Anybus AB6682, AB6612, ABCC40STK User guide

  • Hello! I've analyzed the Anybus CompactCom 40 BACnet/IP Network Guide. This document provides detailed information about the module's functionality, including BACnet/IP features, web server capabilities, and network configurations. I'm ready to answer your questions about the communication module's interface and network data exchange options.
  • What type of network topology does the module support?
    Does the module have a web server?
    What is the maximum number of ADIs available for mapping to BACnet objects in simple mode?
    What does COV stand for?
Anybus® CompactCom 40 - BACnet/IP w. IT Functionality
Version 1.5
Publicaon date 2023-10-20
Important User Informaon
The informaon in this document is for informaonal purposes only. Please inform HMS Networks of any
inaccuracies or omissions found in this document. HMS Networks disclaims any responsibility or liability for
any errors that may appear in this document.
HMS Networks reserves the right to modify its products in line with its policy of connuous product
development. The informaon in this document shall therefore not be construed as a commitment on the
part of HMS Networks and is subject to change without noce. HMS Networks makes no commitment to
update or keep current the informaon in this document.
The data, examples and illustraons found in this document are included for illustrave purposes and
are only intended to help improve understanding of the funconality and handling of the product. In
view of the wide range of possible applicaons of the product, and because of the many variables and
requirements associated with any parcular implementaon, HMS Networks cannot assume responsibility
or liability for actual use based on the data, examples or illustraons included in this document nor for
any damages incurred during installaon of the product. Those responsible for the use of the product
must acquire sucient knowledge in order to ensure that the product is used correctly in their specic
applicaon and that the applicaon meets all performance and safety requirements including any applicable
laws, regulaons, codes and standards. Further, HMS Networks will under no circumstances assume liability
or responsibility for any problems that may arise as a result from the use of undocumented features or
funconal side eects found outside the documented scope of the product. The eects caused by any direct
or indirect use of such aspects of the product are undened and may include e.g. compability issues and
stability issues.
Copyright © 2021 HMS Networks
Contact Informaon
Postal address:
Box 4126
300 04 Halmstad, Sweden
Table of Contents
1. Preface .................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1. About this document ........................................................................................................ 1
1.2. Related Documents ........................................................................................................... 1
1.3. Document History ............................................................................................................ 1
1.4. Document Convenons ..................................................................................................... 1
1.5. Document Specic Convenons .......................................................................................... 2
1.6. Trademark Informaon ...................................................................................................... 3
2. About the Anybus CompactCom 40 BACnet/IP ............................................................................. 4
2.1. General .......................................................................................................................... 4
2.2. Features ......................................................................................................................... 4
2.3. Fieldbus Conformance Notes .............................................................................................. 4
2.4. Cercaon .................................................................................................................... 4
3. Basic Operaon ....................................................................................................................... 5
3.1. General Informaon ......................................................................................................... 5
3.1.1. Soware Requirements .............................................................................................. 5
3.2. Device Customizaon ........................................................................................................ 5
3.2.1. Network Identy ...................................................................................................... 5
3.2.2. Web Interface .......................................................................................................... 6
3.2.3. Socket Interface (Advanced Users Only) ........................................................................ 6
3.3. BACnet/IP Implementaon ................................................................................................. 6
3.3.1. Device Object ........................................................................................................... 7
3.3.2. Analog Value Object .................................................................................................. 9
3.3.3. Binary Value Object .................................................................................................. 11
3.3.4. Mul-State Value Object ........................................................................................... 13
3.3.5. Nocaon Class Object ........................................................................................... 16
3.3.6. Network Port Object ................................................................................................. 17
3.3.7. Supported BACnet Services ........................................................................................ 19
3.3.8. BACnet Error Codes .................................................................................................. 20
3.4. Communicaon Sengs ................................................................................................... 21
3.5. Diagnoscs ..................................................................................................................... 21
3.6. Network Data Exchange .................................................................................................... 22
3.6.1. Applicaon Data (ADIs) ............................................................................................. 22
3.6.2. Translaon of Data Types .......................................................................................... 22
3.6.3. Mapping of BACnet Objects to Anybus CompactCom ...................................................... 23
3.6.4. Process Data ........................................................................................................... 25
3.7. File System ..................................................................................................................... 26
3.7.1. Overview ................................................................................................................ 26
3.7.2. General Informaon ................................................................................................. 27
3.7.3. System Files ............................................................................................................ 27
4. COV Nocaons, Alarms and Events ........................................................................................ 28
4.1. General ......................................................................................................................... 28
4.2. COV (Change of Value) Nocaons .................................................................................... 28
4.3. Alarm/Event Funconality ................................................................................................. 28
4.3.1. Analog Value Object Alarm/Event Funconality ............................................................. 28
4.3.2. Binary Value Object Alarm/Event Funconality .............................................................. 29
4.3.3. Mul-State Value Object Alarm/Event Funconality ....................................................... 29
4.3.4. Summary of States and Events for the Value Objects ...................................................... 29
4.4. Setup of Alarm and Events ................................................................................................ 29
4.4.1. Nocaon Class Object ........................................................................................... 29
Anybus® CompactCom 40 - BACnet/IP w. IT Funconality
SCM-1202-040 Version 1.5
4.4.2. Analog Value Object ................................................................................................. 31
4.4.3. Binary Value Object .................................................................................................. 31
4.4.4. Mul-state Value Object ............................................................................................ 32
5. FTP Server ............................................................................................................................. 33
5.1. General Informaon ........................................................................................................ 33
5.2. User Accounts ................................................................................................................. 34
5.3. Session Example .............................................................................................................. 35
6. Web Server ........................................................................................................................... 36
6.1. General Informaon ........................................................................................................ 36
6.2. Default Web Pages ........................................................................................................... 36
6.2.1. Network Conguraon .............................................................................................. 37
6.2.2. Ethernet Stascs Page ............................................................................................. 38
6.3. Server Conguraon ........................................................................................................ 40
6.3.1. General Informaon ................................................................................................. 40
6.3.2. Index page .............................................................................................................. 41
6.3.3. Default Content Types ............................................................................................... 41
6.3.4. Authorizaon .......................................................................................................... 42
7. E-mail Client .......................................................................................................................... 43
7.1. General Informaon ........................................................................................................ 43
7.2. How to Send E-mail Messages ............................................................................................ 43
8. Server Side Include (SSI) .......................................................................................................... 44
8.1. General Informaon ........................................................................................................ 44
8.2. Include File ..................................................................................................................... 44
8.3. Command Funcons ........................................................................................................ 45
8.3.1. General Informaon ................................................................................................. 45
8.3.2. GetCongItem() ....................................................................................................... 46
8.3.3. SetCongItem() ....................................................................................................... 47
8.3.4. SsiOutput() ............................................................................................................. 49
8.3.5. DisplayRemoteUser .................................................................................................. 49
8.3.6. ChangeLanguage() ................................................................................................... 50
8.3.7. IncludeFile() ............................................................................................................ 52
8.3.8. SaveDataToFile() ...................................................................................................... 54
8.3.9. prin() ................................................................................................................... 56
8.3.10. scanf() .................................................................................................................. 58
8.4. Argument Funcons ......................................................................................................... 60
8.4.1. General Informaon ................................................................................................. 60
8.4.2. ABCCMessage() ....................................................................................................... 60
8.5. SSI Output Conguraon .................................................................................................. 64
9. JSON .................................................................................................................................... 65
9.1. General Informaon ........................................................................................................ 65
9.1.1. Encoding ................................................................................................................ 65
9.1.2. Access ................................................................................................................... 65
9.1.3. Error Response ........................................................................................................ 65
9.2. JSON Objects .................................................................................................................. 66
9.2.1. ADI ........................................................................................................................ 66
9.2.2. Module .................................................................................................................. 72
9.2.3. Network ................................................................................................................. 73
9.2.4. Services ................................................................................................................. 81
9.2.5. Hex Format Explained ............................................................................................... 81
9.3. Example ........................................................................................................................ 82
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10. Anybus Module Objects ......................................................................................................... 83
10.1. General Informaon ....................................................................................................... 83
10.2. Anybus Object (01h) ....................................................................................................... 84
10.2.1. Category ............................................................................................................... 84
10.2.2. Object Descripon .................................................................................................. 84
10.2.3. Supported Commands ............................................................................................ 84
10.2.4. Object Aributes (Instance #0) ................................................................................. 84
10.2.5. Instance Aributes (Instance #1) ............................................................................... 84
10.2.6. Command Details: Reset .......................................................................................... 85
10.3. Diagnosc Object (02h) ................................................................................................... 86
10.4. Network Object (03h) ..................................................................................................... 87
10.4.1. Category ............................................................................................................... 87
10.4.2. Object Descripon .................................................................................................. 87
10.4.3. Supported Commands ............................................................................................ 87
10.4.4. Object Aributes (Instance #0) ................................................................................. 87
10.4.5. Instance Aributes (Instance #1) ............................................................................... 87
10.5. Network Conguraon Object (04h) .................................................................................. 88
10.5.1. Category ............................................................................................................... 88
10.5.2. Object Descripon .................................................................................................. 88
10.5.3. Supported Commands ............................................................................................ 88
10.5.4. Object Aributes (Instance #0) ................................................................................. 88
10.5.5. Instance Aributes (Instance #3, IP Address) ............................................................... 89
10.5.6. Instance Aributes (Instance #4, Subnet Mask) ............................................................ 89
10.5.7. Instance Aributes (Instance #5, Gateway Address) ...................................................... 89
10.5.8. Instance Aributes (Instance #6, DHCP Enable) ............................................................ 90
10.5.9. Instance Aributes (Instance #7 Ethernet Communicaon Sengs 1) .............................. 90
10.5.10. Instance Aributes (Instance #8 Ethernet Communicaon Sengs 2) ............................. 91
10.5.11. Instance Aributes (Instance #9, DNS1) .................................................................... 91
10.5.12. Instance Aributes (Instance #10, DNS2) .................................................................. 92
10.5.13. Instance Aributes (Instance #11, Host name) ........................................................... 92
10.5.14. Instance Aributes (Instance #12, Domain name) ....................................................... 92
10.5.15. Instance Aributes (Instance #13, SMTP Server) ......................................................... 93
10.5.16. Instance Aributes (Instance #14, SMTP User) ........................................................... 93
10.5.17. Instance Aributes (Instance #15, SMTP Password) ..................................................... 93
10.5.18. Instance Aributes (Instance #16, MDI 1 Sengs ) ...................................................... 94
10.5.19. Instance Aributes (Instance #17, MDI 2 Sengs ) ...................................................... 94
10.5.20. Instance Aributes (Instances #18 and #19) ............................................................... 94
10.5.21. Instance Aributes (Instance #20, Device Instance) ..................................................... 95
10.5.22. Instance Aributes (Instance #21, UDP port) ............................................................. 95
10.5.23. Instance Aributes (Instance #22, Process Acve Timeout) .......................................... 95
10.5.24. Instance Aributes (Instance #23, Foreign Device Registraon IP Address) ...................... 96
10.5.25. Instance Aributes (Instance #24, Foreign Device Registraon UDP Port) ........................ 96
10.5.26. Instance Aributes (Instance #25, Foreign Device Registraon Time to Live Value) ............ 97
10.5.27. Instance Aributes (Instance #26, IP mode) ............................................................... 97
10.5.28. Mullingual Strings ............................................................................................... 98
10.6. Socket Interface Object (07h) ........................................................................................... 99
10.6.1. Category ............................................................................................................... 99
10.6.2. Object Descripon .................................................................................................. 99
10.6.3. Supported Commands ............................................................................................ 99
10.6.4. Object Aributes (Instance #0) ................................................................................. 99
10.6.5. Instance Aributes (Sockets #1...Max. no. of instances) ............................................... 100
10.6.6. Command Details: Create ...................................................................................... 101
10.6.7. Command Details: Delete ...................................................................................... 102
10.6.8. Command Details: Bind ......................................................................................... 102
10.6.9. Command Details: Shutdown ................................................................................. 103
Anybus® CompactCom 40 - BACnet/IP w. IT Funconality
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10.6.10. Command Details: Listen ...................................................................................... 104
10.6.11. Command Details: Accept .................................................................................... 105
10.6.12. Command Details: Connect .................................................................................. 106
10.6.13. Command Details: Receive ................................................................................... 107
10.6.14. Command Details: Receive_From .......................................................................... 108
10.6.15. Command Details: Send ....................................................................................... 109
10.6.16. Command Details: Send_To .................................................................................. 110
10.6.17. Command Details: IP_Add_Membership ................................................................. 111
10.6.18. Command Details: IP_Drop_Membership ................................................................ 112
10.6.19. Command Details: DNS_Lookup ............................................................................ 113
10.6.20. Socket Interface Error Codes (Object Specic) .......................................................... 114
10.6.21. Message Segmentaon ........................................................................................ 115
10.7. SMTP Client Object (09h) .............................................................................................. 117
10.7.1. Category ............................................................................................................. 117
10.7.2. Object Descripon ................................................................................................ 117
10.7.3. Supported Commands .......................................................................................... 117
10.7.4. Object Aributes (Instance #0) ............................................................................... 117
10.7.5. Instance Aributes (Instance #1) ............................................................................. 117
10.7.6. Command Details: Create ...................................................................................... 118
10.7.7. Command Details: Delete ...................................................................................... 118
10.7.8. Command Details: Send E-mail From File .................................................................. 119
10.7.9. Command Details: Send E-mail ............................................................................... 120
10.7.10. Object Specic Error Codes .................................................................................. 120
10.8. File System Interface Object (0Ah) .................................................................................. 121
10.8.1. Category ............................................................................................................. 121
10.8.2. Object Descripon ................................................................................................ 121
10.9. Network Ethernet Object (0Ch) ...................................................................................... 122
10.9.1. Category ............................................................................................................. 122
10.9.2. Object Descripon ................................................................................................ 122
10.9.3. Supported Commands .......................................................................................... 122
10.9.4. Object Aributes (Instance #0) ............................................................................... 122
10.9.5. Instance Aributes (Instance #1) ............................................................................. 122
10.9.6. Instance Aributes (Instances #2 - #3) ...................................................................... 122
10.9.7. Interface Counters ................................................................................................ 123
10.9.8. Media Counters ................................................................................................... 123
11. Host Applicaon Objects ...................................................................................................... 124
11.1. General Informaon ..................................................................................................... 124
11.2. BACnet Host Object (EFh) .............................................................................................. 125
11.2.1. Object Descripon ................................................................................................ 125
11.2.2. Supported Commands .......................................................................................... 125
11.2.3. Object Aributes (Instance #0) ............................................................................... 125
11.2.4. Instance Aributes (Instance #1) ............................................................................. 126
11.2.5. Command Details: Get_ADI_By_BACnet_Object_Instance ............................................ 127
11.2.6. Command Details: Get_ADI_By_BACnet_Name .......................................................... 128
11.2.7. Command Details: Get_All_BACnet_Object_Instances ................................................. 129
11.2.8. Command Details: Get_BACnet_Object_Instance_By_ADI ............................................ 130
11.3. Ethernet Host Object (F9h) ............................................................................................ 131
11.3.1. Object Descripon ................................................................................................ 131
11.3.2. Supported Commands .......................................................................................... 131
11.3.3. Object Aributes (Instance #0) ............................................................................... 131
11.3.4. Instance Aributes (Instance #1) ............................................................................. 131
11.3.5. Network Status .................................................................................................... 134
11.3.6. DHCP Opon 61 (Client Idener) ........................................................................... 134
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Appendix A. Categorizaon of Funconality ................................................................................. 135
1. Basic .............................................................................................................................. 135
2. Extended ........................................................................................................................ 135
Appendix B. Implementaon Details ........................................................................................... 136
1. SUP-Bit Denion ............................................................................................................ 136
2. Anybus State Machine ...................................................................................................... 136
3. Applicaon Watchdog Timeout Handling .............................................................................. 136
4. Implemented BACnet BIBBs ............................................................................................... 137
Appendix C. Secure HICP (Secure Host IP Conguraon Protocol) .................................................... 138
1. General .......................................................................................................................... 138
2. Operaon ....................................................................................................................... 138
Appendix D. Technical Specicaon ............................................................................................ 139
1. Front View ...................................................................................................................... 139
1.1. Network Status LED .................................................................................................. 139
1.2. Module Status LED ................................................................................................... 139
1.3. Link/Acvity LED 3/4 ................................................................................................. 139
1.4. Ethernet Interface .................................................................................................... 140
2. Funconal Earth (FE) Requirements ..................................................................................... 140
3. Power Supply .................................................................................................................. 140
3.1. Supply Voltage ......................................................................................................... 140
3.2. Power Consumpon ................................................................................................. 140
4. Environmental Specicaon ............................................................................................... 140
5. EMC Compliance .............................................................................................................. 140
Appendix E. Backward Compability ........................................................................................... 141
1. Inial Consideraons ........................................................................................................ 141
2. Hardware Compability .................................................................................................... 142
2.1. Module .................................................................................................................. 142
2.2. Chip ....................................................................................................................... 142
2.3. Brick ...................................................................................................................... 143
2.4. Host Applicaon Interface .......................................................................................... 144
3. General Soware ............................................................................................................. 146
3.1. Extended Memory Areas ........................................................................................... 146
3.2. Faster Ping-Pong Protocol .......................................................................................... 146
3.3. Requests from Anybus CompactCom to Host Applicaon During Startup ............................ 146
3.4. Anybus Object (01h) ................................................................................................. 147
3.5. Control Register CTRL_AUX-bit .................................................................................... 147
3.6. Status Register STAT_AUX-bit ...................................................................................... 147
3.7. Control Register CTRL_R-bit ........................................................................................ 147
3.8. Modicaons of Status Register, Process Data Read Area, and Message Data Read Area ........ 147
4. Network Specic — BACnet/IP ........................................................................................... 148
4.1. Network Conguraon Object (04h) ............................................................................ 148
4.2. Reduced Network Resources Due to Memory Constraints ................................................ 148
Appendix F. Copyright Noces ................................................................................................... 149
Anybus® CompactCom 40 - BACnet/IP w. IT Funconality
SCM-1202-040 Version 1.5
This page is intenonally le blank.
1. Preface
1.1. About this document
This document is intended to provide a good understanding of the funconality oered by the Anybus
CompactCom 40 BACnet/IP. The document describes the features that are specic to Anybus CompactCom
40 BACnet/IP. For general informaon regarding Anybus CompactCom, consult the Anybus CompactCom design
The reader of this document is expected to be familiar with high level soware design and communicaon
systems in general. The informaon in this network guide should normally be sucient to implement a design.
However if advanced BACnet/IP specic funconality is to be used, in-depth knowledge of BACnet/IP networking
internals and/or informaon from the ocial BACnet/IP specicaons may be required. In such cases, the
persons responsible for the implementaon of this product should either obtain the BACnet/IP specicaon to
gain sucient knowledge or limit their implementaon in such a way that this is not necessary.
For addional related documentaon and le downloads, please visit the support website at
1.2. Related Documents
Document Author Document ID
Anybus CompactCom 40 Soware Design Guide HMS HMSI-216-125
Anybus CompactCom M40 Hardware Design Guide HMS HMSI-216-126
Anybus CompactCom B40 Design Guide HMS HMSI-27-230
Anybus CompactCom Host Applicaon Implementaon Guide HMS HMSI-27-334
BACnet specicaon ASHRAE Doc. Id. 135, 2020
1.3. Document History
Version Date Descripon
1.0 2017-06-14 First release
1.1 2017-07-10 Added appendix on backwards compability
BACnet objects updated
1.2 2018-05-08 Minor update
1.3 2018-10-17 Minor correcon to Network Conguraon Object
1.4 2019-02-27 Rebranding
Minor update
1.5 2023-10-20 Document migrated to Paligo
Added informaon about Network Port Object
Minor updates
1.4. Document Convenons
Numbered lists indicate tasks that should be carried out in sequence:
1. First do this
2. Then do this
Preface Anybus® CompactCom 40 - BACnet/IP w. IT Funconality
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Bulleted lists are used for:
Tasks that can be carried out in any order
Itemized informaon
User Interacon Elements
User interacon elements (buons etc.) are indicated with bold text.
Program Code and Scripts
Program code and script examples
Cross-References and Links
Cross-reference within this document: Document Convenons (page 1)
External link (URL):
Safety Symbols
Instrucons that must be followed to avoid an imminently hazardous situaon which, if not avoided,
will result in death or serious injury.
Instrucons that must be followed to avoid a potenal hazardous situaon that, if not avoided, could
result in death or serious injury.
Instrucon that must be followed to avoid a potenal hazardous situaon that, if not avoided, could
result in minor or moderate injury.
Instrucon that must be followed to avoid a risk of reduced funconality and/or damage to the
equipment, or to avoid a network security risk.
Informaon Symbols
Addional informaon which may facilitate installaon and/or operaon.
Helpful advice and suggesons.
1.5. Document Specic Convenons
The terms “Anybus” or “module” refers to the Anybus CompactCom module.
The terms “host” or “host applicaon” refer to the device that hosts the Anybus.
Hexadecimal values are wrien in the format NNNNh or 0xNNNN, where NNNN is the hexadecimal value.
A byte always consists of 8 bits.
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The terms “basic” and “extended” are used to classify objects, instances and aributes.
1.6. Trademark Informaon
Anybus® is a registered trademark of HMS Industrial Networks.
All other trademarks are the property of their respecve holders.
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2. About the Anybus CompactCom 40 BACnet/IP
2.1. General
The Anybus CompactCom 40 BACnet/IP communicaon module provides instant BACnet and BACnet/IP
connecvity via the patented Anybus CompactCom host interface. Any device that supports this standard can
take advantage of the features provided by the module, allowing seamless network integraon regardless of
network type.
This product conforms to all aspects of the host interface for Anybus CompactCom 40 modules dened in
the Anybus CompactCom 40 Hardware and Soware Design Guides, making it fully interchangeable with any
other device following that specicaon. Generally, no addional network related soware support is needed,
however in order to be able to take full advantage of advanced network specic funconality, a certain degree of
dedicated soware support may be necessary.
2.2. Features
Fullls all requirements for a BACnet/IP device
Two BACnet/IP ports
Data sharing
Linear network topology supported
100 Mbit, full/half duplex operaon
Web server w. customizable content
FTP server
E-mail client
Server Side Include (SSI) funconality
Customizable Identy Informaon
256 ADIs available in simple mode for mapping to BACnet objects
A total of 256 ADIs per BACnet object type available in advanced mode for mapping to BACnet objects
Transparent Socket Interface
Change Of Value (COV) nocaon and Alarm/Event funconality supported (max 64 ADIs available)
Support for Foreign Device Registraon funconality
2.3. Fieldbus Conformance Notes
BACnet Internaonal does not require a cercaon for the use of BACnet products.
The Anybus CompactCom 40 BACnet/IP has not been tested by BACnet Internaonal. However it is
recommended to test the nal product for conformance with BACnet/IP.
To enable the product to appear as a vendor specic implementaon rather than a generic Anybus module,
customize the informaon in the BACnet Object.
2.4. Cercaon
HMS Industrial Networks will not cerfy the Anybus CompactCom 40 BACnet/IP.
The module is implemented as a BACnet Applicaon Specic Controller (B-ASC). Even though HMS Industrial
Networks will not cerfy the module, the implementaon fullls the requirements for cercaon as a B-ASC.
See Implemented BACnet BIBBs (page 137) for a complete list of BACnet BIBBs implemented in the module.
Anybus® CompactCom 40 - BACnet/IP w. IT Funconality About the Anybus CompactCom 40 BACnet/IP
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3. Basic Operaon
3.1. General Informaon
3.1.1. Soware Requirements
No addional network support code needs to be wrien in order to support the Anybus CompactCom 40
BACnet/IP, however due to the nature of the BACnet/IP networking system certain restricons must be taken
into account:
There is no support for arrays of data elements in the ADIs as all data on BACnet is represented as single units
without any possibility to access data in any other way.
Data types UINT64, SINT64, BIT2-BIT7, BITSx, OCTET and PADx cannot be represented on BACnet. PADx can be
used for explicit padding of process data, but can not be translated to any BACnet object.
It is not possible to map read process data.
For in depth informaon regarding the Anybus CompactCom soware interface, consult the general Anybus
CompactCom 40 Soware Design Guide.
See also ...
Anybus-CompactCom 40 Soware Design Guide, Applicaon Data Object (FEh)
Network Object (03h) (page 87)
3.2. Device Customizaon
3.2.1. Network Identy
By default, the module uses the following identy sengs:
Vendor Name: “HMS Industrial Networks”
Vendor ID: 01E6h (HMS Industrial Networks)
Model Name “Anybus CompactCom 40 BACnet/IP”
Object Name “Anybus CompactCom 40 BACnet/IP”
Network Type 009Ah (“BACnet/IP”)
Product Name: CompactCom 40 BACnet/IP
Oponally, it is possible to customize the identy of the module by implemenng the corresponding instance
aributes in the BACnet Host Object.
See also...
BACnet Host Object (EFh) (page 125) (Host Applicaon Object)
Network Object (03h) (page 87)
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3.2.2. Web Interface
The web interface can be fully customized to suit a parcular applicaon. Data and web pages are stored in a
FLASH-based le system, which can be accessed using any standard FTP-client.
See also...
File System (page 26)
FTP Server (page 33)
Web Server (page 36)
3.2.3. Socket Interface (Advanced Users Only)
The built-in socket interface allows addional protocols to be implemented on top of TCP/IP.
See also...
Socket Interface Object (07h) (page 99) (Anybus Module Object)
Message Segmentaon (page 115)
3.3. BACnet/IP Implementaon
It is recommended to enable aribute 7 (Support advanced mapping) in the BACnet Host Object, to fully take
advantage of the funconality and exibility of the module.
The module is implemented as a B-ASC (BACnet Applicaon Specic Controller). It supports the following BACnet
Object Name Class
Device object 8
Analog Value object 2
Binary Value object 5
Mul-state Value object 19
Nocaon Class object 15
Network port object 56
Each Anybus CompactCom 40 BACnet/IP contains one Device object, three Network Port objects and six
Nocaon Class objects. These objects are xed and can not be changed by the applicaon.
The Analog Value, Binary Value, and Mul-State Value objects and their data are mapped against the ADIs in the
Applicaon Data object.
The BACnet Interoperability Building Blocks (BIBBs), that are implemented in the module, are listed in appendix
Implementaon Details (page 136).
See also...
Network Data Exchange (page 22)
Applicaon Data Object (see Anybus-CompactCom Soware Design Guide)
Implemented BACnet BIBBs (page 137)
Applicaon Data (ADIs) (page 22)
Mapping of BACnet Objects to Anybus CompactCom (page 23)
BACnet Host Object (EFh) (page 125)
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3.3.1. Device Object
The BACnet device object contains informaon about the module as a node on a BACnet network. Apart
from the value of the Object_Idener, the values of the properes in the object can not be changed by the
applicaon directly. Some values can be changed by seng the corresponding aributes in the BACnet Host
Properes that are stored in non volale memory, keep their assigned values when the module is turned o.
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Property Idener Value R/W NV Descripon/Comment
Object_Idener N/A R/W The instance number poron (device instance) of this property
is aected when the value aribute of Instance 3 in the
Network Conguraon Object is changed.
Object_Name “Anybus CompactCom
40 BACnet/IP”
R/W This property can be wrien to only if the Object Name in the
BACnet Host object can be set.
This property can be changed by seng the corresponding
aribute in the BACnet Host object.
Object_Type DEVICE R
R The status of the system is reported as NON_OPERATIONAL
if the Anybus CompactCom module has entered the ERROR
state. Otherwise the state is reported as OPERATIONAL.
Vendor_Name “HMS Industrial
R This property can be changed by seng the corresponding
aribute in the BACnet Host object.
Vendor_Idener 486 R HMS Industrial Networks
This property can be changed by seng the corresponding
aribute in the BACnet Host object.
Model_Name “Anybus CompactCom
40 BACnet/IP”
R This property can be changed by seng the corresponding
aribute in the BACnet Host object.
Firmware_Revision N/A R Firmware revision of the Anybus CompactCom 40 BACnet/IP
as a string. This property can be changed by seng the
corresponding aribute in the BACnet Host object.
Applicaon_Soware_Revision N/A R
Protocol_Version 1 R
Protocol_Revision 22 R
Protocol_Service_Supported 10010100 00001011
11001000 00100000
11100001 00000000 0
R Bit map stang what protocol services are supported in the
object, see Supported BACnet Services (page 19).
Protocol_Object_Types_Supported 00X00X00 10000001
000X0000 00000000
00000000 00000000
00000000 1000000
R Bit map stang what object types are supported in the object.
X = 1 if the object type is supported by the host.
Analog-value = X
binary-value = X
device = 1
nocaon-class = 1
mul-state value = X
network-port = 1
Object_List R This list is lled based on the ADIs that are implemented in the
Max_APDU_Length_Accepted 1024 R
Segmentaon_Supported SUPPORTED_BOTH R Segmentaon supported for both Rx and Tx APDU.
Max_Segments_Accepted 32 R Supporng 32 segments
Number of maximum length APDUs that can be received in a
segmented message. This is the maximum APDU payload in a
request aer segmentaon.
Local_Time N/A R The local me is synchronized from the applicaon at
power up or set from the BACnet network via the
TimeSynchronizaon service.
Local_Date N/A R The local date is synchronized from the applicaon at
power up or set from the BACnet network via the
TimeSynchronizaon service.
APDU_Timeout 10000 (default)
Valid range: 0 - 65535
R/W NV APDU transacon meout (ms).
The value 0 is only valid if Number_Of_APDU_Retries = 0.
Number_Of_APDU_Retries 3 (default)
Valid range: 0 - 255
R/W NV Number of APDU transacon and/or segment retransmission
Device_Address_Binding N/A R Managed by the APL layer and contains the list of all device
address bindings of acve client processes inside the Anybus
CompactCom BACnet/IP module.
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Property Idener Value R/W NV Descripon/Comment
Database_Revision N/A R NV Incremented by 1 each me an object idener is changed or
the name of a BACnet object is changed.
APDU_Segment_Timeout 5000 (default)
Valid range: 0 - 65535
R/W NV APDU segment meout (ms).
The value 0 is only valid if Number_Of_APDU_Retries = 0.
Acve_COV_Subscripons R Populated based on acve COV subscripon (max. 60) entries
in AE module. Registered with SubscribeCOV service.
Property_List See descripon R Array containing all properes supported by the device
object, except Object_Name, Object_Type, Object_Idener
and Property_List:
[ System_Status, Vendor_Name, Vendor_Idener,
Model_Name, Firmware_Revision,
Applicaon_Soware_Version, Protocol_Version,
Protocol_Revision, Protocol_Service_Supported,
Protocol_Object_Types_Supported, Object_List,
Max_APDU_Length_Accepted, Segmentaon_Supported,
Max_Segments_Accepted, Local_Time, Local_Date,
APDU_Timeout, Number_Of_APDU_Retries,
Device_Address_Binding, Database_Revision,
APDU_Segment_Timeout, Acve_COV_Subscripons ]
Serial_Number Serial number of
the module assigned
during producon.
R This property can be changed via the BACnet Host Object (EFh)
(page 125).
3.3.2. Analog Value Object
The analog value object is mapped to ADIs of data types that represent analog values, e.g. UINT16.
Properes that are stored in non volale memory, keep their assigned values when the module is turned o. The
properes are only available if the corresponding ADI is mapped on the write process data channel and will be
set to default at a change in the write process data map.
See also...
Mapping of BACnet Objects to Anybus CompactCom (page 23)
Communicaon Sengs (page 21)
Alarm/Event Funconality (page 28)
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Property Idener Value R/W NV Descripon/Comment
Object_Idener N/A R
Object_Name N/A R/W In simple mode: Analog_Value_# (# = instance number). The
property is not writable.
In advanced mode: Corresponding ADI name. The property
is writable if the Set_Aribute service, to update the Name
aribute of the Applicaon Data Instances, is supported.
If the host applicaon for any reason returns an error code
when the ADI name is read, the BACnet device class error code
OPERATIONAL_PROBLEM is returned to the network.
Present_Value N/A R/W Corresponding ADI value converted to Real. If the host
applicaon for any reason returns an error code, the BACnet
device class error code OPERATIONAL_PROBLEM is returned to
the network.
Status_Flags F, F, F, F R Bit string of Status ags indicang the status of the object.
Bits 1 - 3: not used. Set to FALSE.
Event_State NORMAL (0) R Valid states:
Out_Of_Service FALSE R Always FALSE
COV_Increment 0 R/W NV Min. value: 0
Max. value: Corresponding ADI data type max value.
Time_Delay 0 R/W NV Time delay for an event to be triggered aer occurrence (s)
Min. value: 0
Max. value: UINT32max/1000
Nocaon_Class 0 R/W NV Min. value: 0
Max. value: 5
High_Limit 0 R/W NV Min. value: Min. value of the ADI’s data type
Max. value: Max. value of the ADI’s data typeLow_Limit 0 R/W NV
Deadband 0 R/W NV Min. value: 0
Max. value: Corresponding ADI data type max value
Limit_Enable F, F R/W NV Bit string that determines what TO event limits are enabled
Event_Enable F, F, F R/W NV Bit string that determines what TO events that are enabled
Bit 1: not used. Set to FALSE.
Nofy_Type Alarm R/W NV Species the classicaon of an TO event that is sent by this
Acked_Transions T, T, T R Bit string that determines what TO events have been
acknowledged by a BACnet recipient.
Only available if the corresponding ADI is mapped on the write
process data channel.
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Property Idener Value R/W NV Descripon/Comment
Event_Time_Stamps N/A R Array of BACnetTimeStamp that species the last TO event
stamp that was triggered.
Only available if the corresponding ADI is mapped on the write
process data channel.
(ArrayIdx 0: Number of elements)
ArrayIdx 2: TO-FAULT
ArrayIdx 3: TO-NORMAL
Event_Detecon_Enable TRUE R/W NV This property species if alarm/event detecon is enabled for
the object.
Note: Property is only available if the corresponding ADI is
mapped on write process data.
See Setup of Alarm and Events (page 29) for more details
regarding this property.
Property_List See descripon R Array containing all properes supported by the analog value
object, except Object_Name, Object_Type, Object_Idener
and Property_List:
Corresponding ADI not mapped on write PD:
[ Present_Value, Status_Flags, Event_State, Out_Of_Service,
Units ]
Corresponding ADI mapped on write PD:
[ Present_Value, Status_Flags, Event_State, Out_Of_Service,
Units, COV_Increment, Time_Delay, Nocaon_Class,
High_Limit, Low_Limit, Deadband, Limit_Enable,
Event_Enable, Acked_Transions, Nofy_Type,
Event_Time_Stamps, Event_Detecon_Enable]
Non volale properes are kept in non volale memory unl the write process data map changes. Aer a change
to the write process data map, the BACnet object properes will be set to their default values. Non volale
properes are saved to non volale memory immediately aer they are changed.
The Present_Value property is linked to the Value aribute of the corresponding ADI. A successful read request
from the network will return a value that will be converted to a BACnet Real value and returned to the network.
If an error is returned from the applicaon, the BACnet device class error code OPERATIONAL_PROBLEM is
returned to the network.
When the Present_Value property is wrien from the network, the BACnet Real value is converted to the data
type of the corresponding ADI. For all data types, except FLOAT, all decimal precision is lost. If error code Out of
range or Aribute not seable is returned, the corresponding BACnet error code will be returned to the network.
Any other error code will be translated to OPERATIONAL_PROBLEM.
3.3.3. Binary Value Object
The binary value object is mapped to ADIs of data type BOOL.
Properes that are stored in non volale memory, keep their assigned values when the module is turned o. The
properes are only available if the corresponding ADI is mapped on the write process data channel and will be
set to default at a change in the write process data map.
See also...
Mapping of BACnet Objects to Anybus CompactCom (page 23)
Communicaon Sengs (page 21)
Alarm/Event Funconality (page 28)
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Property Idener Value R/W NV Descripon/Comment
Object_Idener N/A R
Object_Name N/A R/W In simple mode: Binary_Value_# (# = instance number). The
property is not writable.
In advanced mode: Corresponding ADI name. The property
is writable if the Set_Aribute service, to update the Name
aribute of the Applicaon Data Instances, is supported.
If read request for any reason returns a error code
from the applicaon, the BACnet device class error code
OPERATIONAL_PROBLEM is returned to the network.
Present_Value N/A R/W Corresponding ADI value
Status_Flags F, F, F, F R Bit string of Status ags indicang the status of the object.
Bits 1 - 3: not used. Set to FALSE.
Event_State NORMAL R Valid states:
Out_Of_Service FALSE R Always FALSE
Time_Delay 0 R/W NV Time delay for an event to be triggered aer occurrence (s)
Nocaon_Class 0 R/W NV Min. value: 0
Max. value: 5
Alarm_Value INACTIVE (0) R/W NV
Event_Enable N/A R/W NV Bit string that determines what TO event is enabled
Bit 1: not used. Set to FALSE.
Nofy_Type Alarm R/W NV Species the classicaon of an TO event that is sent by this
Acked_Transions T, T, T R Bit string that determines what TO events have been
acknowledged by a BACnet recipient.
Only available if the corresponding ADI is mapped on the write
process data channel.
Event_Time_Stamps N/A R
Event_Detecon_Enable TRUE R/W NV This property species if alarm/event detecon is enabled for
the object.
Note: Property is only available if the corresponding ADI is
mapped on write process data.
See Setup of Alarm and Events (page 29) for more details
regarding this property.
Property_List See descripon R Array containing all properes supported by the binary value
object, except Object_Name, Object_Type, Object_Idener
and Property_List:
Corresponding ADI not mapped on write PD:
[ Present_Value, Status_Flags, Event_State, Out_Of_Service ]
Corresponding ADI mapped on write PD:
[ Present_Value, Status_Flags, Event_State, Out_Of_Service,
Time_Delay, Nocaon_Class, Alarm_Value, Event_Enable,
Acked_Transions, Nofy_Type, Event_Time_Stamps,
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