Genesis Gen6 Premium Owner's manual

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Owner's Manual | warranty
GenesIs G80
Thank you for purchasing this Gen6
Premium Class Navigation.
This user’s manual explains how to use the Gen6 Premium
Class Navigation.
Before using the product, read the contents of this user’s
manual carefully and use this product safely.
The screens shown in this manual may differ with the actual
screens of the product.
The design and speci󲺬cation of this product may change without
prior noti󲺬cation for product improvement.
When transferring the vehicle to another individual, include this
user’s manual so that the next driver can continue its use.
Table of contents
Table of conTenTs 3
name and funcTion of
each componenT 13
head uniT .......................13
fronT seaT conTrol KeYs ........14
sTeering wheel remoTe conTrol 16
basic conTrols 18
Turning The sYsTem on .........18
Turning The sYsTem off .........18
Turning aV off .................19
Turning aV on ..................19
Volume conTrol ...............19
Radio/Media VoluMe ContRol ..19
Bluetooth audio VoluMe ContRol
VoiCe ReCognition guide VoluMe
ContRol ......................19
Bluetooth phone VoluMe ContRol
sYsTem reseT ....................20
using conTroller and Touchpad 20
how To use Touch screen ......21
basic conTrols of home screen 22
ediTing home screen ...........23
sTarTing naVigaTion 25
general informaTion of
naVigaTion use ...............25
naVigation use RestRiCtions ....25
What is gnss? ...................26
aBout satellite signals .........26
aCquiRing satellite signals .....26
map screen composiTion 27
acTiVaTing naVigaTion 29
sTarTing naVigaTion ............29
Current LoCation SpeCi󲹔Cation 29
simple naVigaTion feaTure .......29
changing map View ............30
swiTching map scale ...........31
Manually sWitChing Map sCale .31
autoMatiCally sWitChing Map
sCale .........................31
naVigaTion Volume .............32
naVigaTion seTTings ............33
preVious desTinaTions seTTings . 34
regisTering locaTion ...........35
poi .............................36
setting poi display ..............36
seaRChes poi CategoRies ........37
home, worK, faVoriTe ...........38
saVing FaVoRite .................38
editing FaVoRite ................39
deleting FaVoRite ...............40
adding/ediTing/deleTing mY places
adding My plaCes ..............41
editing RegisteRed My plaCes ...42
soRting RegisteRed My plaCes ..43
deleting RegisteRed My plaCes ..44
managing address booK .......45
iMpoRting addRess Book FRoM usB
MeMoRy .......................45
expoRting addRess Book to usB
MeMoRy .......................46
Table of conTenTs
Table of contents
seTTing desTinaTions for
naVigaTion 47
desTinaTion search screen .....47
seTTing desTinaTions bY search . 48
seTTing desTinaTions bY preVious
desTinaTions ..................50
seTTing desTinaTions bY address
booK .........................51
seTTing desTinaTion wiTh home/
worK .........................51
seTTing desTinaTions bY poi .....52
seTTing desTinaTions bY genesis
serVices ......................54
seTTing desTinaTions Via scroll . 55
seTTing rouTes for
naVigaTion 56
rouTe displaY ...................56
pause rouTe/resume rouTe ......57
cancel rouTe ...................57
rouTe opTions ..................57
ediT rouTe ......................58
adding Waypoints ..............58
shoW Map/delete Waypoints ....59
Changing Route oRdeR .........59
rouTe oVerView .................60
rouTe info./aVoid ...............61
desTinaTion info. ...............62
genesis connecTed
genesis connecTed
serVices 64
before using genesis connecTed
serVices ......................64
What is genesis ConneCted
seRViCes? ......................64
What is teleMatiCs? .............64
aBout tRansMission and ReCeption
oF Radio WaVes ...............64
geTTing sTarTed wiTh genesis
connecTed serVices ..........65
weaTher ........................66
calendar .......................67
seaRChing destination .........67
EvEnt noti󲹔cation. . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
Vehicle diagnosTics ............69
mainTenance ...................70
genesis connecTed serVices
seTTings ......................71
seRViCe aCtiVation ..............71
ModeM inFoRMation. . . . . . . . . . . .72
ModeM status ..................72
genesis connecTed serVices
feaTures ......................73
saFety ...........................73
CaR CaRe .......................74
ReMote seRViCe .................75
VehiCle saFeguaRd ..............76
daTa serVices
abouT hd radio daTa
serVices 79
accessing hd radio daTa serVices
traf󲹔C 80
doppler radar 81
fuel prices 82
󲹔nding gaS Station .............82
searching for gas sTaTion .....83
faVoriTes .......................84
adding to FaVoRites ............84
Table of contents
deleting FaVoRites ..............85
driVer assisTance
driVer assisTance 87
sMaRt CRuise ContRol ..........87
dRiVing ConVenienCe ...........87
speed liMit ......................87
WaRning tiMing ................88
WaRning VoluMe ...............88
haptiC WaRning ................88
dRiVeR attention WaRning .....88
FoRWaRd saFety. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88
lane saFety .....................88
Blind-spot saFety ...............89
paRking saFety ..................89
plaYing usb 91
usb music screen composiTion . 91
plaYing usb music ..............94
pause/play ......................94
play pReVious/next MusiC .......94
FoRWaRd/ReVeRse seaRCh .......95
seaRCh pReVious/next MusiC ....95
VieWing list .....................96
Shuf󲹕E Play .....................97
Repeat ...........................98
hidE currEnt 󲹔lE ...............99
songs FoR this aRtist ......... 100
songs FoR this alBuM. . . . . . . . . 100
sound settings ............... 100
usb Video screen composiTion . 101
plaYing usb Video ..............103
pause/play .................... 103
sWitChing usB display sCReen
(BasiC Mode sCReen/entiRe
sCReen) ..................... 103
Play PrEviouS/nExt 󲹔lE ........ 104
FoRWaRd/ReVeRse seaRCh ..... 104
SEarching PrEviouS/nExt 󲹔lE . 104
VieWing list ................... 105
Repeat ......................... 106
󲹔lE information ...............107
suBtitle settings ...............107
display settings ............... 108
sound settings ............... 108
VoiCe settings ................ 108
blueTooTh audio 109
acTiVaTing blueTooTh audio mode
pause/play .................... 110
Play PrEviouS/nExt 󲹔lE ........ 110
Change deViCe ................ 111
sound settings ............... 111
sounds of naTure 112
plaYing sounds of naTure .....112
sound settings ............... 112
plaYing phone projecTion
using android auTo or apple
carplaY ......................113
acTiVaTing radio 115
fm or am mode screen
composiTion ................115
acTiVaTing fm or am mode .....118
selecTing a radio frequencY ..119
Manually seleCting a FRequenCy .
autoMatiCally seleCting a
FRequenCy .................. 120
seleCting FRequenCy With pReset
list .......................... 120
Viewing sTaTion lisT ............121
saVing radio frequencY in preseT
lisT ..........................122
scanning radio frequencY ....123
Table of contents
deleTing preseTs ...............124
radio TexT on/off .............125
sound seTTings ................125
lisTening To hd radio™ 126
hd radio™ screen .............126
hd radio™ on/off .............128
lisTening To siriusxm™
radio 129
siriusxm™ screen ..............130
selecTing siriusxm™ broadcasT
channel .....................132
seleCting a Channel thRough
Manual seaRCh ............. 132
seleCting With Channel up/doWn
seleCting a Channel thRough
pReset ....................... 132
seleCting Channel thRough
Channel/CategoRy list ..... 133
sCanning siRiusxM™ BRoadCast
Channel .................... 134
enTer channel ................135
saVing siriusxm™ preseT. . . . . . . . 136
program guide ................137
feaTured faVoriTes .............138
subscripTion sTaTus ............139
blueTooTh 141
blueTooTh® wireless TechnologY .
What is Bluetooth WiReless
teChnology? ................141
pReCautions FoR saFe dRiVing ..141
Cautions upon ConneCting
Bluetooth phone ............142
pairing and connecTing The head
uniT and a blueTooTh phone . 143
When no phones haVe Been paiRed
When a phone is alReady paiRed 146
Change deViCe ................ 150
disConneCting the ConneCted
phone ...................... 150
deleting Bluetooth deViCes ... 151
maKing phone calls 152
maKing a phone call bY enTering
The number ..................152
maKing phone calls Via Voice
recogniTion .................153
maKing phone calls Via speed dial
maKing phone calls Via re-dial 154
receiVing phone calls .........154
responding To incoming call wiTh
TexT .........................155
rejecTing phone calls .........156
swiTching calls To mobile phone/
hands-free ..................157
hanging up calls ..............158
seTTing blueTooTh .............158
seTTing ouTgoing Volume. . . . . . 159
seTTing mic on/off ............159
swiTching KeYpad ..............160
using recenT call record
downloading recenT call record
dial recenT call record .......162
faVoriTe conTacTs 163
downloading faVoriTes saVed in
phone .......................163
maKing phone calls regisTered
from phone Via faVoriTes ....163
regisTering conTacTs in faVoriTes
Table of contents
maKing phone calls Via faVoriTes .
ediTing conTacTs in faVoriTes ..165
deleTing conTacTs from faVoriTes
using conTacTs 167
downloading conTacTs from
mobile phone ................167
searching in conTacTs ........168
using dial screen 169
message 172
checKing new messages .......172
checKing message conTenT ....173
sYsTem seTTings 175
seTTings screen composiTion ..175
uSer pro󲹔Le SettingS 176
sound seTTings 177
posiTion .......................177
sound Tune ....................178
guidance ......................179
sYsTem Volumes ................180
radio noise conTrol ..........181
reseTs sound seTTings .........182
Voice recogniTion seTTings
deVice connecTion
seTTings 184
blueTooTh connecTions .......184
auTo connecTion prioriTY .....186
MeSSage noti󲹔Cation ..........187
prede󲹔ned MeSSageS ...........188
blueTooTh Voice prompTs ......189
priVacY mode ..................189
blueTooTh sYsTem info .........190
VehiCle naMe ................. 190
reseT blueTooTh seTTings ......191
phone projecTion seTTings ....192
Vehicle seTTings 193
driVe mode ....................193
acTiVe sound design ...........194
head-up displaY ................194
clusTer ........................195
climaTe ........................196
seaT ...........................197
lighT ..........................198
door ..........................199
digiTal KeY .....................200
conVenience ..................201
reseT ..........................202
naVigaTion seTTings 203
displaY ........................203
Table of contents
guidance ......................204
alerT ..........................205
oThers ........................206
displaY seTTings 207
illuminaTion ...................207
BLue Light 󲹔Lter ................208
adjusT Video ..................209
Video displaY raTio ............210
screen saVer ..................210
home screen laYouT ...........211
spliT screen ...................212
fonT size ......................213
home wallpaper ...............213
displaY media change
noti󲹔CationS ................214
Keeps rear camera .............215
reseTs displaY seTTings .........216
buTTon/Touchpad seTTings
cusTom buTTon
(bY radio)/
cusTom buTTon
wheel) .......................217
mode buTTon (sTeering wheel) . 218
home buTTon (bY genesis
conTroller) .................218
fronT Touchpad hapTics .......219
genesis conTroller: radio .....219
connecTed seTTings 220
serVice acTiVaTion .............220
modem informaTion ...........221
modem sTaTus .................221
general seTTings 222
sYsTem informaTion checK and
updaTe guide ................222
soFtWaRe inFoRMation ....... 222
update ........................ 222
sYsTem info ....................223
stoRage ...................... 223
Resets systeM inFoRMation
settings .................... 223
daTe/Time ......................224
gps tiMe ........................224
tiMe settings .................. 225
daylight saVing tiMe ......... 226
tiMe FoRMat .................. 227
language. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
KeYboard ......................229
uniT ...........................229
abouT phone projecTion
whaT is android auTo/apple
carplaY? .....................231
Table of contents
Voice memo 234
Voice memo screen composiTion .
VoiCe MeMo geneRal sCReen
CoMposition ............... 234
creaTing a Voice memo ........236
getting staRted With VoiCe MeMo
pausing VoiCe MeMo .......... 236
ending and saVing oF VoiCe MeMo
running Voice memo ..........237
playBaCk and pause oF VoiCe MeMo
playing pReVious/next VoiCe MeMo
FoRWaRd/BaCkWaRd seaRCh .. 237
deleting VoiCe MeMo ......... 238
saVing a VoiCe MeMo to usB .. 239
using Voice recogniTion
sYsTem 240
whaT is Voice recogniTion? ....240
Voice recogniTion feaTures bY
language ....................240
operaTing Voice command ....241
Condition FoR VoiCe CoMMand
systeM .......................241
staRting VoiCe ReCognition ...242
skipping pRoMpt Messages .....242
Re-staRting VoiCe ReCognition 242
ending VoiCe ReCognition ....242
adjusting VoiCe ReCognition
VoluMe ......................242
BasiC opeRation FoR VoiCe
CoMMand (setting FM) .......243
aBout VoiCe CoMMand “help”. .244
Voice command lisT ...........245
phone CoMMands .............245
Radio CoMMands .............246
naVigation CoMMands ........247
otheR CoMMands .............248
list oF neaRest loCations ......249
rear View moniTor (rVm) -
opTion 259
abouT rear View moniTor ......259
tuRning on the ReaR VieW
MonitoR .................... 259
surround View moniTor
(sVm) - opTion 260
abouT sVm .....................260
operaTing fronT sVm ..........260
operaTing rear sVm ............262
camera seTTings ...............263
warning displaY ...............264
climaTe 265
Table of contents
operaTing climaTe .............265
conTrolling rear seaT climaTe 267
manual 268
web manual(naVigaTion) .......268
Vehicle quicK guide ............268
handwriTing manual ..........269
noti󲹔Cation 270
ValeT mode 271
Turn on ValeT mode ...........271
Turn off ValeT mode ...........272
seaT 273
precauTions for safeTY 275
noTaTions used wiThin This user's
manual ......................275
fcc noTice (for usa) ...........279
FCC Radio FRequenCy inteRFeRenCe
RequiReMents (FoR unii deViCes) .
FCC RF Radiation exposuRe
stateMent (FoR haVing WiReless
FunCtion (Wlan, Bluetooth,...)) ..
general informaTion 280
cauTions for The use of usb ...280
pLayaBLe 󲹔Le Standard .........281
PlayablE audio 󲹔lE Standard (uSb)
PlayablE vidEo 󲹔lE Standard .. 281
playaBle suBtitle standaRd .... 281
before ThinKing
The producT has
malfuncTioned 282
before You ThinK The
producT is defecTiVe 284
TroubleshooTing 285
TrademarKs and licenses
dts 2.0 .........................287
siRiusxM™ ..................... 288
hd Radio™ teChnology ...... 288
naVigaTion ....................289
end useR liCense agReeMent .. 289
teRMs and Conditions ....... 289
CopyRight FoR BRand iCon ... 295
CopyRight FoR junCtion VieW 295
aBout Map updates ............ 295
SpeCi󲹔Cation 296
Table of contents
aV/naVigaTion producT
SpeCi󲹔Cation ................296
genesis connecTed serVice
Terminal producT sTandard . 298
open source sofTware
noTice 299
Name and Function of each Component
name and funcTion of each
head uniT
The image of this product may be different from the actual product.
a MAP button
Moves to the map screen showing the current position of vehicle.
When the destination is set, the voice navigation starts on the map screen.
b NAV button
Moves to the navigation menu.
Press and hold to move to the destination search screen.
c RADIO button
Activates radio mode.
Each button press changes the mode in sequence of FM > AM > SXM > FM.
d MEDIA button
Press this button to switch between the media menu screen and media play screen.
Press and hold to move to the media menu screen.
(Custom) button
User may select and use a desired feature with this button.
Press and hold to move to the custom button settings screen.
f SETUP button
Moves to the settings screen.
Press and hold to move to the software information screen.
Name and Function of each Component
fronT seaT conTrol KeYs
The image of this product may be different from the actual product.
/VOL wheel button
Press brie󲺭y to turn AV on/off.
Press and hold to turn on or off the display.
Turn the wheel up/down to adjust the volume.
b BACK button
Press brie󲺭y to move to the previous screen.
Press and hold to go to the home screen.
c HOME button
Press brie󲺭y to go to the home screen.
Press and hold to go to the map screen.
d TUNE button
Radio mode: Turning the wheel up/down to increases/decreases the frequency by one
step. (FM: 0.2MHz, AM: 10KHz)
SXM mode: Turning the wheel up/down to increases/decreases the channel by one
USB/Sounds of nature mode: Search for a 󲺬le by turning the wheel up/down. And, when
the name of desired 󲺬le is displayed, press the button to play the 󲺬le.
Name and Function of each Component
e MENU button
Displays a pop-up menu for each mode when pressed brie󲺭y.
Turns on and off the split screen on the map when pressed and held.
f Controller
Use controller to move and select the menu.
Name and Function of each Component
sTeering wheel remoTe conTrol
The image of this product may be different from the actual product.
(Voice Recognition) button
When it is pressed shortly
- Activates voice recognition mode.
- Press and hold the button to cancel voice recognition.
When it is pressed and held
- Activates voice recognition mode of the connected phone projection device.
(Bluetooth Call) button
When it is pressed shortly
Searches new Bluetooth phone or connects the registered phone if Bluetooth is not
If Bluetooth is connected,
- If selected in the call waiting screen, displays call history screen.
- If selected in call history screen, makes a call to last called number.
- If selected in phone dial screen, enters the last call number.
- If selected in phone reception alert screen, answers the phone call.
- If selected in calling, ends the call.
When it is pressed and held
When Bluetooth is connected, if selected in Bluetooth hand free waiting mode, redials.
If selected in pop-up of calling, rejects the call.
Name and Function of each Component
(Custom) button
User may select and use a desired feature with this button.
Press and hold to move to the custom button settings screen.
d MODE button
When it is pressed shortly
- Selects a mode from Bluetooth audio, FM, AM, SXM, USB music, USB video, phone projection or
sounds of nature.
When it is pressed and held
- Moves to the mode button (steering wheel) settings screen.
Turn the wheel up/down to adjust the volume.
(MUTE) button
Press the wheel to turn mute on/off.
f S/W button
When it is pressed shortly
- In FM/AM mode, selects a preset radio station.
- In SXM mode, plays broadcast channel saved in the preset.
- In media mode, searches track, 󲺬le or chapter.
When it is pressed and held
- In FM/AM mode, broadcasting are automatically searched.
- In SXM mode, moves previous/next channel based on the currently playing channel.
- While USB mode activated, rewinds or fast forwards the 󲺬le.
Basic Controls
basic conTrols
Turning The sYsTem on
The image of this product may be different from the actual product.
1. Press the engine start button.
Once the system is turned on, the booting process will start and the safety warning page is
Press [Language] to change the language of system display. For more details, refer to
the "Language".
Press [Driver 1], [Driver 2] or [Guest] to change the pro󲺬le of system. For details, refer to
"User Pro󲺬le settings".
2. Press [Con󲺬rm].
You cannot operate the system while it is booting up. It may take some time for all of
features of the system boot up.
The safety warning page is displayed every time the ACC is turned on. The displayed
warnings are related to safety, please closely read and comply with the safety warnings.
Turning The sYsTem off
Press and hold [
/VOL] the wheel on the front seat control key.
To turn the system on again, press [
/VOL] the wheel on the front seat control key.
Check the volume when turning on the system.
Before turning on the system, adjust the volume to a reasonable level.
Basic Controls
Turning aV off
Press [
/VOL] the wheel on the front seat control key when the AV is ON.
Turning aV on
Press [
/VOL] the wheel on the front seat control key when the AV is OFF.
Volume conTrol
radio/media Volume conTrol
When radio/media is in play, turn [
/VOL] the wheel up/down on the front seat control key to
control the volume.
blueTooTh audio Volume conTrol
When Bluetooth audio is in play, turn [
/VOL] the wheel up/down on the front seat control key
to control the volume.
Voice recogniTion guide Volume conTrol
When voice guidance is in play, turn [
/VOL] the wheel up/down on the front seat control key
to control the volume.
blueTooTh phone Volume conTrol
During Bluetooth phone call, turn [
/VOL] the wheel up/down on the front seat control key to
control the volume.
Basic Controls
sYsTem reseT
This feature is used to reset the system in the occurrence of an unforeseen error or problem.
Press [MAP] button and [SETUP] button for 5 seconds.
using conTroller and Touchpad
Rotate controller to left/right or use touchpad to switch or select the menu.
Controller Details
Rotate controller to left/right to switch the menu.
Swipe up/down/left/right to switch the menu.
Press touchpad to select the menu.
Write the desired words or gesture on the touchpad.
Press controller to up/down/left/right to focus menu or move map position.