. No. MAN0018121
21 December 2018
Initial release in Thermo Fisher Scientific document control system.
Supersedes legacy Affymetrix publication number 703048.
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GeneChip™ Eukaryotic Double Strand Whole Transcript Assay Manual Workflow User Guide
GeneChip™ Eukaryotic Double Strand Whole Transcript Workflow ............................ 4
Safety Information .................................................................................................................. 4
Materials Required .................................................................................................................. 4
Reagents Required .............................................................................................................................................. 4
Instruments Required ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Eukaryotic Double Strand Whole Transcript Workflow .......................................................... 6
Preparation of RNA-Random Primer Mix ...................................................................................................... 6
Second-Cycle, Second Strand cDNA Synthesis and Cleanup ...................................................................... 7
Fragmentation, Labeling, and Hybridization ................................................................................................. 8
Documentation and support ........................................................................................... 10
GeneChip™ Eukaryotic Double Strand Whole Transcript Assay Manual Workflow User Guide
GeneChipEukaryotic Double Strand Whole Transcript
The GeneChipEukaryotic Double Strand Whole Transcript Workflow is to be used in preparation of
biotin-labeled ds cDNA whole transcript target for hybridization to Human and Mouse Tiling arrays. This
workflow replaces the former GeneChipWhole Transcript (WT) Amplified Double-Stranded Target
Assay. For questions, please contact Technical Support.
Safety Information
Warning: For research use only. Not recommended or intended for diagnosis of disease in humans
or animals. Do not use internally or externally in humans or animals.
Caution: All chemicals should be considered as potentially hazardous. We therefore recommend
that this product is handled only by those persons who have been trained in laboratory techniques
and that it is used in accordance with the principles of good laboratory practice. Wear suitable
protective clothing, such as lab coat, safety glasses and gloves. Care should be taken to avoid
contact with skin and eyes. In case of contact with skin or eyes, wash immediately with water. See
SDS (Safety Data Sheet) for specific advice.
Materials Required
Reagents Required
Table 1 Reagents Required
Source P/N
cRNA Synthesis
Part of the GeneChip
WT PLUS Reagent
Consists of:
WT Amplification Kit Module 1
WT Amplification Kit Module 2
GeneChipPoly-A RNA Control Kit
Thermo Fisher Scientific GeneChipWT PLUS
Reagent Kit
(902280 or 902281)
cDNA Synthesis
Random Primers, 3
µg/µL, 300 µg Thermo Fisher Scientific 48190-011
dNTPs, Set of Four (dA, dC, dG
, dT)
mM Solutions, 4 X 25 µmol
Thermo Fisher Scientific 77100 1 PK
dUTP, 100 mM Solution, 25
µmol Thermo Fisher Scientific 77206 25 UM
-free Water Thermo Fisher Scientific 71786
RNase Inhibitor (Recombinant)
Thermo Fisher Scientific 71571
Magnesium Chloride (MgCl
2), 1M Thermo Fisher Scientific 78641
II, 200 U/µL, 40,000 U Thermo Fisher Scientific 18064-071
(5X First Strand buffer and 0.1 M DTT
-free Klenow, 10 U/µL Thermo Fisher Scientific 72020
RNase H, 5 U/
µL Thermo Fisher Scientific 70054
GeneChip™ Eukaryotic Double Strand Whole Transcript Assay Manual Workflow User Guide
Fragmentation and Labeling
-DNA Glycosylase (UDG) (2 U/µL) Thermo Fisher Scientific 71960
Human Apurinic/Apyrimidinic
Endonuclease 1 (APE 1)
(Includes 10X APE 1 Reaction Buffer)
Thermo Fisher Scientific 78454
Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl
(rTdT), Recombinant, (30 U/
(5X TdT buffer included)
Thermo Fisher Scientific 72033
DNA Labeling Reagent, DLR, 10 mM
Thermo Fisher Scientific 79015
Optional: RNA 6000 Nano Kit*
Agilent Technologies 5067-1511
cDNA Clean
DNA Clean-Up Kit Thermo Fisher Scientific 78758
Hybridization, Wash and Stain
Expression Hybridization
Control Kit
(Part of the GeneChip
WT PLUS Reagent
Thermo Fisher Scientific GeneChipWT PLUS
Reagent Kit
(902280 or 902281)
Hybridization, Wash, and
Stain Kit
Thermo Fisher Scientific 900720
* Or equivalent DNA and RNA sizing reagents.
Instruments Required
Table 2 Instruments Required
Source P/N
Hybridization Oven 645 Thermo Fisher 00-0331 (110/220V)
Fluidics Station 450 Thermo Fisher 00-0079
Scanner 3000 7G Thermo Fisher 00-0212 (North America)
00-0213 (International)
AutoLoader with External
Barcode Reader
Thermo Fisher 00-0090 (GCS 3000 7G S/N
00-0129 (GCS 3000 7G S/N
Major Laboratory Supplier
UV-Vis Spectrophotometer* Thermo Scientific
Optional: 2100 Bioanalyzer
Agilent Technologies
Major Laboratory Supplier
Thermal Cycler
Vortex Mixer
Major Laboratory Supplier
°C heat block or oven for incubation of
-free Water during Purification
Major Laboratory Supplier
* Or equivalent quantitation instrument.
Or equivalent DNA and RNA sizing instrument.
GeneChip™ Eukaryotic Double Strand Whole Transcript Assay Manual Workflow User Guide
Eukaryotic Double Strand Whole Transcript Workflow
Generate purified cRNA from at least 50 ng total RNA using the WT PLUS Reagent Kit (P/N 902280 or
902281). Check by OD and start the next step with 15 µg cRNA split into three tubes of 5 µg each.
Preparation of RNA-Random Primer Mix
1. Mix cRNA with the Random Primers in a strip tube, as listed in Table 3 below.
Table 3 cRNA-Primer Mix
Volume in 1 Rxn
µg) variable
µg/µL) 1.0 µL
-free Water up to 8 µL
8.0 µL
2. Flick-mix, and spin down the tubes.
3. Incubate at 70°C for 5 minutes, at 25°C for 5 minutes, and then cool the samples at 4°C for at least 2
4. Prepare dNTP mix as described in Table 4.
Table 4 dNTP Mix
Volume in 1 Rxn
dATP, 100 mM
5 µL
dCTP, 100 mM
5 µL
dGTP, 100 mM
5 µL
dTTP, 100 mM
4 µL
dUTP, 100 mM
1 µL
-free Water 30 µL
Total Volume
50 µL
5. In a separate tube, prepare a master mix as described in Table 5.
Table 5 First Strand cDNA Synthesis
Volume in 1 Rxn Master Mix for
3.5 Rxns
5X 1st Strand Buffer
4.0 µL 14.0 µL
DTT, 0.1 M
2.0 µL 7.0 µL
dNTP, 10 mM (4dTTP:1dUTP)
1.0 µL 3.5 µL
Step 4 above)
RNase Inhibitor (Recombinant)
1.0 µL 3.5 µL
SuperScript II, 200 U/μL
4.0 µL 14.0 µL
Total Volume
12.0 µL 42.0 µL
6. Transfer 12 µL of the First Strand Master Mix to the cRNA samples (the total reaction volume is
20 µL). Mix thoroughly by gently flicking the tubes a few times. Centrifuge briefly to collect the
reactions at the bottom of the tube.
7. Incubate the reactions at 25°C for 5 minutes, at 42°C for 1 hour, and at 4°C for at least 2 minutes.
GeneChip™ Eukaryotic Double Strand Whole Transcript Assay Manual Workflow User Guide
TIP: POTENTIAL STOPPING POINT. Store products at 20°C if desired.
Second-Cycle, Second Strand cDNA Synthesis and Cleanup
1. In a separate tube, assemble a master mix as listed in Table 6.
Table 6 Second Strand cDNA Synthesis
Volume in 1 Rxn Master Mix for 3.5 Rxns
2*, 17.5 mM 8.0 µL 28 µL
dNTP, 10 mM (4 dTTP:1dUTP)
Step 4 on page 6)
0.6 µL 2.1 µL
-free Klenow, 10 U/μL 2.7 µL 9.5 µL
-free Water 8.5 µL 29.7 µL
RNAse H, 5 U/µ
L 0.2 µL 0.7 µL
Total Volume
20 µL 70 µL
* Make a fresh dilution of the MgCl2 each time. Mix 2 µL of 1M MgCl2 with 112 µL of RNase-free water.
† If needed dilute RNase H in the appropriate storage buffer: 20mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.9), 100mM KCl, 10mM MgCl2,
0.1mM EDTA, 0.1mM DTT, 50% glycerol.
2. Transfer 20 µL of the Second Strand Master Mix to the first strand reaction tubes (the total reaction
volume is 40 µL). Mix thoroughly by gently flicking the tubes a few times. Centrifuge briefly to
collect the reactions at the bottom of the tubes.
3. Incubate the reactions at 37°C for 40 minutes, at 75°C 10 minutes, and at 4°C for at least 2 minutes.
TIP: POTENTIAL STOPPING POINT. Store products at 20°C if desired.
4. Proceed to ds cDNA clean-up using the USB PrepEase DNA Clean-Up Kit:
a. Adjust DNA binding conditions.
i. Add 5 volumes of N2P Buffer to 1 volume of sample (e.g., 200 µL N2P Buffer and 40 µL
sample). Mix well.
b. Bind DNA sample to column.
i. Place PrepEaseClean-Up Column into a 2 mL PrepEaseCollecting Tube.
ii. Pipet the sample directly into the center of the column.
iii. Centrifuge 1 minute at 11,000 x g.
iv. Discard flow-through.
c. Wash column.
i. Add 600 µL NT3 Buffer to column.
ii. Centrifuge 1 minute at 11,000 x g.
iii. Discard flow-through. Place column back into collecting tube.
d. Dry column
i. Centrifuge 2 minutes at 11,000 x g.
e. Elute DNA
i. Place the column into a clean 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tube.
ii. Add 50 µL NE Buffer to column.
GeneChip™ Eukaryotic Double Strand Whole Transcript Assay Manual Workflow User Guide
iii. Incubate at room temperature for 1 minute.
iv. Centrifuge 1 minute at 11,000 x g.
5. Take 1 µL from each sample to determine the ds cDNA yield by spectrophotometric UV
measurement at 260 nm, 280 nm and 320 nm.
Fragmentation, Labeling, and Hybridization
1. Fragmentation of ds cDNA.
a. Combine all three tubes of ds cDNA into one tube.
b. Take 1 µL to determine the ds cDNA yield by spectrophotometric UV measurement at 260 nm,
280 nm and 320 nm.
c. Take 20 µg of ds DNA from the tube containing the pooled samples and split it into three tubes.
d. Fragment each of the samples as listed in Table 7 below:
Table 7 Fragmentation of ds cDNA
Volume/Amount in 1 Rxn
ds cDNA
6.67 µg
-free Water up to 32.2 µL
10X APE 1 Reaction Buffer
4.8 µL
-DNA Glycosylase (2U/µL) 4.0 µL
Human Apurinic/Apyrimidinic Endonuclease 1 (APE 1)
10 units/
7.0 µL
Total Volume
48 µL
i. Flick-mix, and spin down the tubes.
ii. Incubate the reactions at 37°C for 1 hour, at 93°C for 2 minutes, and at 4°C for at least 2
iii. Flick-mix, spin down the tubes, and remove 3 µL for fragmentation analysis using a
Bioanalyzer. Please see the Reagent Kit Guide that comes with the RNA 6000 Nano LabChip
Kit. The average peak size of the fragmented samples should be approximately 50 bp.
iv. If not labeling the samples immediately, store the fragmented ds cDNA at 20°C.
2. Labeling of fragmented ds cDNA:
a. Prepare the labeling reactions for the samples as listed in Table 8 below.
Table 8 Labeling of Fragmented ds cDNA
Volume in 1 Rxn
Fragmented ds cDNA
45.0 µL
5x TdT Reaction Buffer
12.0 µL
Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase (rTdT),
Recombinant, (30 U/
2.0 µL
DNA Labeling Reagent, DLR, 10 mM
1.0 µL
Total Volume
60.0 µL
b. Flick-mix, and spin down the tubes.
c. Incubate the reactions at 37°C for 1 hour, at 70°C for 10 minutes, and at 4°C for at least 2 minutes.
d. Remove 4 µL of each sample for Gel-shift analysis (optional), and combine samples into one tube
(the total volume is 174 µL).
3. Hybridization of Fragmented and labeled ds cDNA on the arrays (standard arrays).
GeneChip™ Eukaryotic Double Strand Whole Transcript Assay Manual Workflow User Guide
a. Prepare the hybridization mix in a 1.5 mL RNase-free microfuge tube as shown in Table 9 below.
Table 9 Hybridization Mix
Volume in 1 Rxn Final Concentration or
-labeled ds DNA 60.0 µL 26.7 ng/µL
Control Oligonucleotide B2
4.17 µL 50 pM
20X Eukaryotic Hybridization
Controls (
bioB, bioC, bioD, cre)
12.5 µL 1.5, 5, 25 and 100 pM,
2X Hybridization Mix
125 µL 1X
17.5 µL 7%
-free Water Up to 250.0 µL
Total Volume
250.0 µL
b. Flick-mix, and centrifuge the tube.
c. Heat the hybridization cocktail mix at 99°C for 5 minutes. Cool to 45°C for 5 minutes, and
centrifuge at maximum speed for 1 minute.
d. Inject ~200 µL of the specific sample into the array.
IMPORTANT: For hybridization to multiple-design tiling array sets, it is required to save
the remaining 50 µL of Hybridization Cocktail to be reused for subsequent hybridizations.
Place the saved Hybridization Cocktail in 20°C storage until needed.
e. Place array in 45°C hybridization oven, at 60 rpm, and incubate for 16 (± 1.0) hours.
4. Wash/Stain arrays with Hybridization, Wash and Stain Kit using the FS450_0001 fluidics protocol.
GeneChip™ Eukaryotic Double Strand Whole Transcript Assay Manual Workflow User Guide
Documentation and support
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21 December 2018