• Setup button:
o You can add the needed color profiles in the next folder so that FreeHand
shows them: Windows/System32 folder.
o Monitor: Select the current display profile.
o Monitor simulates: Composite printer.
o Separation printer: Europe ISO Coated FOGRA27 (for Europe), SWOP
Printer (for US) and Japan Standard v2 (for Japan).
o Intent: Relative Colorimetric.
o Check temporally the Composite simulates separations checkbox to
choose the Composite printer profile.
o Composite printer: Select the same profile you have selected in the
Separation printer option.
o Uncheck the Composite simulates separations checkbox.
o RGB image source: Select Adobe RGB (1998).
o Select OK.
6. For non-PostScript printers, FreeHand queries the system, and asks it to provide a “drawing area”
in memory. We then need to configure the preview settings in order to get a good resolution
output. Edit Menu > Preferences > Redraw tab:
• Select Smart image preview resolution if it is not already selected. Set this option
to Full Resolution to display imported TIFF files at the highest resolution available.
• Select OK.
7. Open your document, File menu > Open…, create a new one, File menu > New…, or
import an image, File menu > Import….
8. Make sure that you have configured the document properly (document size and orientation),
9. Properties panel > Document tab (Window menu > Document).