This product includes the En voy SNMP Eng ine, developed by Epilogue Technol ogy, an In tegrated Systems Company. Copyright
© 1986- 1997, Epilogue Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. This program and its documentation were developed
at p rivate expense, and n o part of them is in the public domain .
This product includes memory allocatio n software developed by Mark Moraes, co pyrigh t © 1988, 19 89, 1993, University of Toronto.
This product includ e s FreeBSD software developed by the University of California, Ber keley, and its contributors. All of the documentation and
software included in the 4.4BSD a nd 4.4BSD-Lite Releases is copyrighted by the Regent s of the University of California. Copyright © 1979, 1980,
1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 19 92, 1993, 1994. The Regent s of the University of California. All rig hts reserved.
GateD software copyri ght © 1995, the Regents of the University. A ll rights reserved. Gate Daemon wa s origina ted and developed through release
3.0 by Cornell University an d its collaborators. Gated is based on Kirton’s EGP, UC Berkeley’s routing daemon (routed), and DCN’s HELLO routing
protocol. Development of Gat ed has been supported in par t by the Nation al Science Foundation. Portio ns of the G ateD software copyright © 1988,
Regents of t he University of California. All rights reserved. Portions of the GateD software copyright © 1991, D. L. S. A ssociat es.
This product includes soft ware developed by Maker Comm u nications, Inc., Copyright © 1996, 19 97, Maker Communication s, Inc.
Juniper Ne tworks, the Juniper N etwor ks logo, NetScreen, N etS creen Technologies, the NetScreen logo, N et Screen-Global Pro, ScreenOS, and
GigaScreen are registered tradem ark s of Juniper Networks, Inc. in the Un ited States and other countries.
The following are trademarks of Juniper Networks, Inc.: ERX, ESP, E-series, Instant Virtual Extranet, Internet Processor, J2300, J4300, J6300, J-Protect,
NetScreen-5XP, Net Screen-5X T, NetScreen-25, NetScreen-50, NetS creen-204, N e tS creen-208, N etS creen-500, NetScreen-5200, NetScreen-54 00,
NetScreen-IDP 10, N etS creen-ID P 100, N et Screen-IDP 500, NetS creen-Remote Security Client, NetScreen-Remote VPN C lien t, N etScreen-SA 1000 Series,
NetScreen-SA 3000 Series, Net Screen-SA 5 000 Series, N etScreen-SA Central Manager, N et Screen S ecure Access, Net Screen-SM 3000, NetScreen-Security
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Junip er Networks ass umes n o responsibility for any inaccuracies in this doc ume nt. Juniper Network s reserves the r ight to
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Copyright © 2004, Juniper N et works, Inc. All rights reserved.
J-seriesâ„¢ S ervices Router User Gui de,
Copyright © 2004, Juniper Networks, Inc.
All rights reserved. Print ed in U SA.
Writing: Michael Bushong, Taffy Everts, Walter Goralski, J oshua Kim, Jerry Isaac, Frank Reade, Swapna Steiger, and Alan Twhigg
Editing: Taffy Everts
Illustra tion: Faith Bradford Brown and Nathaniel Woodward
Cover Design: Edmonds Design
Revision History
4 November 2004—Revision 1.
The information in this document is current as o f the date listed in the revisio n history.
Juniper Networks assum es no responsib ility for any inaccuracies in this document. Juniper Net works reserves th e right to change, modify, transfer or
otherwise revise this publica tion w ith out notice.
Products made or sold by J uniper Networks (including the ERX-310, ER X-705, ERX -710, ERX-1410, ERX-1440, M5, M7i, M10, M10i, M 20, M40, M 40e,
M160 , M 320, and T320 routers, T640 routing node, and th e JUNOS and SDX -300 softw are) or co mponent s thereof might be covered by one or mo re of th e
following patents that are owne d by or lic ensed to Juniper Networks : U .S. Patent Nos. 5,473,599, 5 ,905,725, 5,90 9,440, 6, 192,051, 6,333,650, 6,359,479,
6,406,312, 6,4 29,706, 6,459,579, 6,493, 347, 6 ,538,518, 6,538,899, 6,552,918, 6,567,902, 6,578 ,186, and 6,590,785.
Juniper N etworks hardware and sof tware products are Year 2000 co mp liant. The JUNOS software has no known t ime-related limitations th rough t he year
2038. However, the NTP application is known to have som e difficulty in the year 2036.
The terms and c onditions for using this softw are are desc r ibed in the sof tware license contained in the ackn owledgm en t to your purchase order or, to th e
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Juniper Networks Web site at www.juniper.net/techpubs.