B, C key to add and reduce address code values
Channel selection(10CH, 6CH、18CH、)
B, C key to add and reduce value
Colorful hop, (01—99)
B、C to alter the jump and change speed
Colorful shade,( 01—99)
B and C to modify pulse variable, velocity gradient
Colorful varible, (01—99)
B, C key to modify combination change speed
Red shade selection,( 000—255)
B、C key to modify shade selection
Green shade selection,( 000—255)
B、C key to modify shade selection
Blue shade selection,( 000—255)
B、C key to modify shade selection
White shade selection,( 000—255)
B、C key to modify shade selection
The motor position,( 000—255)
B、C key to modify The motor position
3.DMX512 10 channel instructions
R、G、B、W total dimmer,linear dimmer,from dark to bright
R dimmer,linear dimmer,from dark to bright
G dimmer,linear dimmer,from dark to bright
B dimmer,linear dimmer,from dark to bright
W dimmer,linear dimmer,from dark to bright
R、G、B、W total strobe,from slow to fast
0--20: DMX 9channel control;
21--40 Color selection(The motor is controlled by 512);
61--80: gradual change(The motor is controlled by 512);
81--100: Pulse variable(The motor is controlled by 512);
101--120:voice control1(The motor is controlled by 512);
121--140:voice control2(The motor is controlled by 512);
141--160: hop(motor built-in process);
161--180: gradual change(motor built-in process);
181--200: Pulse variable(motor built-in process);
201--220:voice control1(motor built-in process);
221--255:voice control2(motor built-in process);